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Libby Lehman update

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    Thank you for the updates, I too am not on FB. I took a class with Libby couple of years ago in Houston, it was so much fun. She truly is a great teacher and just loves to have fun. Libby and her family continue in my thoughts and prayers.


      Like all of you, I have been so saddened by Libby's illness. I wish Libby and her family peace and healing.

      BJ has come up with an excellent idea. I work with lots of people who are stroke victims as well as others with serious health issues who live in nursing homes. Lots and lots of these people, who live in almost every community, would enjoy a quilt or even some companionship. Please think about channeling your love and concern for Libby towards these needy people. I don't know Libby personally but have enjoyed her classes and videos. I suspect she would be pleased to know that quilters are "paying it forward" on her behalf.

      Take care my friends,

      Geneva Carroll
      in Northern California


        1:00 EDT from Alex's facebook post:

        Typically Ricky calls Lester - but today I got the privilege to talk to him first hand.

        Libby is about the same.

        The infections are under control. the hospital isn't overly concerned about them because they are common for anyone who is in a hospital for an extended amount of time.

        Silver lining: She doesn't have a staff infection.

        The doctors will soon (probably this afternoon) be removing the tube down her throat and insert a trach. A food tube has also been inserted directly into her stomach.

        Silver Lining: Occasionally she twitches and moves on her left hand side - even when not prompted by the Doctor

        The doctors thought that she might start waking u n her own this weekend - but now it may be a little longer than that. She is still in serious critical condition, but things seem to be stable.

        SUPER SILVER LINING: Perhaps the BEST thing Lester said is that when it is time for rehab, she will be in the same facility that Gabrielle Giffords went to - three buildings away.

        In addition to praying for Libby - please keep the entire family in your hearts. As for all of us, shock doesn't beging to describe any of this.

        It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
        That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


          I have been thinking alot about Libby and remembering her in my prayers, but I also have concern for the entire TQS staff. I know there was a Super Seminar in Michigan last week. I can't imagine how difficult that must have been trying to fill her spot and stay upbeat the entire time. I know they are family and this must be oh so difficult. Let's keep praying that things continue to improve. Thanks for the news once again. It's good to know what's happening.


            RICKY AND ALEX did a great job teaching LIBBY'S class even thought they were handi capped by not having Libby's quilts available. Ricky even wore a "LIBBY VEST." YOU could tell Libby was in their thoughts. A prayer quilt with KNOTS and prayers were sent by our group. The minister who is pastor of the church we were in led us in a prayer on one of the evenings. I came away with good understanding of Libby's thread and felt Ricky and Alex did a great job.

            Lady Rags


              Thanks for sharing that with us Anna. I know that the Seminar must have been difficult for them to get through while they were so worried about Libby.

              It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
              That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                Thanks Nonnie, I was wondering how they handled it. I was sure it would have been, very professionally, as usual. Never-the-less, it had to have been difficult. Hats off to Alex, Ricky and the rest of the crew for carrying it off. ....top rate people through and through!


                  Ricky posted a few minutes ago

                  Libby Update - Great News!

                  Great news will be measured in baby steps. And a significant baby step happened today.

                  Libby is waking up! Lester was with her twice this morning. She was awake for 20 minutes the first time and about 30 minutes the second time. She responded to his voice by blinking and raising an eyebrow. As you can imagine, this was a great relief since it is the first signs of returning to continuousness since the surgery last Wednesday.

                  She is still in critical but stable condition. This status is predicted to remain until Tuesday or even later. But we can all celebrate this change of events.

                  Pelase send cards (humorous or otherwise), and quilted cards to:

                  Libby Lehman
                  617 Caroline
                  Houston, TX 77002.

                  Coast of South Carolina USA
                  Sewing/Quilting on my Viking Sapphire 870


                    Pam, thank you for posting this latest update on Libby. It is wonderful news. Let's all keep sending our prayers.


                      This is really good news, so glad to hear it! And thanks Ricky for keeping all in the loop on your Facebook page, thanks to those who are updated this posting as well.


                        Every minute detail of improvement in Libby is great news to hear. Thanks to those of you who are on FB and keeping the rest of us up to speed.


                          Here's Ricky's update post for today, Saturday May 11, 2013--more good news

                          Ricky Tims

                          Libby Update for Saturday -
                          During Lester's visit this morning Libby was awake and a bit more responsive than yesterday. She is unable to speak right now, but she communicated by blinking her eyes in order to answer questions. She also smiled at Lester a few times. She is moving her head left to right a bit and she squeezed Lester's hand several times - once was a strong squeeze. She remains in critical condition, but we can celebrate another baby step in the right direction this morning.

                          North Alabama, USA
                          "I am a part of all that I have met" A. Lord Tennyson


                            That is fantastic news, thanks for posting. Come on Libby we know you can do it.


                              Originally posted by Reetzbobeetz
                              That is fantastic news, thanks for posting. Come on Libby we know you can do it.
                              My sentiments exactly!

                              from the Piedmont of North Carolina


                                Ricky Tims

                                Libby Update for Sunday - Mother's Day. Sunday May 12

                                Libby is still in critical condition. She is waking for longer periods of time and was a bit more responsive this morning when Lester was there. She obviously smiled at Lester and squeezed his hand more and stronger than yesterday.

                                Your prayers are appreciated.

                                In leafy Berkshire, south of England.


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