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    I have made a quilt I am suppose to finish by this Thursday ( long story, but not for here) It was a bargello sew and flip pattern that has given me nothing but FITS! I have the borders on BUT do not want to do the machine quilting required to finish the quilt. Been playing all day on the internet and doing busy work to avoid finishing this quilt.

    I tried working on it several times but gave up after a few more problems / tension difficulties developed... I swear the thing is cursed.

    Anyways I was wondering what you ladies do to get over procrastionation blues.

    Lady Rags


    Picture on my blog...the July 18th post. That is the start of the quilt. I now have all the squares on and a 6 inch boarder... Made a large sofa throw. I will try to post an updated picture.

    One small area I am going to applique a breast cancer ribbon over where the seam came apart... I miss sewed.

    I am going to work on it today cause it has to be ready tomorrow if I want to raffle it off.... I did not tell anyone I was doing this so if it does not get done.... I was thinking of giving it to the co worker with Cancer.
    From the edge of Sherwood Forest, home of Robin Hood

    This is the quilt I am talking about... been like this for two weeks... YOU would think I could get motivated especially for a worthy deadline... but NO not me. The picture is fuzzy cause I had a dirty lens but I do not have time to play with it.

    Back to my original questions... HOW DO YOU STOP PROCRASTINATION.

    From the edge of Sherwood Forest, home of Robin Hood


      I believe those become UFO's. BTW, that is a beautiful quilt. Judy in AZ


        Sorry can't help as I have the same problem. Volunteered to quilt a top which my friend (deceased) made. Have procrastinated starting it for a year. They finally started it in July...but ran into problems trying to pin it as it wasn't square. Took me time to decide to remove the borders and then block it. I finally blocked it today...and currently waiting for it to dry. But don't know whether I'll continue or procrastinate more...
        TTFN from Judy


          When I have a project that I've procrastinated, and I really do want to get it finished, I will write it on my calendar, as if it's an appointment that I must keep. When the day/time comes, I JUST DO IT!! If I don't get it finished on the assigned day, I'll assign another day on my calendar, and work on it again until it's done.
          I can't wait to "find" time to do it....it won't happen!! I need to "make" time to do it.

          It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
          That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


            I convince myself that I can't work on anything else until it is done.

            It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
            That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


              Well I worked on it all day long and it is done... but not perfect.

              Small hole in one of the seams where it pulled away and wont line up.... BUT I AM GOING TO USE A FAVORITE FIX... A PINK RIBBON ( SAME AS THE BREAST CANCER LOGO) will be appliqued on it as soon as it is out of the dryer. ( I always wash and dry my quilts before I give them away.

              I had the DARNEST time getting it square but a friend who is an expert quilter has helped me with that... Ran out of time with the binding and ended up machine quilting it on...

              Now that I have some time to relax and it is not weighing my down... I AM BEGINNING TO LIKE THE DANG THING... I WILL LIKE IT THE MOST WHEN IT IS OUT OF MY HOUSE.

              LADY RAGS.

              It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
              That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                Originally posted by jbtaz36
                I believe those become UFO's. BTW, that is a beautiful quilt. Judy in AZ

                JUST NOT SQUARE... THE turquoise border...made it !

                Thank you... my girlfriend tells me to learn to take a complement.

                It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !



                  I evaluated my quilt on my blog and posted the newest pictures....

                  Tomorrow clean the kitchen and rearrance my sewing area .... Plan to start a small ART QUILT needed for Wednesday guild meeting. I am co chairing the ART CHALLENG with a friend and I need a sample.

                  The torando / storm we had earlier this week put me behind schedule... SERIOIUSLY ! ! !

                  It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                  That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                    I can fully relate to procrastination. I have designed a spiral quilt which I'm really excited about & want to start but need 1 more fabric which I'm hoping to find at the Brisbane Craft & Quilt Fair at the end of next week. So I thought in the meantime I would make a start at finishing the 3 Queen size quilts in my UFO drawer which need borders,quilting & binding. Unfortunately I have spent all free time yesterday & today on the computer on quilting sites & reading blogs but have done NO quilting.
                    Gael from the very unsunny (at the moment) Gold Coast, Aus.


                      Apparently I don't conquer it. I'm still working on my 2009 BOM. I did cut out fabric for the corner log cabins yesterday!! :lol:
                      Sandi in FL


                        I told myself I'd have to finish two UFOs before I can begin a new project. And I have to quilt my son's Army retirement quilt. But what did I do over the weekend? I cut fabric for two new projects. No quilting, no finishing UFOs. I did like Gael -- surfed blogs and goofed around both days. Sigh.


                          I seem to procrastinate on certain parts of the quilt making process, especially making the backing for a quilt (don't know why that is the least favourite part for me because it is not difficult). I have made a list of all the projects I have the stuff to make or have started and I am hoping that crossing things off when they are done will be an incentive to get to work and finish things sooner. I quilt solely for the enjoyment so don't worry too much about how long it takes me to complete a project but I don't like to have too many things on the go at one time.
                          Deborah W


                            Normally I don't have UFO's, but one quilt is really challenging me. Yep, the one in my gallery waiting for the picture. I'm afraid it's never going to be finished. It has teased me since I made the design 6 years ago. Made the top last year and started to quilt it this early spring, but thread breaks and I don't like, what I have done on it. I am trying to find out how I would feel, if I trashed it. The feeling is not clear yet, so I have decided to give it 1 more chance and then trash it, if it is still not cooperating. Great relief? Could be.

                            living in Central Denmark
                            Charlie Brown: The secret is to look fantastic at a distance


                              Originally posted by Zarah
                              Normally I don't have UFO's, but one quilt is really challenging me. Yep, the one in my gallery waiting for the picture. I'm afraid it's never going to be finished. It has teased me since I made the design 6 years ago. Made the top last year and started to quilt it this early spring, but thread breaks and I don't like, what I have done on it. I am trying to find out how I would feel, if I trashed it. The feeling is not clear yet, so I have decided to give it 1 more chance and then trash it, if it is still not cooperating. Great relief? Could be.
                              Please don't trash it. Send it to one of us and let us have a go at it.

                              living in Central Denmark
                              Charlie Brown: The secret is to look fantastic at a distance


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