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    Rosemary, you ALWAYS crack me up!!! LOL


      Too funny, Rosemary!!! :lol:


        Originally posted by PosyP
        Originally posted by Renata
        Lotti, how about when you wash and hang starched fabrics in the shower to dry? :lol: :lol: :lol:
        Well as long as she doesn't mix up her starch for shampoo she should be alright :wink:
        It would be good if she needed a really stiff hairdo. :lol: Might be cheaper than hair gel or hair spray too. 8) :lol:


          hmmm....but if it rained :shock:

          Mug rugger and lounge lizard


            But the rain affects hair gel and hair spray too Wendy. An umbrella is the solution. :lol:


              I might just have to try that starch hairdo tomorrow, going to be a busy, rush about and rather steamy day... It's "Santa Claus Day". Saint Nicholas day - which here is celebrated by st. Nich. Visiting the families bringing tangerines, nuts, spiced breads and other goodies to the 'good' children, and having his assistant (dressed all in black), taking the switch to the 'bad' kiddies... Of course these days that part is mainly symbolic and the assistant generally carries the large bag of goodies...
              So at our office w
              I prepare large bowls of unshelled, roasted peanuts, clementines, cookies, dates, figs, chocolates, etc... For everyone to enjoy during our morning coffee break. (We're just under 180 people at my office, so quite a few bags of stuff I bought today).

              Then at lunch tomorrow, we're having another 'soup day'. Our boss sponsored the food, my colleague and I do the preparing and cooking - and all the money our colleagues pay for the soup luncheon (goulash and vegetable soups, lots of different breads, and then cakes, cookies & leftovers from the coffee break for desert), goes to the annual fundraiser one of our main radio stations organizes each year - three of their most popular commentators spend a week in a glass sound studio that is set up on the plaza near the main train station in Lucerne - the whole weeks radio program is done live from there, televised 24/24, so that we can also watch, huge crowds generally visit all week, we can donate by phone, text message, email, PayPal, postal order, bank transfer and they also have a glass money box inside they're box where we can go bring our cash on site (and get filmed doing so- sometimes they interview the people bringing money - musicians go and play special concerts on site - there's an auction where you can have your home town shown on the evening weather news program, all kinds of personalities auction off personal items and events... Etc. etc. the whole thing is called JRZ Jeder Rappen Zaehlt, which means: Every Penny Counts. this year they've added the subtitle 'Jeder Tropfen Hilft". Every Drop Helps. As the money will go to various caritas projects to dig wells, and generally providing clean drinking water and sanitary conditions in many places needed. It's our most popular fund raiser and people from all areas and of all ages participate and do their fund raising events throughout the year and during the week. So- tomorrow I get to do my bit. And will need a bit of hair-starch and extra energy ...

              So I better sign off and get some sleep - have to be at the bakery at half past seven...
              Lotti, Kuessnacht - Switzerland


                lotti, it sounds like in the netherlands! the glass house of the radio presenter for charity, and st. nicolaas as well on the 5th for kids.
                i live as well a lone, i thought to move the quilt corner in the living room to one of the bed rooms but i feel cozier in the living room so i decided to leave it there. it is a little bit messy but ...the cats dont mind.
                i iron on play wood that i asked to cut 2 meter on 80 cm, covered it with bedding and on it with canvas (i got the way from sharon schamber) and i got some small ones as well, very useful. about the iron, this is my 5th iron, from tfal, it is great (until further notice..).
                enjoy the holiday every body !!!
                Lotti, Kuessnacht - Switzerland


                  Hello Becky, I had heard about the radio folks in the nl doing the same thing... Here they're now on the fourth year and loving it. Today we had about 80 people attending our soup day and I had asked a 'donation' of five franks from each person, many gave more and we ended up with the day's total being 813.15 Swiss franks, that is about 872 US$
                  So I'm quite happy with the result. We'll leave a collection kitty up until the 19th when we will go and visit the 'glass box' to bring our donation, so I hope to get a bit more

                  Tomorrow afternoon I get to test drive the new ford fiesta, hopefully early next week the Hyundai i20 and the Dacia sandero... Then I'll decide on my x-mas prezzie to myself... Not a planned prezzie at all, but my Subaru has gotten called up for inspection, and if I want to keep it on the road past December 27th, I'll have to invest at least three grand, and that's way too much for a twentyone year old car and with the other work that will be coming up in a year or so... Breaks, transmission, etc.

                  Please let me fall in love with one of the cheaper models (ha - when pigs learn to fly)
                  Lotti, Kuessnacht - Switzerland


                    Please let me fall in love with one of the cheaper models (ha - when pigs learn to fly)[/quote]

                    That would not be possible in my house :evil: I always fall in love with the most expensive even without knowing the price. Go for the one you love and you'll never regret it.

                    living in Central Denmark
                    Charlie Brown: The secret is to look fantastic at a distance


                      Especialy if you want it to last another twentyone years... :wink:

                      living in Central Denmark
                      Charlie Brown: The secret is to look fantastic at a distance


                        that is great!
                        enjoy the test drive! and choose the best for you! and the most safe as well. there are lot of information in the internet comparing car safety detials that can be very useful in this situation.
                        wow, so much money that is great! bless you all!!
                        enjoy the most of the season, have great great time all the TQS family!

                        living in Central Denmark
                        Charlie Brown: The secret is to look fantastic at a distance


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