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    Margo, thanks for Bonnie Hunter's website--I think it might take a POT of tea to see most of the goodies on this site!! :lol:


      I'm going to do Bonnie's newest mystery-Orange Crush. Have you seen the teaser on it?
      eileenkny 8)

      from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
      Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


        Originally posted by eileenkny
        I'm going to do Bonnie's newest mystery-Orange Crush. Have you seen the teaser on it?
        eileenkny 8)
        Of course, I just had to check it out, but with the two BOMs that I'm doing with hand applique, I don't think I'll take on another project right now. I hadn't been to Bonnie's site in a while, and realized that I need to fix a pot of tea and wander a while!

        Let us see your Orange Crush after the mystery is revealed!

        It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
        That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


          Well, I finally made it out to my LQS & got a sandwich-size zipper bag full for $4-- Pat I think you can DEFINITELY go up on the price of your quart-size bags!!
          PLUS I had a "smack yourself on the forehead" moment, and went to the website for the Virginia Quilter, and sure enough, they sell scraps $12 for 1 pound, says that usually equals 3.5-4 yards. The bonus is, they're located right here in Fredericksburg, and usually won't charge me shipping but will drop it by my office on their way to the Post Office They don't have a bricks-and-mortar store, but one time I went to their warehouse to pick something up and BOY-o-BOY was THAT ever a sight! Yummy!
          Anyway, this should keep me going until....Tuesday! Can't wait for that April BOM!

          whose twin babies are 17 today Where does the time go??

          It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
          That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


            Margo, you are a wealth of information. Thank you!

            It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
            That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


              While I was wandering around on Bonnie's web site today, I ran across this page!!! Man, have I got a case of STASH ENVY!!
              I don't have nearly that much fabric, and most of mine is much smaller pieces, but you've got to look at how organized her yardage is!!


              She explains a GREAT way to fold fabric, and it inspired me to spend a couple of hours this afternoon fondling my fabric and making it look much neater! I feel like I've been shopping!!

              It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
              That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                Wow Margo, Bonnie not only does great work, but she has everything organized and has the time to put it all on her web site to share. I had read how she organized her scraps and only glanced at her stash page with how to fold her fabric. After your post I went back and checked that out too. I now have part of my stash refolded and am amazed at the difference it makes. All the fabric is neat and in full view. I want to finish the refolding and then I'll try to attack my scraps, a little at a time! I think I need to start making some more scrap quilts!

                Thanks for the link, Sandy in Phoenix

                PS When refolding my fabric, it was easy to see what fabric I had been using for applique by all the "holes" I found!


                  I've changed my mind. I'm not going to do the Orange Crush. I found some more kits I need to make. Those Jinny Beyer kits cost way too much to let them just gather dust. Oh well, maybe next time. :?
                  I am, however, going to make a Shakespeare in the Park quilt designed by Judy Martin. And I am going to use some orange in it. I think orange just may be my new neutral
                  Check out her site:
                  I love, love, love her quilts and her style.
                  eileenkny 8)

                  from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                  Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                    You ladies are awesome. Although I feel like I am Eavesdropping. Really I am running out of paper writing down all of these sites. All I can say is it is a good thing my hubby knows nothing about how to block websites and that I am the one who owns this computer. Otherwise he would have me blocked from here. I showed him Bonnies site. He thinks I've got way too much stash(HA! ). He thinks she needs to have her head examined. I am trying to organize my stash like she did, but I am more of a chaotic person. By the way does anyone know the Orange crush quilt wouldn't come up on my computer. I have tried it twice in 2 days. Is she maybe having an issue with the site or am I having an issue with the computer? It is probably me. :?

                    from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                    Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                      Originally posted by eileenkny
                      I am, however, going to make a Shakespeare in the Park quilt designed by Judy Martin. And I am going to use some orange in it. I think orange just may be my new neutral
                      Check out her site:
                      I love, love, love her quilts and her style.
                      eileenkny 8)
                      Eileen, if you will go to Judy's site and navigate: Photos, Viewer Photos, from The Creative Pattern Book, then scroll down to Shakespere in The Park you can see a picture of the one I did recently for my nephew! (It's also on my profile)
                      There are lots of really great quilts posted on her site!
                      I really enjoyed putting that one together, and will probably make another one with that design.

                      It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                      That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                        Originally posted by 911kitchen
                        You ladies are awesome. Although I feel like I am Eavesdropping. Really I am running out of paper writing down all of these sites. All I can say is it is a good thing my hubby knows nothing about how to block websites and that I am the one who owns this computer. Otherwise he would have me blocked from here. I showed him Bonnies site. He thinks I've got way too much stash(HA! ). He thinks she needs to have her head examined. I am trying to organize my stash like she did, but I am more of a chaotic person. By the way does anyone know the Orange crush quilt wouldn't come up on my computer. I have tried it twice in 2 days. Is she maybe having an issue with the site or am I having an issue with the computer? It is probably me. :?
                        Hi Rachel! You might want to check again today. I think that she said the directions would start on April 1. There won't be a picture of the quilt, because it's a mystery!!

                        It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                        That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                          Whoa, Margo!! Way cool.
                          I'm going to do the wall hanging size. How long did yours take you?
                          eileenkny 8)

                          from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                          Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                            Originally posted by eileenkny
                            How long did yours take you?
                            eileenkny 8)
                            Now, eileen...what kind of question is that??? Time wise, I have no idea. According to the dates on the photos I took as I worked, I only sewed on it for about 10 days, but if I remember correctly, I didn't do much of anything else for those 10 days!! :shock:
                            You'll notice that I left the stars off the border, and used a striped fabric instead. That saved a lot of time!
                            I decided I didn't want to wrestle it through my domestic machine so I'm "quilting by wallet", and TQS member "mtcreekquilter" is working on it for me. :lol:

                            It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                            That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                              One Christmas, a quilter friend gifted me and her other quilter friends each with a large ziploc bag full of 2" wide fabric strips, from her stash of scraps. The strips were all 100% cotton quilt fabrics of assorted lengths, colors, patterns, etc. Those strips have come in handy to me for all sorts of projects. In particular, I remember pulling out all of the green strips to make stems and leaves for my Baker's Dozen Tulip exchange blocks.

                              Recently, while tidying up my sewing room, I found numerous bags, each containing scraps leftover from a particular quilt project. So, I was inspired to sort through those scraps and separate them by size. Anything over the size of a fat quarter was cut into the largest possible rectangle, folded and stored in my stash. I cut the remaining scraps into the widest possible strips and sorted the strips into bags marked 2" wide, 2 1/2" wide, 3" wide, and over 3" wide (lengths did not matter as long as the strips were as least as wide as they were long). Smaller and odd shaped scraps, that remained after creating the strips, were placed in a bag marked "Bits and Pieces" or they were discarded if too small to be used for anything.

                              Yes, this took me the best part of a day, but it was certainly worth the effort. Going forward, I plan to create my scrap strips following the completion of each quilt project so that I can stay better organized.

                              It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                              That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                                What a great idea, Nancy! If you are not familiar with it, you may want to check out Bonnie Hunter's website, QUILTVILLE, USA, for ideas to use up all those strips! She has lots of great scrap quilt designs to get the creative juices flowing! SEW LONG!


                                It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                                That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


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