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What new pattern have you found and are dying to make???

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    What new pattern have you found and are dying to make???


    Only picture I could find.

    I went shopping at ALWAYS CHRISTMAS QUILT SHOP in Lake Orion MI last Sunday. ( They are the only REAL QUILT SHOP that is open on Sundays, that I know of. ) I bought some background and boarder material for the BOM Christmas QUILT I am making.

    I found the prettiest pattern and it looked pretty easy which is important to me... The Shop Sample was made in various brights and batiks... but I have also seen it in florals and soft pastels and muted colors... I think it is won of those pattern that would look good regardless of what fabric is used.

    It has an Irish Chain Sashing techinque that really sets it off... It is made in strips...

    LIKE A DUMMY I DID NOT BUY THE PATTERN THEN AND I AM REGRETTING NOT DOING SO NOW.... Of course I am going back to get the pattern... I will try and sneak a picture so I can show it off to you guys....


    The point of this message thread is WHAT GOT TO HAVE AND MAKE PATTERN have you found that you dream about and plan to do?? What pattern haunts you... please share it with the rest of us.... Yes Ricky's and Alex's can be included but I already know you want to do their patterns or why else would you come here....


    I am currently dreaming up making my own combination of a Rhapsody quilt and the raggedy edge reverse applique - I think I have the method worked out and I even made a small version already, but I still have to work out the details to make a larger one.

    Other patterns I am dying to try would be the Mama Said quilt, a Dear Jane, and a queen sized Welsh Wholecloth someday.


      I just last week acquired a pattern called "Sassy Bag" by Lazy Girl Designs. I've already did a trial run by making one in all the same fabric (a batik). Now I have fabric cut out to make it again in a little more formal fabric. I've even inset a piece for the flap and added a little applique. Pieces cut out and ready. Now it needs to be put together.


        Leaves in Autumn colors...I always dream of making another quilt of leaves. I have two wall quilts of leaves and one table runner, but I'd like to make a lap-sized one.


          I have an entire boxful of patterns, not to mention books, of patterns that I dream of making. I know I can't make them all, logically, but I am making as many as I can! Mostly I have collected complicated applique patterns so you see how likely it is I'll get to do them all.

          Lately I've been doing more traditional piecing and my current dream project (which resides only in EQ6 right now) is a two-color (red and white) goose-in-the-pond block with sashing. Well, that's just a dream at the moment. I actually have fabric for another one: I've always wanted to make a log cabin, so I decided to use my collection of 30s fabrics to make a pineapple log cabin with an appliqued floral border.

          One last dream project: I love redwork, or bluework, or just plain embroidery and I recently found this pattern which I really want to do after the 3 or so redwork projects I've already started are done...



            I want to make a machine embroidered quilt, ala Jenny Haskins. I have always admired those quilts, and just haven't gotten up the nerve to try one yet.
            I keep telling myself that I need to start out making smaller projects to figure out what I need to do, but can't seem to find the time for that either.

            So I keep making One Block Wonders and 4 Patch Posie quilts... I can never get enough of seeing all the beautiful designs that come out of the fabric using those kaleidoscope effects. In fact, I just started on a One Block Wonder using 2 colorways of the same fabric. I can't wait to see how that one turns out... actually I will have enough for 2 quilts (mirror opposites).

            Diane in Colorado Springs


              For a long time i have been planning and reaming of making a Dresden plate quilt with ice cream border made with 1930's repro fabrics. Have a fair amount of fabric now and the templates but as the weather is starting to hot up here in Australia it will remain a dream until winter next year i think.
              Jenny in Oz
              Jenny in Oz


                Not so much a pattern as a method (hope that counts). I want to try C. June Barnes method of making the quilt first and then dyeing the finished quilt. I have two twelve inch square mini quilts made up and ready to experiment with. Just trying to find the time to have a dyeing session. I have even had thoughts about doing a Rhapsody quilt by this method if it works.
                Jenny in Oz


                  The quilt I am most anxious to start is the Lily Rosenberry by Sue Garman but unfortunately I am quilting my son's 'big red quilt', working on my BOM and have a lap quilt to make before Christmas.


                    A Rhapsody! I seem to have so many other projects that need attendtion before I can jump into that Rhapsody though...... :? Mary Kay


                      a "not so giant dahlia". my giant dahlia was made with cardboard templates. :roll:
                      now I have a package of marti mitchells acrylic (sp). I have been saving some fabric for over ten years that has blue birds, hummingbirds and asst poppies and delphiniums. I want to fussy cut the motifs to give a kaliedescope look.
                      if it only turns out in fabric how it looks in my head....


                        I am like Ruth that I have so many patterns and books, that I could never live long enough to do all that I want. But there are 2 that keep popping into my head the most- one is a bella bella quilt
                        and the other is a rhapsody!!


                          That Bellabella quilt looked strangely familiar--I believe it's a modification of a design on the floor in St. Mark's in Venice. A friend visited there many years ago, in the 1980s, and brought me pics of some of the wonderful tile floors. I thought that circular motif would be a lovely quilt, and would make pretty fans, so I drafted it (and used a lot of really bad language before seeking help from a friend), cut out all those pieces, and made it into a quilt. It has a long but descriptive name--the sections resemble Attic Windows, so I call it Venetian Attic Window Fans, a nice pun, don't you think? You can see it in my webshots pics, in the quilt album, second page, top row in the middle. It's sadly faded after all these years, but I still love it.


                          Pat in Rockport, TX


                            Bella Bella Quilts by Norah McMeeking are beautiful copies of Roman tile floors and decore from churches and other Roman and VAtican building. She has a book out by the name of Bella Bella ... they are on my list of quilts to make. I bought the over-size foundations and been hunting up fabrics to use.

                            I agree this is a must make quilt


                              Mary Kay needs to put the Bella quilt back on her profile that she made for her brother and his bride!! It's AWESOME!!!

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