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How do I smooth out ridges in a cutting mat?

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    Charlie was great! He was out of town on business when I called and suggested that I call him back if I didn't get an acceptable reply from OLFA. I don't recall a mat care slip about soaking the mat in water, but I will check to see if I did.

    Anyway, I just wanted to say that I got an email today stating that my replacement rotating rotary mat was shipped to me today. Yippee!


      Good for you!! Glad to hear that Olfa gave you good customer service!

      It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
      That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


        I don't remember any info. telling me to soak mine either.

        It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
        That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


          I received my new mat via FedEx on Tuesday. I saw the FedEx truck leaving as I was arriving home from running errands, so the package didn't sit outside on my front porch in our 98 degree weather for long. The high temps could have ruined it. My fingers are crossed that I won't have a similar problem with the new mat.

          There was no mention in the package to soak the mat.

          It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
          That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


            More good news! I received a replacement mat today too!! There was no e-mail contact in the package, but it was sent from worldkitchen.com. :shock:

            Since I can't send them a note of appreciation for excellent customer service, I'll just spread the word here. I'm very pleased, and will put the new mat right to work!

            (nothing about soaking it in the package info)

            It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
            That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


              Originally posted by Margo
              More good news! I received a replacement mat today too!! There was no e-mail contact in the package, but it was sent from worldkitchen.com. :shock:

              Since I can't send them a note of appreciation for excellent customer service, I'll just spread the word here. I'm very pleased, and will put the new mat right to work!

              (nothing about soaking it in the package info)
              Congratulations, Margo! We have to thank Dawn for initiating this thread, because otherwise we likely wouldn't have our new mats! That far exceeded my expectations. Thanks Dawn!

              It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
              That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                DITTO!! Thanks Dawn!! I wish we had helped you get the ridges out of your mat.... ops:

                It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                  You are welcome! And, I am so very glad that you both got great results by pursuing your particular problem with the Olfa turn table mat! Although I have had mine for many years, it is in pristine condition. I just keep forgetting to use it! But, I will be careful now to not continually cut in the same place, after seeing yours! (Should I soak it in water prior to using?) It would probably be quite handy for cutting off the bunny ears and trimming my HSTs. But my huge cutting table with the large cutting mat is what I always head for, by habit. It is not an Olfa, but a KOALA, and very soft. Margo, don't worry about not solving my problem, as I did come up with a solution that I stated earlier in this thread.

                  In beautiful Northwest Montana


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