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Sewing with Nancy online

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    Sewing with Nancy online

    Hi there. I just kind of stumbled on this find that Sewing With Nancy is available online. Nancy's shows have been truly valuable to my sewing skills across the years and I was very happy to find them online because they are hard to catch even with my TIVO. They are free (but they do suggest a contribution). Here's the link: http://www.wpt.org/sewingwithnancy/

    "Neglect not the gift that is within you..." -1 Timothy 4:14
    Betty Jo

    Oh noooooo! How could you, Betty Jo! There are weeks and weeks of videos there. I would need to take a few months unpaid leave from my job in order to watch all that, and try out a lot of the projects.

    Thank you very much!
    From the edge of Sherwood Forest, home of Robin Hood


      I agree, thanks very much -
      BTW, Lorchen, I know you're busy teaching, so cannot watch the shows when you want, but we are having a student 'strike' here, and my DH is a college prof, and it is now almost 8 weeks that he hasn't taught. (I told him it's a previw of retirement for both of us! LOL) With him around so much, it's nice to be together, but I don't get so much time to sew or watch quilting videos! (but, really he is a wonderful guy!) Just don't understand that these students can hold society hostage while the exercise their 'right' to strike for free education.
      From the edge of Sherwood Forest, home of Robin Hood


        Originally posted by crocus999
        I agree, thanks very much -
        BTW, Lorchen, I know you're busy teaching, so cannot watch the shows when you want, but we are having a student 'strike' here, and my DH is a college prof, and it is now almost 8 weeks that he hasn't taught. (I told him it's a previw of retirement for both of us! LOL) With him around so much, it's nice to be together, but I don't get so much time to sew or watch quilting videos! (but, really he is a wonderful guy!) Just don't understand that these students can hold society hostage while the exercise their 'right' to strike for free education.
        JUst imagine the amount of homework they will have to do to catch up all the time/work they have missed, when they finish their strike :shock: , that is if they want to pass their exams :wink:
        From the edge of Sherwood Forest, home of Robin Hood


          Betty Jo, thanks so much for the link - I will enjoy squandering my time on them

          Terri, it is probably difficult having DH around so much when you are not used to it. My DH works from home so I am used to him being there all the time. I quite look forward to when he goes away for a few days so that I have the place to myself. But 8 weeks is a long time for the students to strike! I am not sure how that will benefit them. Do you think their demands will be met? How in the world are they going to catch up with their studies. Do they have exams in May like here?


            i tried just 2 weeks ago to register to PBS, but no success. i wanted to see nancy zeeman lessons.
            thank you ever so much!!!


              Rita, love your new pic!

              Re: Strike, it seem since the students have lost so much class time, that if/when they go back to class, the teacher's union will have to negotiate because the are to have 15 weeks of class, and up to now the've only had four. Which, if they go back soon-ish, the teachers will have to cut out their summer vacation and teach straight for 11 weeks, no 'reading week', as they usually have. However, if the teachers have to work beyond the contract stipulations, they will have to be paid double time, which is another reason these students have no idea that life is not all about them. Taxes will rise. They are protesting university tuition hikes proposed for an increase of $325 per year for the next few years. Right now, they have free college education (like community college/pre-university), and our university fees are the lowest in North America. The protest has become violent and bloody. Ugh :x One guy I know who is a cop has worked so much overtime onthe riot squad that he has taken his whole family of four to the Carribbean for a week and has just finished renovating his entire basement.

              But, this is quilting forum,not a place to rant! Sorry.


                They ought to come here and then see if thay have something to complain about! University used to be free here, then fees of £3 000 per year were brought in. It is now £9 000 per year (that is $14 398 Canadian)

                nuff said!


                  I am looking forward to trying to find time for watching the Nancy programmes, I already have an old video tape of hers that covers altering patterns and is really good.


                    My personal opinion: 'Ranting' is allowed. It's one of the many ways that we get to know eachother better without actually meeting in person.

                    I keep my fingers crossed that they'll sort something out.
                    From the edge of Sherwood Forest, home of Robin Hood


                      thanks for this link Betty Jo great place

                      Taree NSW - Australia
                      My motto in life: live by the three GGG’s - be Grateful, be Gracious, be Gorgeous to yourself


                        Oh Terri, I am sorry to hear all that - it's a shame things have to come to that isn't it? We used to have free university education here but fortunately for me at the time the fees came back in after DD no 1 finished at university. Nowadays the basic arts degree costs around €7000 per year. DD no. 2 will be finished her secondary school in June 2013 so I guess we will be into even higher fees by then! :roll:

                        P. S. BJ, I have already looked at a couple of Sewing with Nancy programmes - they're great! Thanks again for the link.


                          I have always admired Nancy's shows. They are usually simple, easy to follow, and provide an avenue to good results. On my blog from last year I talked about the people who have been my primary mentors that included Nancy (I have a few more since then that I would add). Incidentally, Laura Wasalowski whose show was on today was one of those. Here's the link to that one if you are interested:

                          http://blog.bjfabricartist.com/searc...p;dt=a&al= If that link doesn't work for you, go to my blog and find the blog for 8/7/2011 called "Let us now praise famous women (and men)" http://blog.bjfabricartist.com/

                          "Neglect not the gift that is within you..." -1 Timothy 4:14
                          Betty Jo


                            Thanks for the link, Betty Jo. I agree that Nancy's videos (shows) are so clear and helpful. I sewed clothes and home dec items (drapes, etc.) long before going more heavily into quilting, and now have 3 little granddaughters to sew for (right now it's doll clothes and a tiny quilt for the soon-to-be 6 year old.) IMHO all fabric is wonderful!
                            And we're all human, so a few rants are allowed. No-one here takes them too far anyhow, and it does let us know "whazzup" in ways that no other media does.


                              Thanks so much for the information! I went to the site and already watch my first episode. My local PBS has taken off many of our sewing quilting shows. Thanks again for sharing! Tammye


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