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Rhapsody Quilt - 3 questions

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    Rhapsody Quilt - 3 questions

    I love the Rhapsody quilt - but I really do not want a square quilt. Would it be difficult use this method but make it into a rectangular design? I know it can be done but I'm not sure the best way to proceed. I have the main Rhapsody quilt book, but I wondered if Ricky explains converting to a different shape in one of his companion books? (I happened to notice our 9 X 12 oriental rug and realized it is basically the same design lay-out as a rhapsody quilt with a medallion center and designs radiating outward, etc., except it is rectangular).

    Question 2: I don't normally do raw-edge applique, and wondered how it holds up to washing? I intend for the quilt I'm making to be used and washed frequently.

    Question 3: just asking for opinions -- would this type of quilt be appealing in neutrals, or is the impact of the different colors what makes the rhapsody quilt so stunning?
    Thanks for any thoughts!

    1) Ricky's Rhapsody designs are all based on a square which is designed by creating 1/8 of the pattern and making mirror images to fill in all 8 sections.
    In order to make a rectangle, you would basically do the same thing, except that you would have to start with a rectangle folded into 4ths and create the design of 1/4 of the quilt to be mirrored and repeated for the entire design.

    2) For frequent washing, I would do turned edges, but maybe someone who has done fused/raw edge applique that has been laundered many times can give you more information.

    3) I would LOVE to see a neutral rhapsody!

    It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
    That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


      In Ricky's original mini lessons, he mentions "The Secret". What was that? Anyone know?


        Originally posted by PDQuilt
        In Ricky's original mini lessons, he mentions "The Secret". What was that? Anyone know?

        I think he meant his method of cutting multiple templates to mirror them on the quilt.

        taking the applique apart with the pins so as not to distort them

        anyone have other ideas.


          No, it had something to do with the stay-stitching around the outside. Ricky, please clarify this.


            Ha Ha - you guys are so funny.

            You of course have to have seen what was BEFORE to know 'the secret'. Here's what it is. When stay stitching, that breath's distance that I preach about, next to the edges of all templates - don't stay stitch along ANY outside edge along the template. That is, the outside edges of the actual quilt top. I will turn the corner on the stay stitch to indicate where the edge is, but I don't stay stitch across the full length of that particular template edge (because it is an outside edge). Remember, once stay stitching has happened, and registration marks transferred, the next step is to trim LESS than a quarter inch - slightly less, but less. That is done on all templates. HOWEVER - NOT ON THAT OUTSIDE EDGE. I usually leave that one half inch up to three-quarters of an inch. I can trim that off once the quilt is QUILTED -not prior to quilting. That enables me to square up the quilt. Also, if I trim that off in the beginning, I don't have enough edge out there to do my piped binding which is larger than 1/4 inch. Having the extra fabric allows for my wider binding and squaring, but also, by NOT stay-stiching that edge, I don't have to worry about picking out any stitches that might otherwise remain after I square the quilt - which occurs AFTER I quilt the quilt.

            Hope that helps. Unless you are actually doing this project, the above paragraph may not be clear. It's only a portion of the whole lessons which are in my book and shows 803-804. So - the SECRET is not to stay stitch or trim close along the outside edge of templates on the outermost edge of the quilt top.


              I do my rhapsody designing in Corel Draw on my computer. I do as Ricky teaches and create 1/8th of the square which is a right triangle. I then duplicate, rotate and mirror image until I have the full square. Designing on the computer also gives me the option of putting the other point into the center. Some times that is more pleasing. I then change the vector drawing into a bitmap and paint it in Corel Photo Paint. At this point, I have the ability to stretch it into a rectangle before I print it on Bubblejet Set treated fabric. The small rectangular Rhapsody designs can be seen on my profile. So the answer to the question: Can these designs be made as a rectangle? is yes.
              Betty Ann


                Thanks, Betty - I knew there must be a way to make a rectangular Rhapsody,but was a little unsure how to go about it. I like the idea of designing it and then letting the computer stretch it! I don't have Corel, but I might try using different program. I did go to your profile and looked at your designs - wow! Very nice!


                  Thanks, Ricky -I knew I was on the right track about "the secret" - looking forward to creating a SPECTACULAR Rhapsody quilt...in the near future!


                    whoo hoo!


                      Ya gotta love him!


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