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Jan Krentz show

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    Jan Krentz show

    Currently, there is a long string about how wonderful the Quilt Show is and I totally agree.

    However, I watched the Jan Krentz show yesterday and found it to be well, condescending. I was very surprised but how long can someone display different types of stripes and babble about it.

    Occasionally there are segments that I don't enjoy but there are normally interesting parts.

    I would like to know if others found this show flat or is it just me. I separated this topic from the long string because I really want to hear your positive and negative feelings about this show.
    From the edge of Sherwood Forest, home of Robin Hood

    I enjoyed it, but I love stripes.

    Coast of South Carolina USA
    Sewing/Quilting on my Viking Sapphire 870


      Depending on your level of expertise perhaps that show might seem condesending. I like that part of the mission of TQS is to bring in new quilters and to appeal to many different levels of skill. I sometimes think of myself as an experienced quilter, but have a rude awakening when I review shows or classes intended for newbies and find I still have a lot to learn, or someone found a better way since I first learned that skill.


        For me, it wasn't the most enlightening show I've seen, but I didn't find it condescending, either. But maybe I find "condescending" to be a harsher word than you do (vocabulary can be so misunderstood). It inspired me to think about using stripes better in my quilts but just happens to be one of the shows that isn't pushing me to create a new project. I probably won't watch it as repeatedly as some of the other shows, but I think it was still a good and useful show.



          Chessie....I'm thinkin' that if you are very comfortable using striped fabric and an advanced geometric quilter, then her
          beginner approach may have proved a bit boring to you. Well, I also think you would be in the minority...most
          don't get with the stripes too much. This program opens up a whole new avenue, especially in the more modern
          and artistic designs. I am mostly traditional in approach...and yet those stripes really add zing when you take the
          time to place them. Jan Krentz gives through detailed instructions ..I love her books ! Perhaps you challenges are


            I appreciate the forum and the feedback I have received. I will consider this particular show to be aimed at the beginning quilter who needs to understand how fabric is made.


              Well..we were all beginners one upon a time !


                Sorry I found it fascinating but I've not really thought about stripes much before. I guess there was some basic stuff in it but the shows try and cater for all levels so you're probably not going to relate to all parts of every show.

                Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                  I'm interested in the actual topic, but would have liked to see a little more demonstrations about how to cut stripes and make them work. Sometimes you have to use a show as a starting point and then go and do your own investigating/experimenting. Like so many of the TQS shows, I really need to find the time to watch it two or three times in order to get the most out of it.
                  From the edge of Sherwood Forest, home of Robin Hood


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