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looking for metallic Christmas fabrics... Help

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    looking for metallic Christmas fabrics... Help

    I am using scrappy, machine stitched, ( 8 inch blocks) Christmas fabrics to
    make a second DJ. I have tons of beautiful red, green, navy, purple fabrics
    with metallic designs in gold... I do not have enough white, creams, light
    colored gold metallic fabrics to provide the desired contrast.... I have used
    some fairy frost but I am out...

    The quilt will be scrappy each block different but coordinating colorways. It
    tends to get too dark if I do not have adequate contrast using lighter colors.

    Can anyone tell me where or how to find/ buy fabric on the internet...

    Most of the fabrics I have are from PREFECT CHRISTMAS IN ENGLAND, HOFFMAN, RJR,
    and MICHAEL MILLER LINES... I am willing to use any quilt shop quality fabric
    as long as the colors blend in.

    COMMENTS, help and suggestions would be greatly apprecitated.

    Try fabshophop.com You can do a fabric search and they will search a thousand+ shops for what you are looking for. I have found particular fabrics this way. It's fun and easy. Good luck! WandaM
    Happy Quilting,

    Shiner TX


      Here are 3 places I trust on the web.....e-quilter.com,fabricshack.com, and keepsakequilting.com.Also look through ads in trusted magazines like Quilter's Newsletter, etc.And one more,connectingthreads.com.Good luck. Julie


        The Fat Quarter Shop has a Christmas fabric http://www.christmascloth.com/

        Also Quiltshops.com http://www.quiltshops.com/

        Big Horn Quilts... http://www.bighornquilts.com/

        Also mentioned... e-quilter....

        I have ordered fabric from FQS, BHQ, and E-quilter...and have been very happy with the service and the goods.

        I am a Christmas fabric junkie...and am Jewish!!



          I have used most of the mentioned sites with success-- another nice one if you don't want the brand new lines is:



            I am kind of cross posting but I wanted to thank everyone who responded to my quest. Soon after the initial post my mother slipped into a coma and I became busy caring for her along with my sister. I had not had the time or inclination to follow up on any of the suggestions. I will get back stitching later. ............................

            My mother died yesterday morning after a very long protracted illness. She was 79 years old and had once been a drape maker. She use to tease me about cutting up my pretty fabric in such small pieces then having to stitch them up again. Of course I teased back saying remember her wrestling with fabric that weighted more than she did, since I was heavier I did not want to have to wrestle with 200 pounds of fabric.

            Her death was peaceful at my sister's home where she had lived for the past couple of years. We had spent the last couple of days keeping her comfortable as she slipped into a coma. We reminisced at her bedside about all our childhood and her responses to such. We think she might have been listening. We had been expecting her death for a long time but now must get
            to the business of seeing her buried.

            God's Blessing to all stitchers... remember to hug your kids and family....
            as momma use to say.... "A hug a day keeps you young. "


              I'm so sorry to hear about your loss Anna. Know that our thoughts and prayers go with you in this time of sorrow. We'll be here waiting when you are ready to stitch again.

              Mandy in WV


                Oh Anna....bless your heart. We are never ready to lose our mama's.
                Hugs to you.


                  Anna it sounds like your mother was peaceful and you all are blessed to have been able to comfort her. My prayers will be with you as you tend to the necessities, but it sounds like you're very well "grounded."
                  When you get back to this, try virginiaquilter.com. Their service & selection are great. I also love quiltshops.com b/c of their terrific search. It is SO helpful to be able to not only tell what you ARE looking for, but also words to exclude...


                    Anna, will be sending prayers and positive thoughts winging your way.

                    Pat in Rockport, TX


                      Anna how nice you could spend time together remembering old times. I'm so sorry for your loss. I'll say a prayer for your family and your Mom. Karen
                      Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


                        {{{{{Virtual hugs Anna}}}}}
                        The world is a different place when you mother is no longer in it. It sounds like you and your sister took really good care of your mom, and she had a peaceful send off.
                        Take care, and know that we will be here when you can get back.

                        It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                        That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !



                          So sorry to hear about your mother but so glad you got to spend her last several days with her. You and your sister are in my thoughts.


                          It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                          That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                            My sympathies too, Anna. My prayers are also going out to you. May God give you strength through the next few days. Gloria


                              Anna, so sorry to hear about your mother. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Sounds like you and your sister did everything you could to keep her comfortable -- cherish your wonderful memories of her. Koye


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