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Libby Lehman update

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    Oh such good news! Prayers continue for as long as it takes.

    "Neglect not the gift that is within you..." -1 Timothy 4:14
    Betty Jo


      Such wonderful news

      Taree NSW - Australia
      My motto in life: live by the three GGG’s - be Grateful, be Gracious, be Gorgeous to yourself


        Alex and Ricky are working on something that is going to be a huge help to Libby's family, so please stay tuned and participate if you can. Look for an e-mail update in the next few days.

        In the meantime, Alex asked that I share with you the fact that Libby's family is absolutely blown away by the response from the quilting community. One of the things that has been a huge blessing for them is the Caring Bridge Journal. Through this link, the family posts updates frequently and there is a place for supporters to post comments. We are told that the comments mean SO MUCH to the family, and that they read each and every one to Libby.

        If you would like to keep up with Libby and support the family with your messages, please sign up at: http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/libbylehman
        You can choose to get updates sent directly to your e-mail address.

        Please remember that they do not need to receive quilts, but if you want to make one and sell or auction it to help them deal with medical expenses, please feel free to do so.
        This is going to be an extremely costly recovery and all contributions will be greatly appreciated.

        It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
        That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


          Wonderful news, indeed!! My whole day was brighter!!


            Originally posted by JOHNANDERSON
            Libby and family are facing a long recovery and medical funds end soon. TQS is going to send an email soon with a easy way to help Libby and her family during this crisis. Thank you all for your care and support.
            Will keep our email programs up and running. Will wait for the call to Action!!!

            Count on me.


              I found that for international members it was a bit confusing to do these auction things and what else is suggested to help Libby, so I wrote Bill Arnold and asked if it was possible that they set up a Paypal account so we could make a monthly donation as long as it is needed and that I would post his answer here on the forum. He wrote back, that he would get back to me with the information. I have now received his answer with the information, so here is for all of you. Another way to contribute.
              His full answer is here:

              Dear Norma,

              Again, thanks for your very thoughtful note and offer of support.
              The PayPal account is now up and running. Cathy just made a contribution as a test.
              The email account under PayPal is mailto:[email protected] . The process seems to be remarkably straightforward. You will see my name associated with the account as trustee because of Libby's current incapacitation. If you don't already have a PayPal account they are surprisingly easy to set up in a few minutes. Gifts can be charged to a credit card or linked to your bank account.
              Libby is beginning to show the progress so many of us have prayed for and is undergoing three forms of physical therapy each day. We look forward to a time when she will comprehend again just how blessed she is to have friends around the world.

              With best wishes,

              This is the way, I want to do it and I hope others will follow

              living in Central Denmark
              Charlie Brown: The secret is to look fantastic at a distance


                Thanks for this Norma as it is far better for us outside the USA

                Taree NSW - Australia
                My motto in life: live by the three GGG’s - be Grateful, be Gracious, be Gorgeous to yourself


                  Thanks from me ,too, Norma ! I'm sure I'm not alone in not being able to support in other
                  efforts...but happy to lend my small dollars to a growing fund !!


                    Paypal might make it easier for us in the US as well. Small donations are possible or ones from credit cards. Those of us that don't have a lot of cash flow right now (me included) can benefit from that access. I'm sure thequiltshow staff monitors this forum, but it might be a good idea to forward that email for another way to help out Libby.

                    Thank Zarah for exploring that!


                      Clara, I forwarded that info to John as soon as Norma posted it.

                      It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                      That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                        Yep, Paypal is definitely the easiest way to get money around the world

                        It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                        That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                          Norma, thank you so much for doing this. Definitely good for international members, friends, supporters.

                          In leafy Berkshire, south of England.


                            Please check out what John had to say on the Daily Blog!

                            To make it easier to contribute (very helpful to International viewers) a Paypal account has been added. Thank you to Norma for spearheading this approach. The PayPal email account is

                            mailto:[email protected]

                            Please fill out the contest entry for Alex and Ricky's quilts and just say you paid through Paypal. We want you to be in the running for the quilts.

                            More info about Alex and Ricky's quilts here: /

                            It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                            That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                              This is great. Thank you, Margo, for taking the decision on sending it to John. I was thinking of it but did not want to diminish what TQS had set up. I'm so happy that they allow us to be in the drawing for Ricky's and Alex's quilts this way also. Thanks again.

                              To all others: thanks , I'm glad you appreciate it

                              living in Central Denmark
                              Charlie Brown: The secret is to look fantastic at a distance


                                Ithas been a long time, Libby is in my thoughts and prayers. She is an awesome lady. Prayers go out for Libby and her family, and friends. Eileen


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