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    I consider I have been restrained..... but I need to maintain a complete collection of DVDs... So when is the 700 SERIES going to be released as a DVD? I have my change collection all sorted out and the money set aside waiting for the newest DVD.

    Lady Rags

    Lorchen... waiting for your comment!

    http://nonniequiltingdreams.wordpres...uilting Dreams

    http://<br /> <a href="http://nonnie...ants and raves

    from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
    Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ

    Oh boy, Lorchen hasn't seen this yet. I can tell. ;~0

    from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
    Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


      I've been wondering what took you so long to ask? Anna, are you growing more patient? :P Actually I have been wondering about the release of the DVDs as well.


        Golly -- is it that time already :?: :shock:

        Doesn't time fly when you're having fun :lol:



          Wow Anna how good have you been I say..........but yep gonna have to wait until we hear from Lorchen.....he he he

          Mind you I am dying to be able to buy the next series and would be interested in knowing this also....

          Taree NSW - Australia
          My motto in life: live by the three GGG’s - be Grateful, be Gracious, be Gorgeous to yourself


            Originally posted by dfrank27
            I've been wondering what took you so long to ask? Anna, are you growing more patient? :P Actually I have been wondering about the release of the DVDs as well.

            Well this is my second request for DVD SERIES 700 ..... I asked before Christmas and was told sometimes in March... well her it is March.

            I also signed up for the 800 series my first.... and all thought I love the series I love DVD BEST... I do not care for watching on a computer... my internet speed it to slow to be really enjoyable. I also have to deal with broad-brand restriction.... which means I watch the show between 2am and 7am or go to a cafe to watch the show. I dislike both options. SO IT IS DVDs FOR ME!


            Taree NSW - Australia
            My motto in life: live by the three GGG’s - be Grateful, be Gracious, be Gorgeous to yourself


              I've been struggling with bronchitis since November, so I haven't got my usual energy and only sit at the computer for a little bit of time now and then.

              Watching shows between 2am and 7am would suit be just fine. I have always been a nightowl. Maybe Anna and I need to swap places.

              Hey, Anna, have you made a project from each of the past shows yet?? That could keep you going till Series 700 arrives.

              Or.... How about making a wallhanging with the title "I'm Waiting" or "Lady-in-Waiting"??

              Going back 15 years or more my younger son's favourite film was "Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves" (I loved it too, some real eye candy for us girls in that film). He watched it so often that he was word perfect. I could turn off the sound and he would give me the whole dialogue. So, Anna, can you do that yet with any of the shows in Series 100 to 600?? :wink:
              From the edge of Sherwood Forest, home of Robin Hood


                Great idea Lorchen! There you go Anna; you have many projects to keep you busy until the DVD is released! :lol: :lol: :lol:


                  Originally posted by Lorchen
                  I've been struggling with bronchitis since November, so I haven't got my usual energy and only sit at the computer for a little bit of time now and then.

                  Watching shows between 2am and 7am would suit be just fine. I have always been a nightowl. Maybe Anna and I need to swap places.

                  Hey, Anna, have you made a project from each of the past shows yet?? That could keep you going till Series 700 arrives.

                  Or.... How about making a wallhanging with the title "I'm Waiting" or "Lady-in-Waiting"??

                  Going back 15 years or more my younger son's favorite film was "Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves" (I loved it too, some real eye candy for us girls in that film). He watched it so often that he was word perfect. I could turn off the sound and he would give me the whole dialogue. So, Anna, can you do that yet with any of the shows in Series 100 to 600?? :wink:

                  Actually I have made six blocks made from some of the techniques I wanted to try out. As they are not well executed they are destine for a scrappy sofa throw. I make the blocks whenever I have some time but do not feel like working on one of my current projects.... Mostly I work on the blocks at night after work... I just want to sew but know I am too tired to do really good work. Good time to relax and learn new techniques. I need 6 to 12 more blocks depending upon the final size of the project.

                  I am finding I really like machine applique. I plan on quilting this myself using Mary Matsuta contact paper techniques. From that show I also started making quilting labels on my backs like Robert Horton. I use my Bernina fonts on fancy fabric. I do not use the perma pens... I do not think they will hold up well.

                  Nonnie's Quilting Dreams

                  Pod cast about quilting, life, rants and raves



                    Good Morning Everyone! I just wanted to let you all know that the Series 7 DVD's are supposed to be in my office today Monday, March 7th. As soon as we get them, we will put them in the Shoppe for sale!

                    Thanks for your patience!

                    The Shoppe Gal


                      SERIES 7 IS IN THE SHOPPE AND READY TO ORDER!!!

                      The Shoppe Gal


                        GO, ANNA!!

                        It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                        That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                          Whoooosh........... where did that cold draft come from??.... Must have been Anna rushing past to order her Series 700!

                          I'm going to walk over to the shop at a sedate pace. We don't want to all try and get through the door at the same time.

                          Thank you very much for letting us know, Jeannie!
                          From the edge of Sherwood Forest, home of Robin Hood


                            Hooray! The Series 700 DVD is ready! I will wait for Anna to order her DVD too. Perhaps if I wait this time, there will be a shipping deal?? :?:


                              Mmmmmmhhhhhh....... shipping deal.....?? I have just asked Jeannie to look into that for members who live in Europe. At the moment the shipping seems to be excessive. There must be a better way. I'm looking forward to Jeannie finding a solution. If not I'll have to offer my services as a pole dancer (giggle), dogwalker, or (heaven forbid) quilter before I can afford the Series 800 dvds.
                              From the edge of Sherwood Forest, home of Robin Hood


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