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childs sewing machine

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    childs sewing machine

    My granddaughter 8 yrs old wants to sew and I want to buy her a sewing machine. Her Mother thinks it might be a good idea to get a machine that would be safer( not pierce her finger if she got it under the needle).

    I do not want a chain stitch machine.

    Has anyone had experience with child machines? Any ideas about what would work for an 8 year old. She is very smart (OK I know I might not be objective, but she does really well in school.)

    Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks Janet in STL

    Any machine that will actually sew will probably pierce her finger if she puts it in the wrong place!!

    If you explain to her how it works, and that the machine doesn't know the difference between fabric and fingers, she should be able to sew with supervision until you are sure that she understands what can happen if she's not careful.

    The same with the iron. Help her understand that if she touches part of it, she will get burned but that the handle is safe and isn't hot.

    We need to teach our children to respect the world they live in.

    Mary Kay posted this recently on FaceBook, and it is so true!

    "Prepare the child for the path, not the path for the child."

    It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
    That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


      Janet, I know that your granddaughter does not fall into that category, but I'll tell you anyway......

      I work with special needs children (11 to 16), and a lot of them are a lot younger than their actual age. I find the following most important:
      - Constant (but discreet) supervision. Most common reason for stopping them and 'interfering' with their sewing: They have managed to get the thread all muddles up, the machine makes a terrible noice and stops sewing, but the kid continues to step on the foot petal. 'Wonderwoman' here then has to clear all the thread out and rethread the machine.
      - Some youngers find it difficult to coordinate feet and hands, and a machine that can be stopped and started by button helps a lot.
      - Most importantly: A machine where the speed can be de- and increased. To start with, a slower maximum speed helps a lot. This can then be increased as the child gets more confident.
      - If you start a youngster on a 'kiddy-machine' they'll outgrow that machine very quickly. I would recommend a normal sewing machine, but not a large one that looks intimidating and has too many functions. I'm using Janome Jems very successfully with the kids in school. Another excellent starting machine (if you can find one second-hand) is the old Frister & Rossman Cub4. It takes a lot of abuse and continues working.
      - You should also consider that your granddaughter may actually like to use the same machine as Grandma does. I know a quilter here in the UK whose 9-year-old grandson sews on Grandma's Bernina 830.

      And above all: Have fun!
      From the edge of Sherwood Forest, home of Robin Hood


        Excellent advice, Lorchen!

        It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
        That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


          I just bought a Bernina 350 yesterday that I plan to use with my 9 year old grandson among other things. I believe the safest tools are the best tools that kids learn to use properly. I know that may be more than you want to pay, but if I were buying a sewing machine to teach a child to love to sew I think this is a wonderful machine...simple, straightforward, sews very well and can grow with the child. And it DOES have a start and stop button with a speed control to my surprise. She will be able to use it probably literally for decades. Here's a picture of him sewing on his mom's machine just before he turned 9. I learned to sew on my mom's machine starting around 6. If you get one that can't pierce her finger she is going to get very frustrated, in my humble opinion, and it might even break a needle and throw it her way.

          But Lorchen, no way am I going to let him use my Bernina 830 yet. LOL

          "Neglect not the gift that is within you..." -1 Timothy 4:14
          Betty Jo


            Also simple rules like 'Fingers are only allowed on either side of the foot, never immediatly in front of it.' If something needs holding down as it feeds towards the foot, use a wooden cocktail stick or similar.

            Start considering how you actually hold the fabric, because that is what she will be copying, and you don't really want the 'Why won't you let me do it the same way as you? arguments :wink:

            "Neglect not the gift that is within you..." -1 Timothy 4:14
            Betty Jo


              Thanks everyone for your good advice.

              I have an 830 that is great, but I am in Missouri and she is in Maryland, so the 830 is staying home, but would love for her to use it when she is visiting.

              We will be going to stay the month of August at her home and that is when we will sew. I thought maybe a small Bernina would be good, but was looking for something cheaper?

              Thanks again. Janet


                Bernina has a finger guard to protect little fingers. It attaches to the foot easily. Check with the dealer. They should be able to get it for you.


                Quilting is a Beautiful & Complicated Art!


                  Janet, You seem to have had wonderful advice from many very experienced people here. For what it's worth here is my limited and old experience. When my kids were little and wanted to sew I was able to get hold of an old manual singer machine from an elderly lady for free. It actually gave a better tension and straight stitch than my electric singer. On that they could only go as fast as they could turn the handle. They eventually graduated to using my singer, now nearly 40 years old, which was difficult to get to go any slower than a speeding train. :roll: When the time came for me to replace my singer one of the most improtant things on my shopping list was a variable speed control. That way you can set it according to their ability. I hope that you find something suitable and in the correct price bracket.

                  In leafy Berkshire, south of England.


                    Originally posted by littleflower
                    Bernina has a finger guard to protect little fingers. It attaches to the foot easily. Check with the dealer. They should be able to get it for you.


                    This is true, but your dealer might tell you that the finger guard does not exist. It used to be #99 and was an attachment to the #0 zigzag foot. The finger guard DOES EXIST...I know this because I had my Bernina dealer special order the attachment last month. They may have to call to order it. The finger guard will work on multiple feet. It attaches through the hole that is used for your seam guide (does that make sense?).


                      I have a finger guard for my Janome Jem - it's basically a bit of wire and has been on my machine precisely twice! My daughter has been using my Jem since she was 5 and copes very well with the stop/start button and a slower speed. The guard just got in our way! She's now 8 and is beginning to use my rotary cutter under close supervison too. I agree with others here that both teaching to use equipment with respect and also demonstrating that respect ourselves is the best way. Think of montessori nurseries which allow young children to use sharp knives!


                        I am thinking I should buy the machine from a dealer in her area. Since I will be leaving the machine with her.

                        I am going to get a machine with variable speed for sure, all of you think that would be a good thing and so do I.

                        Thanks again


                          Janet, you have been given lots of good advice. I will admit to starting to sew at about 6 years old on mom's old Singer. I did get my fingers pierced a few times, but that reinforced that I should keep my fingers out of the way. The last time I was jabbed by a machine was just 1 and a half years ago (about 58 years later ops: ops: ) when using the embroidery module. I guess I am a very slow learner. :lol: The point is we should all be careful. Go for a real machine and she will love it, and not grow out of it right away.


                            Just read that Luana Rubin's daughter, Sophie (8 years old) has her own Bernette and loves it, making whole quilts on it. There is an article about it in a Bernina e-magazine (issue one) on the Bernina USA site. Interesting reading.
                            From the edge of Sherwood Forest, home of Robin Hood


                              Sophie's had her Bernette for a while. I saw her with it on an episode of Quilting Arts some time ago. Very cute kid! And she added a bunch of bling to her machine to make it her own.



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