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    Would some of you share a good camera to use to photograph my quilts? I would like to make a digital photo book and definitely need to upgrade my camera. Price range: about $500.

    Mary Beth, you might find some useful info here: http://www.hollyknott.com/stq/index.htm

    It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
    That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


      I also highly recommend getting a tripod to put your camera on, as this will ensure that nothing moves while the exposure is being made. Hand holding any camera in indoor lighting is going to make some camera shake.

      If you get a lighter weight camera (ie, not a DSLR that can weigh more), you don't need a big heavy tripod.

      My second hobby is photography, so I can add a bit of advice: whatever camera you get, make sure that it allows YOU to control it so you can take it off automatic and adjust color balance and shutter speed, etc. Most cameras in the price range you stated will be capable of doing this.

      Have fun!



        Thanks so much, ladies. I knew someone in our wonderful community could point me in the right direction. Mary Beth


          More than the camera.... Where will you be downloading your pictures? Camera store? Computer?
          I have a Canon PowerShot SD1400 IS Digital Elph. I have a big fancy camera ($800) I don't use because it is too much to carry around. This is my third PowerShot.... Because I keep dropping them. :-( I always go back to it. Takes great pictures and fits in my pocket when traveling. The other half is my computer that I download to. iPhoto. I can tweak, adjust whatever all I want. Then I put my pictures on, Snapfish. Get prints, make books... They do a beautiful job.


            I think the tripod is really important also.


              Thanks ya'll. You encouraged me to dig out the correct adapter for my tripod. I put my little Nikon digital camera (Costco special) on it & took a bunch of shots without the shakes.


                All right, Sue!!! Amazing how much a tripod helps.

                Nice quilt, detail, too. I see you like to quilt feathers.

                Guess I should start taking pics of my quilts and posting them to my profile, using the tripod, of course!



                  Great detail shot! hmmm, where did I put my tripod? Sandi


                    wow - fab
                    gotta take that tripod home from the office
                    Lotti, Kuessnacht - Switzerland


                      Talking of tripods, I have a dinky little one that I picked up in a Pound shop (so called cos everything is a £1) and it is great with my little Casio Exilim, but at 7.2mega pixels I find myself getting mega pixel envy when others have more than me :mrgreen: :lol:
                      Lotti, Kuessnacht - Switzerland


                        Rosemary, just remember, we have to reduce the file size anyway to post the pics here! So your megapixels are plenty, don't worry.



                          Yep, I love my pictures since I learn about a tripod.


                            Originally posted by bar7700
                            I have a big fancy camera ($800) I don't use because it is too much to carry around,
                            Because of the weight of the Canon Rebel 35 mm, though I have extra lenses and speed light that I could use, I decided to not go for the digital body and just recently bought a Kodak C195 and it has more pixels than the 35 mm photos put on CD. I can crop the photo right on the camera and I am impressed with the results. It is more than sufficient for my quilt progress photography with an occasional sidetrack for people and nature. I also saved a pile of money that I can spend on fabrics.


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