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    Question about WHAT CONSTITUTES A STASH ?

    I am asking this because I am in several up coming challenges where you are suppose to use fabric from your stash, so I was wondering what qualify as from your stash?

    Is it out of your stash if you bought the fabric specifically for a project? The project you are now working on.

    Is it stash fabric if you bought it cause you like it .... but had no idea of what project you would use it for.

    Does it count if you bought the fabric for the quilt ... last week... or 6 months / 6 years ago... just never started the project.

    I have been wrestling with this problem for a while. The discussion came up in several different quilt groups I belong too. Since I am not sure where I stand I thought I would bring the question here.

    In leafy Berkshire, south of England.

    I don't really know what would qualify, but we had this discussion recently at a group I attend. One of our collective goals for next year is to use up our scraps -- our leader is trying to get a contest going for the person who makes the most items (or most square inches) of a quilted something out of our scraps or stash. After much discussion, we agreed we could only use material that we have in our possession on December 31st of this year, and it has to be projects we start after that. No piece bigger than 6 inches square, but we can certainly cut pieces that are bigger than that up. Ought to be interesting ... :wink:


      If I haven't bought it yet, it's in my stash! :lol:

      Edited to explain that I don't mean I already have every piece of fabric! :roll: Just that if I already own it, it's called stash!

      It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
      That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


        If it is stash fabric, I would say that it is fabric that is in your possession at the time that the challenge starts. It can be fabric that you bought for a project but have not used it or it can be fabric that you bought because it spoke to you.
        Stash is your individual collection of fabric that you bought or someone gave to you.

        Coast of South Carolina USA
        Sewing/Quilting on my Viking Sapphire 870


          Originally posted by pamo65
          If it is stash fabric, I would say that it is fabric that is in your possession at the time that the challenge starts. It can be fabric that you bought for a project but have not used it or it can be fabric that you bought because it spoke to you.
          Stash is your individual collection of fabric that you bought or someone gave to you.
          I agree 100% with pam065

          In leafy Berkshire, south of England.


            For me, working from "my stash" means that I do not have to leave my sewing area/house to obtain any fabric for the project.

            In leafy Berkshire, south of England.


              Yes, I agree with the others that my stash is ALL of the fabric that I have in my possession. If I am to pull from my stash, I am to use fabric that I already have, regarless what it's original intent was.

              In beautiful Northwest Montana


                Ditto. Anything on hand is game in a stash project.


                  Is it cheating if you find the perfect fat quarter to go with that stash project??? :shock: :lol: :roll: :wink: Sandi


                    Does that include backing? Of course, there is a lot of fabric I no longer am in love with -- and sometimes don't care for at all -- so that often ends up on the back of quilts. I just don't buy backing anymore.


                      Sandi, Yes. it isn't a stash if you don't already have it before the project is started. But if you happen to "need" it for another project, then decide it isn't quite right? Well who are we to stop you from wasting your money. 8)


                        I find that the reality is, no matter how large my stash is (and I have a few friends who do envy mine) I invariably discover that I am missing at least one particular color/value or yardage to make some projects. So sometimes a "stash quilt" does need just a little extra boost of new fabric. However, if it is to be a scrap quilt, then everything, including the backing, I try to pull from the current stash.


                          I must admit that I don't understand the problem.

                          Whatever fabric is in my house (under the table, in a cupboard, behind the sofa, on the spare bed, cut or uncut, kept for a specific project or not, ugly or gorgeous, pre-washed or not, used as insulation in the loft, giggle ....) is part of my stash.
                          From the edge of Sherwood Forest, home of Robin Hood


                            Originally posted by Lorchen
                            I must admit that I don't understand the problem.

                            Whatever fabric is in my house (under the table, in a cupboard, behind the sofa, on the spare bed, cut or uncut, kept for a specific project or not, ugly or gorgeous, pre-washed or not, used as insulation in the loft, giggle ....) is part of my stash.
                            Yeah!! What she said!! :lol:

                            It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                            That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                              Originally posted by Lorchen
                              I must admit that I don't understand the problem.

                              Whatever fabric is in my house (under the table, in a cupboard, behind the sofa, on the spare bed, cut or uncut, kept for a specific project or not, ugly or gorgeous, pre-washed or not, used as insulation in the loft, giggle ....) is part of my stash.
                              Lorchen, perfect definition! :lol: :lol: :lol:

                              "Neglect not the gift that is within you..." -1 Timothy 4:14
                              Betty Jo


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