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Etheaopean Glunkititis, lol

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    Etheaopean Glunkititis, lol

    Well, it seems the entire clan here is under the weather. It started with my oldest daughter developing a fever last week that we could not track down the source even with a trip to the pediatrician. Today it was off again, with myself, my middle daughter, and youngest son all getting diagnosed with strep :cry: I feel so miserable I can hardly sit here to type, much less sew. Anyway, to the topic title, this morning my dd asked me what I thought was wrong with all of us, and this little line jumped to my lips like it was yesterday "Well, we have Etheaopian Glunkititis of course." She looked at me all puzzled and I went on to explane that it was when you just felt really bad and didn't know why. My father always told me that when I was little to explane everything from the common cold to the chronic migrains I have had since I was an infant. He always made it a lighthearted thing - it was cured by pizza and ice cream with chocolate sauce 8) Sarah informed me that I am "weird".

    So just how weird are my father and I - how many of you out there have silly little names for unnamed ailments that I know we all have from time to time. I'm just curious and think it might be fun to share - that or my fever is just talking to me :wink:

    We refer to it as "the crud", not elegant, but descriptive.

    Pat in Rockport, TX


      I forgot to say that we called it "The Glunks" for short, lol.


        We also call it "the crud"! Hope you all get better soon! WandaM in Shiner TX
        Happy Quilting,

        Shiner TX


          In our family everything unexplainable is African Sleeping Sickness. (Yes there is a real disease by this name but I know nothing about it).
          Happy Quilting,

          Shiner TX


            Around here we use the Spanish term "pico caido" which translates roughly to fallen peak, referring to the top red thing on a rooster's head...... don't worry; it doesn't make good sense to me, either. Anyhow we use it to refer to when someone is just feeling all out of sorts, whether child or adult, and can be physically or sometimes emotionally. It's not a dangerous malady and can usually be remedied by extra loving up (hugs, kisses, being tucked under a special quilt) and special treats.
            Mary in MI, where spring is glorious


              Around my home...it is called...'raw bones, juicy eyes, and the float ups'...for the flu.
              Any other illness is known as 'feeling punk'.



                DH calls colds tricelitis. I've never typed the word and it doesn't look right. Sounds like trickle itis. Gloria very glad to be well and enjoying the early summer like weather


                  FW, Your names for the flu are so extremely descriptive that I think they've made me a little pico caido just reading them!!
                  Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


                    Love that name gunk itis so much more elegant and esoteric than the crud. As we travel north we seem to get away from it until next fall. Read all the info about the flu shot having missed the major viruses or whatever causes the stuff we get makes me glad I am allergic to eggs and cannot have the flu shot or pneumonia or shingles shot because they are all grown on eggs. at least I have no false expectations about being immune to anything.

                    Hope all the sufferers of these awful diseases feel better soon. Spring is on the way and the sun is a great cure for most of that stuff.

                    Ann --sometimes glad what I put up with isn't of the contagious nature and as difficult as it is I know what I am dealing with.


                      Dear Miss Ann!! My 9 year old is deathly allergic to eggs!! How old were you when they discovered it?


                        We call ours "bunkus of the kunkus"! Or if I am just down "the bah humbugs".


                          Well, the Glunks continue for us here. My dh went to the doctor this morning and was diagnosed with an eye infection - the doctor did not say pink eye but that is what it looks like. He just said it was contagious - of course by this afternoon my left eye is blood red and runny :cry: So now the only healthy one is my oldest dd, who was horribly sick last week (she did this to us :twisted: lol :lol: :lol: )

                          Then on top of all that we recieved word that my dh's great uncle has passed away today - he was 91. It has been expected as he has been ill for several months now, so it was no suprise, but now we have to figure out what to do about the funeral. With all of us sick... but he and Aunt Mary are so special... I am so torn :cry: I know at least RJ will go if not all of us, and the girls are going to make cards for Aunt Mary.

                          On top of all this I CAN"T SEW!!! I tried hand quilting some today but the stitches just swim in front of my eyes :? I guess a fever will do that to ya. Thanks for letting me vent all...



                            Boy Mandy when it rains it pours! I hope everybody gets well quickly and my sympathy to your family.
                            Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


                              Get well, Mandy and family--my deepest sympathy on your loss. Some of the flu symptoms going around this year remind me of the flu that was around about 1979 or so. I remember so MANY people getting pink eye as a result of that flu.


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