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What is your 2011 Quilty Resolutions??

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    What is your 2011 Quilty Resolutions??

    I posted on my blog the UFO list according to my new criteria and priority for finishing the project. The list is raw and I plan to refine it in the future.


    Nonnie AKA Lady Rags

    http://nonniequiltingdreams.wordpress.com/ Nonnie’s Blog My Blog

    http://nonniesquiltingdreams.podbean.com/ Nonnie’s Quilting Dream Podcast Pod cast link

    email me at: mailto:[email protected]

    One INDIRECTLY quilty resolution.... podcast on a regular basis ... I usually talk about what I am doing right now. Who said an old dog can not learn new tricks.

    My quilty resolution is - I want to be a thinner quilter. 8)


      My quilt resolution is to start and complete the Judy Neimeyer's double wedding ring pattern by October 6th for my daughter's wedding. Wish me luck.


        2011 seems exciting to me quilt wise:
        I have four quilts at various stages that I plan to finish in 2011: 1) The Knight quilt (designed, background completed, ready for the embroidery and applique); 2) My Hoffman Challenge 2011 (fabric in hand, design almost completed); 3) the applique 2010 BOM Hugs and Kisses (3 months done); and 4) another art quilt called "Fantasy Writer" that I have partially drawn and it will be the most complex. I plan to NOT worry about deadlines except for the Hoffman Challenge quilt, and just enjoy my quilting. AND, I MAY retire late next year if everything works out right. And I plan to get to be a thinner quilter. :shock:

        "Neglect not the gift that is within you..." -1 Timothy 4:14
        Betty Jo


          My only resolution is to finish all my little UFO's that I found stashed away on the shelves in
          my sewing room. I'm in a mood to finish, so far I'm working that pile down. At least one of
          them is going to go to the NICU at my hospital where I work. It was made and quilted at least 10 years
          ago, don't know why I didn't just bind it! Maybe it was just waiting for the NICU to be finished.
          Oh, I'd like to resolve to be a thinner quilter too!


            I really, really want to finish these UFOs!


              I hope to make some quilts from the fabric I already have, which is more than I've seen in some quilt shops. I once said I would slow down buying new fabric,but that did not last long. I will be more productive this next year.
              With the new year, I changed my photo. I stopped coloring my hair, just decided I didn't mind the gray and white, and I lost some weight soooooo I needed a new picture. Happy Holidays to all my buddies here on TQS. Betty Ann in Sunny Florida


                I need to get back to and finish this year's BOM "Star Crazy" so I can start on "Ruffled Roses"!


                  Hey BettyAnn! LUV the new profile photo!! I would recognize you now if we met!

                  It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                  That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                    Not to work on any more than 3 projects at a time. The 2011 BOM will be project #3 so that means I have to finish one of my current projects before starting anything else new. My projects are considered finished once the piecing is done, so the projects that need quilted or the ones waiting for binding don't count. And I hope to finish a few of my UFO's.


                      I have to smile at this forum topic! Way back in December of 2007 someone posted the same question, and I responded that I wanted to help other people learn to love quilting! And here I am the "Forum Housemother"!!!! :lol: Who'd a thunk it!

                      I'm afraid to make a resolution for next year! :roll:

                      It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                      That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                        Originally posted by Margo
                        I have to smile at this forum topic! Way back in December of 2007 someone posted the same question, and I responded that I wanted to help other people learn to love quilting! And here I am the "Forum Housemother"!!!! :lol: Who'd a thunk it!

                        I'm afraid to make a resolution for next year! :roll:
                        Margo, I think you are doing great, it is so so nice to have such a lovely and knowledgeable "Forum Housemother".

                        Margarita, In Auburn, CA Thinking about her quilty resolution for 2011, will be back next week with it.

                        It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                        That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                          Sorry Friends, I do not make New Year Resolutions. So often 'life' interferes with the best plans, or priorities change. I'm 58 now and have only learned over the last few years that I have to be kind to myself and avoid unnecessary stress. My job provides plenty of tension and stress every day.
                          From the edge of Sherwood Forest, home of Robin Hood


                            I'm hoping to finally get a chance to quilt my 2008 BOM. That means to not keep putting other quilting projects ahead of it. A bonus would be to finish piecing the other two.

                            Fi in No. California


                              I have to do some thinking about this so I'll be back if I decided to make any.

                              Betty Ann-Looking good!!

                              Margo, you try to keep us in line and you are a PRO!

                              from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                              Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


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