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Quilting Shops keep going out of business

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    Quilting Shops keep going out of business

    I do not know about your state but here in MI the quilt shops are taking a hit.... I just found out two of the ones I go to regularly on shop hops are going our of business, and a third shop owner says she can only hang on for another year ... NO IMPROVEMENT then she will be going out of business. I went on a drive to Ludington and their quilt shop has gone out of business this past year.

    The economy is pretty bleak here in MI .... Is it the same for you in other states...how healthy are your LQS ??? Any ideas on how to support your LQS?

    I am interested in the thoughts and comments of others on the board.

    Our LQS here in Ocean Springs survived Katrina and so far is survivng the economy. I give them all the buisness I can (not much unfortunatly) and they seem to be doing okay.


      My LQS had books and quilts and all kinds of things on sale in front of the store a bit ago. I almost had a heart attack. Thought she was going out of business. All she was doing was getting rid of older things to make way for the new. Whew :!: I did hear about a shop north of me about 30 miles away closing. So far, where I am, it doesn't seem to be an issue.


        We are getting a new one near us in Missouri City, TX - plus we have a very nice one in Stafford, Tx (all are really part of Houston) so I'd say we are doing OK here right now. There are also several others close by (30 minutes or so) so I suppose that says our economy is healthy too.
        I know people are cutting way back on alot of things, but I also know the housing market here is not as troubled as other parts of the country. Not to say it's wonderfully healthy, but at least not dying!

        So sorry you are loosing some of yours!


          My LQS seems to being doing well. I give her all the business that I can. Many times instead of ordering off the net, I will see if she can get the items that I need and most of the time she accommodates me. I have heard some of the quilt guild members say that they can not come as often due to gas prices. Sorry to hear about your shops.

          WandaM in Shiner TX

          BTW, if you are heading down I-10, near the Flatonia area, we are only 20 miles south. I promise that the LQS is great and worth the trip!
          Happy Quilting,

          Shiner TX


            We're losing another one in Spokane at the end of the year. :cry: Sigh.
            Happy Quilting,

            Shiner TX


              I think the internet is really hurting a lot of the brick and mortar type stores... Quilters are cutting off there nose to spite their face... I am not talking about those that have to drive over 40 miles/ or an hour to get to a shop because that can not be helped in this gas driven economy ... but those quilters who order from the net when there are local stores that sell the same items for nearly the same or slightly higher prices.

              In MI even JoAnn's is cutting back on the number of stores in a region and Hancock Fabrics closed their store last year...

              I am really worried... I am sure my LQS will be moving out cause the owner is getting much older and her health is not what it should be... so I will be very surprised if one day she closes shop or tries to sell out.

              I have been doing my best to get my STASH filled to the brim with quilt projects.
              Happy Quilting,

              Shiner TX


                I know what you mean. Down here in Shelby Twp, MI, we are losing my favorite quilt store -- again. (Quilter's Corner in Clinton Twp.) They announced it last spring, and then one owner decided to try to keep it up alone, but business has been so bad that she just can't make it. They are closing again.

                Quilting is an obsession, but, after all, a hobby. Back in more affluent times, we all bought fabric stashes that we are now living off of. That doesn't leave much for the quilt stores to keep going.

                Our Michigan economy is SOOOOOO bad. I predict it will get worse before it gets better.



                  Two fabric stores -- one general fabric, one LQS -- in my immediate area have closed in the past two years ... as well as my local sewing machine dealer, whose business was founded in 1954!

                  I make a real point of spending my money at the LQSs that are still here, and am searching for a new dealer!


                    The Birmingham, AL area is suffering a similar situation with LQSs. When I started quilting 6 years ago there were at least five shops, plus Hancock's and Joann's. Now there's only one quilt shop and a few Hancock's locations. It's frustrating to be so limited in local shops to actually touch/pet the fabrics before purchase. I've resorted to online shopping on occasion, but would rather get a feel for the fabric before I buy.


                      My daughter and I were looking for thread the other day to quilt our quilts. We were looking for Superior thread. We drove past Hancocks and they were having a 1/2 off sale. She asked if we were should stop there and I told her that I didn't think that Hancocks carried Superior. When we got to the LQS we ended up with a Sulky blendable. She said that since Hancocks carries Sulky we should have stopped there. But I told her that we needed to support our LQS if we wanted it to be there when we needed fabric.
                      Frances in Austin


                        Beth I was in Clinton Twp Friday to get the lift on my van installed. Now I wish I made more of an effort to find that quilt shop as I originally intended. Sorry to hear they are closing for your sake. A little too far for me to frequent.


                          I worry about LQS's everywhere. I hear so many quilters I talk to say that they shop the big sales online, even though there are 3 quilt shops here. It seems they can't resist a big sale. But when I open an email about a big sale an Internet shop is having, I do a little experiment. I'll pick out a few things and go to the checkout. Once the shipping is added in, the cost is right back up there.

                          It isn't worth it to me to shop online. I haven't been able to spend much of anything lately, except what I have to have for the 2 BOM's I'm doing. So I never qualify for free shipping. (And what incentive is free shipping when you have to spend 50-100 dollars to qualify for it!)

                          With as little as I can spend, I do just as well, and feel better about, spending it at my LQS.


                            I guess I am so lucky... :lol: My LQS is only 6 blocks from my house. I could walk but how will I get all my stash home? They are busy all the time. Have great classes and just started selling Berninas this year. They are in all the quilt runs. Just really a neat shop.
                            I know that a shop 20 miles from me has closed. :cry: Then I am about 30 miles from Quilt in a Day.
                            I don't shop on line, as I want to see the color and feel the fabrics. You know what I mean. 8) Seeing and touching have to make sure they all are nice. :roll:


                              Oh! Ruby, how I wish my LQS was only six blocks away. On the other hand my DH woould definitely be the happier, the farther the store the less I spend! LOL. Hancocks closed two years ago, joanns closed unexpectedly this year-building was torn down and all,sigh! Now if I want Joann's I have to go about 45 min on the expressway to the superstore, the LQS's that I can get to are all about a 45 min drive too. And even walmart is still phasing out the fabric, which makes no sense, they expanded the notions but are doing away with the fabrics???



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