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There's a new baby in the quilting world!

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    There's a new baby in the quilting world!

    Hi, everyone. It's been ages since I posted. Since I announced my pregnancy on this forum, I thought it was only right that I should come back to tell you that Madeline Grace Black has arrived! She was born on June 4th -- 9.5 weeks early. She weighed 3lbs 5oz and was 16.5" long. I was admitted to the hospital with pregnancy induced hypertension and preeclampsia. Maddie was delivered via emergency c-section 45 hours later when my kidneys started failing. Luckily, both baby and I are doing just fine! She's still in the NICU and will be there for several more weeks until she's strong enough to come home. She's doing just great, though -- breathing on her own and learning to drink from a bottle.

    Thank you all for your prayers and emails during my pregnancy.

    From the edge of Sherwood Forest, home of Robin Hood

    Oh congratulations Chelley! And I am so glad you and the baby are fine. I hope you will show us pictures and I"ll have Maddie in my thoughts and prayers to come home soon.

    Blessings to you.

    Dana in Olive Branch, MS
    From the edge of Sherwood Forest, home of Robin Hood


      Congratulations to both mom and dad. Can't wait to see pictures in your profille of the homecoming.
      From the edge of Sherwood Forest, home of Robin Hood


        Thats great to hear I hope that she will be home soon then you will have a quilting buddy have fun with her Happy
        From the edge of Sherwood Forest, home of Robin Hood


          Congratulations, blessings and continued good health and strength over the next few weeks! Welcome to the quilting world Maddie!


          Quilting is a Beautiful & Complicated Art!


            Huge congratulations on Madeline Grace Black's arrival. I am so happy that both you and your daughter are fine. I had the same complications in pregnancy and all three of my children were c-section preemies. You will be so amazed at how incredibly fast she catches up! Just think of the baby quilts you will dream up and make! Enjoy!

            Quilting is a Beautiful & Complicated Art!


              Congratulations on the birth of your daughter. I hope everyone will be home soon.


                Blessings to both of you from a former NICU nurse! Isn't it amazing what medicine can do for these premie babies? Looks like Miss Madie is already catching up and getting ready to come help you quilt!

                Glad you are both OK and will keep you in my prayers!



                  Maddie.... what a beautiful name for such a treasure!

                  Congrats and may time bring both of u strength and joy



                    Congratulations!! I'm so glad to hear you and baby are doing fine!


                      Isn't it amazing what madicine can do now that they couldn't do just 20 years ago. Imagine what they will be able to do when Maddie makes you a Gramnda. :shock: Well that's a loooog way off but believe me time flies. Don't blink :lol: Enjoy your little blessing. Rachel


                        Congratulations--praying for Maddie to be home soon!


                          Wonderful news that you and baby are doing fine. I'm sure you will be making daily visits to see your daughter. Time for some hand work to and from the hospital. Judy in AZ


                            Welcome baby Maddie! I had similar complications when my first son was born. He was only 4 weeks early. Expect great things. He went on to a PhD and is now a father of two darling girls. Praying for you and Maddie to gain strength and health.


                              It is so good to hear from you; I've thought of you often, and sent blessings your way. It certainly is a whole new day for you, hubby, Maddie and entire world!
                              HUGS from Jan in Spokane


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