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    ops: ops: ops: ops:
    I took a long time over my last post too, previewing it many, many times. I was not trying to be mean at all, it is just how that particular phrase struck me. I would also like to say that it is because I feel safe amongst friends on this forum that I was able to open up and express myself as I did. Therein can be the difficulty, do I/should I keep everything 'light and fluffy' and everyone at arm's length from everything that which 'strike's a nerve' with me or may I occasionally comment and say that I am not so sure/keen about other people's observations. I guess a good watchword would be 'If in doubt, don't!' In which case my apologies to everyone who was upset by my comment.
    ops: ops: ops: :cry:

    The internet is a great place to find out about things and forums to chat about things we love and to make lots of new friends, but it can also be a minefield as well.

    living in Central Denmark
    Charlie Brown: The secret is to look fantastic at a distance


      Like the rest of you, I am just an enthusiastic member of TQS. I don't write the rules or enforce them. In fact...we really don't have rules on the forum. I personally think that everyone has an opinion and the right to express it. I just hope that we continue to be kind to one another and make our words gentle. So far it's working great on this forum. It's a place where I feel safe and part of a caring community. Hugs....MJ

      It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
      That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


        Forum Rule No 1: There are no rules!

        Forum Rule No 2: If you upset anybody we'll just give you extra TLC and tell you that these things happen.

        Forum Rule No 3: Persistant repeat offenders have to cut the fabric for their next kingsize quilt with gardening shears, quilt it by hand with a 4 inch long darning needle, attach the binding with super glue, and then enter the quilt for Houston giving it the title: 'I promise I'll behave in future!'
        From the edge of Sherwood Forest, home of Robin Hood


          Originally posted by Lorchen
          Forum Rule No 1: There are no rules!

          Forum Rule No 2: If you upset anybody we'll just give you extra TLS and tell you that these things happen.

          Forum Rule No 3: Persistant repeat offenders have to cut the fabric for their next kingsize quilt with gardening shears, quilt it by hand with a 4 inch long darning needle, attach the binding with super glue, and then enter the quilt for Houston giving it the title: 'I promise I'll behave in future!'
          SILLY GIRL!! :lol:

          It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
          That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


            Me?? Silly?? Never!! ..... I'm German!!

            But back to Alex's request: We have just proved one of the really big downsides of online communication: We can't see, hear, or sense the mood or tone of what someone 'says', ie. writes, and that can very easily lead to misunderstandings. I have been misunderstood online and had to cope with the 'fallout' when some people were unwilling to accept apologies when I genuinely did not know what I had said to upset them. Years later it still hurts. I guess the best thing we can do is keep an eye on responses when we have posted something and as quickly as possible explain when we have been misunderstood.
            From the edge of Sherwood Forest, home of Robin Hood


              Originally posted by Margo
              Originally posted by Keith
              Keith <<< Now afraid to say anything in the Forum anymore... I thought Kathy's comment was very innocuous... like "when I got bit by the quilting bug"...

              I am sorry Rosemary had such a bad experience with her cross stitch group.

              Come on, Keith!! Don't be skeered! All opinions are allowed!

              Keith - PLEASE continue to comment. I always look forward to your blog and your posts.



                Originally posted by PosyP
                ops: ops: ops: ops:
                I took a long time over my last post too, previewing it many, many times. I was not trying to be mean at all, it is just how that particular phrase struck me. I would also like to say that it is because I feel safe amongst friends on this forum that I was able to open up and express myself as I did. Therein can be the difficulty, do I/should I keep everything 'light and fluffy' and everyone at arm's length from everything that which 'strike's a nerve' with me or may I occasionally comment and say that I am not so sure/keen about other people's observations. I guess a good watchword would be 'If in doubt, don't!' In which case my apologies to everyone who was upset by my comment.
                ops: ops: ops: :cry:

                The internet is a great place to find out about things and forums to chat about things we love and to make lots of new friends, but it can also be a minefield as well.

                We are friends here. Sometimes we just need to vent a little. I know that I'm not perfect!



                  Originally posted by PosyP
                  The internet is a great place to find out about things and forums to chat about things we love and to make lots of new friends, but it can also be a minefield as well.
                  Well said, let's go quilt or whatever else floats our boat today! Kathy


                    Oh dear! This is my bad too. ops: ops: ops: (Rosemary, I think you used way too many of those icons. ) I apologize if I reacted too strongly - especially to Rosemary. I talked to several friends at the bowling tournament today who very patiently explained to me how certain words could be understood or misunderstood.

                    Rosemary, please keep saying what's on your mind.

                    I am going to continue comment whenever a topic interests me or I think I might have a helpful insight. I do enjoy lively conversation (unlike my ice cream, which I like vanilla - with especially with little real bean flakes). I am going to try to strike a nice balance between interesting and thought provoking without being offensive. I am going to practice 'best construction'. I am going to listen to some people, but not always to others. And I'm never going to spend 45 minutes writing a Forum post again - or agonize over one. Which means I will make mistakes - but we're all human...

                    Lorchen, I love you. Eddie came in from the other room to see what I was laughing about.

                    "Hide it under a bushel - NO!!! - I'm gonna let it shine." Why don't we have musical note icons?

                    Trust me, you don't want to hear me sing, but that was one of my favorite verses of one of my favorite songs in like grade 2. :lol:

                    And sorry, I seem to be writing in the Forum instead of my blog this evening...

                    And BTW: Aauuugh!!! I missed getting paid today by 5 pins. If I'm not going to get a check, I'd rather miss by 200 than by 5... :evil:


                      Maybe we should quit stirring the pot and smoke it. LOL--I can't believe I just said that!!! Still LOL.


                        Originally posted by ritzy
                        Maybe we should quit stirring the pot and smoke it. LOL--I can't believe I just said that!!! Still LOL.

                        It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                        That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                          By request - This is the end post of this topic - YOU GUYS SAVED MY "you know what" - I put together the PPT and then reviewed your ideas. I would have left out podcasting and skype - THANK YOU!!!!! And to think I was afraid of Power point just a few years ago - Technology rocks!


                            Originally posted by AlexAnderson
                            By request - This is the end post of this topic - YOU GUYS SAVED MY "you know what" - I put together the PPT and then reviewed your ideas. I would have left out podcasting and skype - THANK YOU!!!!! And to think I was afraid of Power point just a few years ago - Technology rocks!

                            I hope that we get to see this Power Point!!

                            It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                            That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                              Thanks for the update, Alex!

                              And now I know I can say anything. =)


                                I think so many things I love about the internet have been covered in the posts. I will say TQS is my Quilt Guild. I hope it is always there as I need this place to go everyday. Also - I can only buy the thread I use on the internet. I think thread is expensive for quilt shops and the ones in my area carry only a limited supply. As I love to thread paint, where would I be without the internet? Also - I love quilting podcasts to listen to while I quilt. There are some very fine podcasters out there in quilt land.


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