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sewing machine tables

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    :lol: :lol: :lol: Rita, I prefer my buns a little bigger!
    From the edge of Sherwood Forest, home of Robin Hood


      Thanks for the pics, Lorchen. The two inserts were custom cut so no refund there. I will call Tim on Monday and discuss this with him.
      My mom is doing ok sewing on the Gidget but it would be so much better to have the insert flush! What will she do if she wants to use it for actual quilting?

      And your pincushion is wonderful! I hope you're not getting all compulsive about which pins go where . This one wouldn't jump off my table so quickly.



        Kathy, 'compulsive' is not a word that's in my vocabulary.

        I hope you can sort things out. The inserts may have been 'custom cut', but no doubt they are for standard sewing machines so they should be able to take them back and give them to another customer with the same machines who doesn't mind that 'bump'.
        From the edge of Sherwood Forest, home of Robin Hood


          Lorchen, I'm going to sleep on it, as they say. We'll see how it goes when I talk to him. At least now I know that the Sew Ezi is flush.


            Originally posted by Reetzbobeetz
            Looks like a tasty plate of buns Lorchen :lol:
            Chocolate covered marshmallow teacakes, with extra decoration - drool!


              my first thought was, ukrainian easter eggs - you know, those beautiful wax painted easter eggs ...
              here, every restaurant has similar "pallets" of colorful easter eggs with a salt-cellar in the center sittin on each table for a good month before easter
              and no - i'm not hungry - actually just back from a business dinner - overstuffed and happily tired
              Lotti, Kuessnacht - Switzerland


                Poor Lotti (very sarcastic voice).... Life is so tough when you have to go out for dinner and return home full and happy!

                I also use those little round pallets (without the fabric puffs of course) when I work with beads or small buttons.
                From the edge of Sherwood Forest, home of Robin Hood


                  Update! I took one of the inserts over to the sewing machine store, and they tried it in the Gidget sewing table they had. It fit perfectly! No rattling around. But, that table did not have a "lip" for the insert to rest on. That's why it was fitting over the top of the opening. It turns out that they changed the table, and the newer tables have a lip inside the opening for a flush insert. The table the sewing machine store has, was an older model. Gina is ordering me two new inserts and they are taking back the other ones!

                  They order the inserts from a different company than the one that makes the tables. So if you order a Gidget or Gidget II table, make sure that you find out what the cutout looks like so you get the correct insert!!!!

                  Happy dance, thank you all for your encouraging words. Lorchen, I'm sorry that you won't be needing to come over here and talk with Tim - I think you two would get on very well, actually. But I would love to have witnessed the conversation!



                    WOO HOO !!


                      So glad there was an easy solution! Happy sewing to your mother!


                        Thanks, now the quilt won't drag part of the table around! That would almost be worse than having your arms up at almost shoulder height
                        with the other setup. Her sewing rooms looks so much prettier now. She's happy!


                          I'm delighted for you, Kathy, even though I have now lost that once in a lifetime opportunity to cross swords with a guy called Tim.
                          From the edge of Sherwood Forest, home of Robin Hood


                            Lorchen, I'll tell him what he missed! I may have to post a photo of my mom's sewing room when I get the new insert. Hers is much neater than mine now.l Mine is packed with fabric and projects, and the 2011 BOM is taking up a LOT of room in it.



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