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Laundry Questions

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    Laundry Questions

    To say I am well endowed is an understatement... my problem is when I eat food / drink always land on the shelf that is my chest.... I can not get the stains out even if I pre-treat ... I have tried every product I can think of and I try to treat asap.... I usually wear 100% cotton t shirts, sweats, sweaters ... mostly white but sometimes colored... I have tried expensive clothes... and inexpensive WAllmart/ discount brand quality or type of shirts do not make a different. I have used the dryer til recently as I thought drying set the stains but it does not seem to help. The stains seem gone until I dry the shirts then there they are... right on the shelf.

    Can anyone tell me what else could help with removing stains??? Any product??? any special techniques??? I am stumped.

    I, too, have the "shelf" problem. I use either Spray & Wash or Shout, spray the spot well, and scratch it in with my fingernail. The stain almost always comes out - if it doesn't, I repeat the process before drying. Sometimes I bleach my white, cotton shirts, too. I do know that if a shirt is dried with a grease stain, it is really hard and sometimes impossible to get out.


      Lately I've been using oxiclean for stain removal, and it's worked pretty well on my kids clothing. The trick is pretreating at the time that the stain occurs. I usually have a travel package of baby wipes in my bag and can get at the "deposit" before it sets. For the grease drippings a little talcum powder or baking soda will absorb the excess before it becomes a larger bullseye.

      Hope this helps.


        Try the Spray n Wash Stick--looks like a huge cylinder of deodorant. :lol: It always takes stains out for me and is so much better than any of the spray products. I used to use it when I was traveling for work because you can treat the stain and leave it for days without any problems. I always treat any stains just before putting the dirty clothes in the hamper. Judy in Torrance


          I also have good luck with the spray and wash stick. Also I carry a Tide to go stick in my purse and use it right away when needed-- that has helped alot. I too have ruined many a shirt!


            There is no shelf problem here but I drop stuff down the front of me all the time, (("oxi-clean")) works great!


              I use Gonzo Stain Remover, it even gets lipstick out. I find it at Home Depot and Jo-Ann's.




                I've got the shelf too--a common problem! One of the presenters at Houston said she used Paintstick designs on her stained shirts--it covers the stain and looks like an artistic design--now that's thinking!


                North Alabama, USA
                "I am a part of all that I have met" A. Lord Tennyson


                  Consider to cover the stains that won't come out with funky applique, dye the t-shirts, or wear more 'forgiving' colours than white.

                  I think I stopped wearing white t-shirts about 25 years ago. They always seem to look great on others, but attract anything that sticks and stains when I used to wear them.

                  From the edge of Sherwood Forest, home of Robin Hood


                    White? What's that? :lol:

                    Jean in Windsor, ON who believes white is for undershirts not shirts
                    From the edge of Sherwood Forest, home of Robin Hood


                      I use a bar of yellow laundry soap called "Fels Naptha".It works quite well on even set-in stains most of the time.I also keep a bar of plain ivory soap next to my machine,as that works surprisingly well,also.I apply either one or the other, gently, with an old toothbrush.Also,I use the clothesline as often as possible,because the dryer will set stains badly. Julie


                        I have the same problem with my color t shirts and shirts... seem like when I eat stuff keeps falling onto my "SHELF." If I do have a clean shirt the grand baby up chucks on it.... so my laundry is HUGE....

                        I think I counted over 30 winter Ts and sweaters.... that was after I threw out the ones that did not fit or were too stained. Since I matured I keep the same size but I have not stopped buying clothes... (only on SALE IF I LOVVVVVE them. ) I had shirts from over 10 years ago. ... Closets were bulging but are now managable.

                        Funny I do not buy as much clothes as I did before I learned how to quilt.

                        I am going to try all the tips out on the next stain.


                          Another cheap stain fighter is ammonia. I've often used it full-strength and it does not seem to harm casual clothes, and seems to take out a variety of stains - and also odors! One time, a good friend of mine presented me with a gift - a glitzy "bib" for women, made from shiny, sequin fabric with a velcro fastener! She said she went to lunch with some other ladies, and someone whipped out this gift for each of them - they all donned them, and I bet they had a good laugh along with their good luncheon!


                            It is easier to get a stain out of a white top, blouse, t-shirt because you can use bleach.

                            Wet the stain, put bleach on a Q-TIP - dab the stain, let it sit for about 5 minutes - no longer - then rinse the bleach out and toss in the wash with other whites. This works well if done before a washing and drying, but still works sometimes even when the stain is 'set'.

                            Another thing that is great is "Restoration Soap" that is used to brighten antique linens. I soaked a pair of my husbands 'dog walking' slacks and they came out almost decent. They are khaki, so it works on colors. You can search it on the internet, that is how I found it. It takes oxidized stains out of linens better than you would believe.


                              JoAnne, I just returned from visiting my friends in Morro Bay and they had raved over Gonzo Stain Remover so much that I ordered a bottle. Home Depot in one of the stores in Scottsdale didn't carry it so I went on line. I have yet to try it but hope it works for me. Judy in AZ


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