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Introducing hand then machine sewing to children...

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    Introducing hand then machine sewing to children...

    At what age should you start introducing sewing?

    When can they hold a needle to stitch?

    What methods work best?

    When can they work a machine? What type of projects should you start them on?

    I probably have more questions but I can not think of them... I will post them later.


    Niece ( 7yrs) and nephew (11y) coming for a couple of days... so I thought they might like to make something for themselves.

    aka ladyquilter

    Troutdale, OR
    <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.sweetpeaz.com/wordpress">http://www.sweetpeaz.com/wordpress</a><!-- m -->

    If I remember correctly, I was six or seven the first time I used my mother's sewing machine with light supervision. (I had "helped" at a younger age)

    If you find a fairly straight forward quilt block, but not "boring" and do it large scale, they could make small lap quilts. Either do the block the size of the quilt or do a 4 patch. It would then be interesting enough to keep them busy without being overwhelming.

    Hope you have fun


    aka ladyquilter

    Troutdale, OR
    <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.sweetpeaz.com/wordpress">http://www.sweetpeaz.com/wordpress</a><!-- m -->


      When my daughter was 5or so,I would stretch some plain muslin in an embroidery hoop and draw a simple picture or just some squiggly lines and let her" color" it with floss.I just showed her how to do a running stitch.(I was in charge of the scissors.)Sometimes she'd draw her own pictures.And I gave her beads and buttons to add as well.Have fun with your guests. Julie



        I hope you saved those muslin pieces...they would make a great sampler skill showing her growing skills.


          I teach kids basic sewing and they love using the machine. They aren't afraid at all. One of my best recent students was an 8 year old girl. She did way better than some of the 11 yr. olds!

          I depends on their own coordination and focus.

          I also had a cub scout troop of 7 yr. olds. They loved using the machine. They did each have a parent standing right over them.

          I do not let the real young ones use a rotary cutter without my hands right on their "ruler hand".

          The machine is not the problem, I've found that pinning is their real challenge. You must also be very precise in your directions. They don't realize that you actually want the edges lined up when you pin something together!

          Have your seam ripper ready and it really helps if the machine has a speed control. They tend to be lead foots! Nancy in W NY


            I learned to use a needle and thread to sew a button when I was 3 or 4. I learned to use my mom's machine to make an apron when I was 8 (I still have her old Kenmore in my attic!). By the time I was 12 I was making many of my clothes. (Quilting came MUCH later.)

            As far as quilting, my sister (TQS member NanaBamaQuilter) taught her three beautiful grandchildren how to sew, and each of them has made a quilt. My sister had them "shop" for their fabric in her enormous stash. She cut the blocks, and they helped lay the quilt out. It was a simple brick pattern, nothing tricky, and is lap-quilt size.

            The oldest, David, got to run her Bernina 440 all by himself (with instruction, of course). David is 8, I think. Gracie and Anna (ages 7 and 5, I think) ran the fabric through the machine but my sister ran the foot pedal. My sister did the quilting and binding.

            These kids are so thrilled with their quilts that they took them to show and tell ("chantelle"!) at school. Their teachers didn't believe that the kids had done most of the work themselves.

            Each child has to be evaluated as to what level they're at. Heck, I've seen 6-year-olds who were more focused and mature than teenagers!

            I just remembered that when my son Teddy was 5 or 6 he did most of the hand sewing on a small stuffed cat -- I have a photo of him sewing intently, tongue sticking out, just the way I used to at that age! (He's 18 now and doesn't do much with sewing except to help me make my quilt sandwiches, and ask me to make him quilts.)



              Originally posted by LadyRags
              At what age should you start introducing sewing?

              When can they hold a needle to stitch?

              What methods work best?

              When can they work a machine? What type of projects should you start them on?

              I probably have more questions but I can not think of them... I will post them later.


              Niece ( 7yrs) and nephew (11y) coming for a couple of days... so I thought they might like to make something for themselves.
              They can use a sewing machine for sure! Most important thing is to remember, kids these days like it when they can see results real fast so the projects cant be to big. What about sewing birthdaycards to someone they know??
              When I see how quickly 5-10 year olds take to multitasking videogames that really needs a lot of hand/eye coordination I wouldnt be afraid at all to let them use my sewingmachine.


                My son and I were interviewed recently for Annie Smith's Quilting Stash on Simplearts.com We are episode #134. Noah is 12 and started quilting at 6 years old. He got me started! Anyone teaching kids or encouraging them to quilt might enjoy listening to it.


                  Claire, I heard the podcast and enjoyed it. Your son sounded just like a quilter! It was so cute to hear him talk! I have taught two of my granddaughters to hand piece and machine piece on my two Featherweights. I gave them all of my leftover strips of fabric and let them design their own quilt tops to machine piece. Recently, I was at their house and the youngest, now 9 yrs. old, brought out a small quilt she had made for me--it is all hand sewn, raw edge and embellished with beads! She's a true art quilter! Her sister also brought out what she had been working on--perfectly hand pieced four patch blocks. Even though I had taught them the very same techniques, they are going their own direction with the information--I think that's great! Judy in Torrance


                    In my experience, it's best to get them interested before age 13. Generally speaking, by the time kids are 13, their interests turn in different directions and their attention span is very short. I've taught quite a few children to sew/quilt/crochet.


                      I would definitely start them with machine sewing. Most kids don't have the fine motor coordination necessary for hand sewing, nor the patience. I had one grandson who at about age 6, was too short to reach the foot control, so all by himself he figured out that he could set it on the chair, and run it with his hip! LOL

                      One summer when my granddaughters were visiting for the week, we took leaves, put Setacolor paints on them, and pressed them onto fabric, then they made them into mini-quilts, some simple outline quilting by machine. They have been in 4-H since they were 7 or so, so are comfortable with the machine.


                        I was 4 when my mother sat me down with a needle floss and a piece of muslem in a hoop , she also drew lines, circles, and i remember once a boat with a sail. she only taught me the running stich. she went away when i was 8 but i have always loved needle work, i made my first dress when i was 11 with my aunt helping me with the sleeves. i was so proud of that dress! :-) i sewed for my 3 children when they were small, then for my 6 grand children, i only have one who was interested in sewing.......... my youngest grandson, he made his first quilt when he was 12, we went shoping at the pawn shop and brought home a sewing machine that was still in the box.... a brother that i paid 20 bux for. we then went to the store and bought fabric he picked out, we did a simple HST and set them into blocks. can you believe he went home and during the summer he taught his mom how to use the sewing machine?? he said she messed up at first but that he didn't have the machine set right for her, she has since made curtains for my only grand daughter. isn't sewing grand


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