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quilting and cats

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    quilting and cats

    I just adopted an adult cat. I have never had a cat before, but was told that he was the perfect cat for a new cat owner. Any time I sit down, he is in my lap, and he is a BIG cat. I assume some of this is his adjusting to a new home--he was rescued with injuries and is now back in good health. Though some of my cat owning friends are saying that could be his personality--very affectionate. How will I ever get anything done!?!? Based on profile pictures, a lot of you are cat lovers. Any helpful advice?

    No you are doomed. Whenever I get a quilt to photograph it one of my cats sits on it. When I sit at my machine one sits in front of it. If I have some pieces laid out ...yes they'll help me.

    Congratulations Sue for giving the poor boy a lovely home with lots of quilts for him to snuggle in. Perhaps you should start by making him his own one.

    Mug rugger and lounge lizard


      Sue - Congratulations on your new cat!! I've been a cat owner (or is it owned by cats???) for most of my life. Yes, every cat has its own personality. Right now, I have two cats who are litter mates, a boy and a girl. The boy is much more affectionate. The girl loves to sit on my lap, but tends to like to be left alone there. And if you pick her up, it's only seconds before she leans out to let you know that she wants down. The boy will stay in my arms for much longer.

      Don't despair. You can actually teach your cat that sometimes it's okay to snuggle and other times it's not. Just keep putting him down if he's jumping into your lap at the wrong time. It often takes a lot of work because cats can be quite persistent. But they can and will learn. And if you give them enough snuggling and loving at other times, it'll all work out in the end. They sleep on average something like 14 hours a day, so you should have plenty of time to get things done while still loving your new family member!




        Congratulations on your new cat, Sue! I too have a BIG affectionate cat. He doesn't jump up on anything anymore, too old now. He does like to go in my sewing room and lie down on fabric there. They all have different personalities, and as you say may be needing a lot of attention right now due to his new life. He may soon settle in and be comfortable enough to be near but not on your lap.

        By the way, whenever I put a new quilt out on the floor to take a look at it, mine immediately wakes up, runs over and plops down right in the middle of it!



          How kind of you to give this cat a new home. I have two cats I got from shelters and they think I can't quilt without them. They are just curious. They have to make sure I bought the right fabric and press and cut it correctly and that I am sewing a straight seam.

          Mostly they want a bit of attention and then they find a comfy spot nearby, usually on one of my quilts. Every quilt I make I take a picture of them "helping" me make it.

          They only time they really get in the way is when I am hand sewing the binding down on a large quilt. My lap and a quilt, perfect place for a catnap! We just work around it.

          I give most of my quilts away and just wash the quilts first.
          I was never a "Cat" person before but now I am. Have fun with your new helper.


            Congrats on joining the "cat lover family". It certainly is possible to work with your cat around you. Just be patient with him and teach him where he can be while you work. My two cats are very often around when I sew. They have baskets with quilts made for them all around the house and when I ask them to go to the nearest basket they most often will do it. Cats react on pictures, so try to send him pics where you see him curled up in a place very near you. It almost always works with mine. I have had them since birth and they are now nine years old. When they were kittens I had to be careful when I left a project. Always had to put the backside to where the pins were, up. If I left it so they could see the pins the pulled them out. People would say that what we can do is impossible, but it's not. When I knit and they are on my lab (one at a time) I can just knit and the yarn and knitting is on top of the cat. They learned a long time ago that my yarn is forbidden stuff.
            I wish you many many happy years with your new friend.

            living in Central Denmark
            Charlie Brown: The secret is to look fantastic at a distance


              That reminds me to warn you about pins and needles. I've never had a cat that has gotten into my pins and needles, but every time I take a cat who is having tummy troubles to the vet, the first question I'm asked is if I sew. It seems that it's common for cats to be attracted to pins and to swallow them, and that's not a good thing. I keep my pin cushions in little plastic tubs when I'm not using them, just to be safe.


                Mine usually tries to take any chair I am using. There are a lot of times when she is tucked in behind me on the chair, and she is a good size cat. That means I am sitting on the edge.i have another chair in the room that I put her on, but it doesn't last long. She also sits on any stacks of blocks I am working on. eventually she gets the point to sleep where I relocate her to. I lover having her there to keep me company even though it does become a challenge at times. I believe Alex has a basket near the machine for her cat.
                Congratulations on your new addition.


                  Congratulations! You are now owned by a cat.

                  Guinness does the same. The moment I sit in a comfy chair she jumps up and sprawls all over my tummy. I had to learn how to read a book with her in the way. Guinness also used to sit right on top of the computer keyboard the moment I wanted to use it. I put a comfy velvet cushion next to the keyboard and gently pushed her in the direction of the cushion. It took about a week, but since then she jumps straight onto 'her' cushion when I use the computer, settles down and purrs.
                  From the edge of Sherwood Forest, home of Robin Hood


                    My cat Ginger likes to sit wherever there is a warm body:

                    Or a warm cupboard:

                    She sometimes helps to rearrange blocks on my design wall too - but rarely puts the ones she has taken down back up. :lol:

                    I hope you have a lovely long life together. Cats are great!


                      Ginger looks SO happy! Especially in your arms at the keyboard. Cats (and dogs) are the absolute best!!



                        Ginger is soooo cute and looks like she is right where she belongs! Ah, and don't forget, it's her house and she is letting you live in it!


                          Ginger is adorable. Yes, she likes the computer but she is quite happy about nestling in the fabric stash. She is happy to be hiding there. I think she wants more fabric. :lol: :lol: :lol: How's that for a good excuse to buy more?


                            I may have shared this one before. I moved that cushion some time ago and Guinness has not been on that chair since then.

                            From the edge of Sherwood Forest, home of Robin Hood


                              Congratulations on becoming Chief of Staff for a cat! (Dogs have owners, cats have a staff.) Mine has trained my husband to sit on the couch first thing in the morning and scratch her tummy. She approves of my quits and, for the latest, the fabric choices: they match her. She also nevers fails to get cat hair on a quit going to the local show.


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