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the prayer list

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    Prayers are going out to all of you, especially Margarita--Hope your surgery goes well.

    I am doing great so prayers of thankfullness are in order for me. I have been almost one year without any health problems that have required a physician other than my blood doctors for my regular check ups. This a record for sure!!!!! So happy dance for that.

    But life seems to hit you upside the head when you least expect it. First our good friend was diagnosed with breast cancer. So please send up prayers for Sheila. She is the primary caregiver for a husband who is blind and has Alzheimers so being ill is not a good thing in her world. Things are going reasonably well right now but prayers are need for her and her husband.

    Then we got word a few days ago that our beautiful niece who is about 40 years old and has two daughters -7 and 9- had a hemorragic (not sure of the spelling) stroke about ten days ago. She is in an excellant hospital in the Chicago area and they have done a couple of procedures to stop the bleeding but the prognosis now is at least ten more days in ICU and then another two weeks in the hospital. The good news is that her speech and physical functions are still intact but that means the damage may be in the side of the brain that affects emotions and judgement. Not trying to be the pesimest in the family but understanding the effects of strokes makes me a very worried aunt.

    So all in all please send out prayers for my family and friends and thankful prayers for me. All in all , I know. God is Good, All the Time, All the Time God is Good. Hugs, Ann


      Said some prayers Ann. I hope they are both well soon. They have people counting on them.
      Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


        I am still praying for you Margarita.

        In leafy Berkshire, south of England.


          Ann I will be thinking about your niece and hope things work out for them god bless Happy

          In leafy Berkshire, south of England.


            Been praying for you Margarita.

            Please continue to pray for Bob and Barb. They did Bob's surgery; said the tumor was larger than they thought, removed his kidney and about 14" of his intestines too; told him it was a fast growing cancer and it would come back and they are doing no treatment. He is still in the hospital as they are having a difficult time getting his remaining kidney to do the work of two.

            Beccah just called and was upset. The specialist OB/GYN was given the test results from the hematologist that Beccah went to and the specialist said that Lupus Anti-coagulatant is something that can come and go and that she still wants Bec to take shots in her abdomen until the baby is born. Bec is torn because she wants to do what is best for the baby and still stand firm in her trust in God. Please pray that she will have peace with whatever decisions she makes. Right now she feels like all control has been taken out of her hands and she is really struggling.

            Thank you friends.

            In leafy Berkshire, south of England.


              Oh poor Bob! I'v''e been praying for him and I hope the Drs. are wrong about it coming back.

              Does Beccah feel taking the shots takes away from her faith in God to be in charge of the situation? I'm not sure if I understand her feelings correctly but seems to me God put these people in her life to help her out in this situation. I guesss all we can do is what we feel is best no matter what that is. I hope she won't blame herself. Please know that they are in my prayers.
              Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


                Ann, Ritzy and Margarita, I am praying for all these friends in need. Pam

                In leafy Berkshire, south of England.


                  Ritzy. Praying for Beccah. hope she finds peace in what she is doing.
                  Margarita in Auburn, CA

                  In leafy Berkshire, south of England.


                    Not sure where to post this,but recently there was a question about an old singer sewing machine and Margo suggested asking pknord as she has quite a number of them.I wondered about her as she was a regular on the forum and I hadn't heard seen her picture in a long time.Also one of her quilts was chosen for "quilt of the day" on 7/22.So I emailed her to see how she was and received this reply:

                    Hi, Julie,

                    For the last year and a half, I've had my mother living with us, as her
                    dementia gets worse, and her COPD and heart are also not working very
                    well. She's going to be 90 next month. I've not done anything quilty
                    in quite a while, but will get back in the game one of these days. I do
                    miss the board. Please tell the others I think of them often.

                    So,I'm passing on Pat's message.I'm sure she'd be more than happy to hear from any of you.


                      Thanks Julie--I'm praying.


                        Ritzy, I'm praying that Beccah will make the right decision for herself and the baby. My DDIL had to give herself shots in the stomach twice a day throughout her last 2 pregnancies. It was tough, but now she has 3 wonderful children. Time goes by quickly!


                          Our niece Jennifer is doing wonderfully. (We believe all of your prayers helped as well as all of the prayers of our family and her friends). She has been moved to a regular hospital room - much earlier than anyone expected - so just a little over two weeks from when she was close to death, she is in a regular room and getting therapies, with all of the tubes etc. removed. The prognosis now is that she may go home in a week or so. So please keep on praying but also give some prayers of thankfulness because we know this has truly been a miracle. There are many steps ahead but the road looks a whole lot brighter today.

                          Thanks to all of you. Hugs and love, Ann


                            I wanted to let you all know that my mom is out of surgery and doing well. By now, she should be almost out of recovery and my dad will be able to get in and see her. I'll keep everyone updated.


                              Thanks for posting the update Frances. I was thinking of her.
                              Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


                                Wonderful--thanks for letting us know.
                                Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


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