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Does anyone have a 730e?

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    Does anyone have a 730e?

    Someone out there must have a 730e. My question is , does the software for the machine come with it, or do you have to buy a gazillion dollars worth of patterns and software to make it work? That might be a consideration if that was a choice between the new grand Bernina or the embroidery one. I have no clue myself and maybe when the winner is announced, that would be a deciding factor. Judy in AZ

    I have the 730 but, I know I was shown it all, I can't remember how much actually came with it! There is an awful lot pre programmed and you can use the memory stick or plug straight into your computer for more.

    I honestly haven't, as yet, found a use for all the embroidery so I've booked on a couple of courses to find out a bit more. I'm very aware that I'm a total novice with computerised machines. My Nan used to make all their clothes and used the embroidery on her Pffaf but I don't do clothes any more myself. Perhaps I'll do some pre embroidered blocks one day.

    Also there is the size thing. I just could not waste the amount of space the 830 takes up in my small sewing area. It's huge.


      The 730e is use out of the packaging. Having said that, I didn't use the embroidery module until I had 1 class at the dealer. I was chicken, but shouldn't have been. You do need to know how to "hoop" stabilizer. Lots of beautiful embroideries come with the machine and there is some software that comes with it. It allows you to do some editing, but...

      I'm a fanatic that got the latest version of the Designer Plus & haven't regreted that purchase for a minute. It allows you to use any clipart & turn it into embroidery...amazing.

      I also have found the internet sites that sell designs inexpensively & download instantly.

      If I didn't already have an embroidery module, I'd take the 730e prize in a second.


        Judy, I have the 730e and love it. One great thing is that you can adjust the size of your emb. design right on the machine itself. It comes with designs, but you will definitely need to buy more (I think that would apply to any machine, though). As for software, I bought the Designer Plus quite a few years ago when I bought my first Bernina embroidery machine. The software gives you unlimited possibilities. There are less expensive kinds of software available - for example, Bernina also offers Explorations software. If you enjoy embroidery, at some point, you will want to add some type of software.


          I believe the 730 comes with an Artlink CD that allows you to transfer designs from your computer to machine directly. But with the Bernina USB stick, which I believe also comes with the machine, you can transfer any .art design straight to the USB stick via Artlink or "Save As" feature. Ask your dealer about this. The USB stick has all the designs in the machine as a backup PLUS folders with more embroidery designs.

          Editing .art designs in your machine is super easy and quite extensive. Rescale, rotate, add lettering with 11 different fonts, change the lettering baselines (arch, vertical, etc), mirror image, etc. Software can easily come later and then you can choose between Artista, which is pricey but SO COOL or you can opt for Explorations with is a neat program, available in 3 levels, starting at $249. I don't own Explorations but I think it is a great program for the $$.

          Hope this answers your questions.


            Thanks for all of your help. I never win anything so I don't know why I worry so but maybe that will help the winner decide. what a nice Christmas present that would be, though. Judy in AZ


              I have a deposit on one at my LQS. Should be picking it up this week. I did have a 440qe and did an update. (xmas gift) so I printed all your notes and going to make sure I have everything to start with on one trip to the store.
              Can't wait!


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