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how much yardage for stash building?

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    Originally posted by dfrank27
    Say what? You only have five fat quarters?? :shock: :shock: :shock:
    I have NO IDEA how many fat quarters are in my stash. I like pictorial applique and it takes a VARIETY of fabrics. I did have to stop (slow down?) when I discovered I had purchased the same Stonehenge fabric (color) three times!
    I really do only have five fat quarters in my stash! At times I have had more but usually only buy fabric when I need it for a project--I am not sure why as I love fabric but my stash really is just leftover bits and pieces from completed projects. I really love word fabric so I have three pieces of that which I have bought with absolutely no purpose or project in mind! :lol: I am learning.
    Deborah W


      Debbie, Maybe we should learn from you. Sometimes too many choices support the tendency to procrastinate. Although I must admit, given the opportunity I do love having a bit of a stash to rely on to add some unexpected spark here and there. Like Margo said, it's my palette.


        Originally posted by Margo
        Our fabrics are our palette. A painter can get by with just a few tubes of paint, and mix the color she wants.
        We can't do that, so we need to expand our palettes with an assortment of colors and values.
        I'm drowning in my palette! But what a way to go!!! ops: :lol:


          I just went and looked, estimated about 250 fat quarters? Plus the yardage of course ops: which is much more.

          However, to put this in perspective for myself: My friend went over to the home of a woman in our guild, who has a ROOM full of fabric. this is not her sewing room, this is where she puts her fabric. There was almost no room to walk in the room. So I feel better about my stash, that fills up one bookcase plus another smaller shelf unit.

          I'm glad I have that stash, too! The borders and backing for my pineapple quilt came from stash, and also for another top I just finished. They were the perfect fabrics!

          I am a bit overwhelmed by all my fabric, have vowed to work out of my stash unless I "need" something. Like a backing for a big quilt that I am finishing up now.



            Word or number type fabric makes good covers for iPod, IPad, tablets, Kobo etc. I've made on and it's so cute!


              or music or animal or....................

              I take fabrics from my 'collection' but I've never got all the fabrics I need. I think because I impulse buy I end up with midtone fabrics. It's good advice on this thread to consider the value of fabric when stash building.

              Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                Originally posted by twiglet
                or music or animal or....................

                I take fabrics from my 'collection' but I've never got all the fabrics I need. I think because I impulse buy I end up with midtone fabrics. It's good advice on this thread to consider the value of fabric when stash building.
                Perhaps you had better have a rule 'I will only impulse buy fabric if it is a dark/very dark or light hue for the rest of the year', that should fix your variety of hues problem - if it is a problem :wink:

                Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                  I refuse to feel guilty about my stash. I take very good care of it. Wash it, fold it, separate it into colors, types and specialties, place it in drawers where it is safe from my rotary cutter. :lol:

                  Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


                      that's it - keep it safe - let it breathe - give it a chance to shine another day
                      and one day - it will shine in a quilt and be loved to bits
                      Lotti, Kuessnacht - Switzerland


                        Originally posted by sanann
                        I refuse to feel guilty about my stash. I take very good care of it. Wash it, fold it, separate it into colors, types and specialties, place it in drawers where it is safe from my rotary cutter. :lol:
                        :lol: :lol: :lol:

                        I don't know how many FQs i have but probably around 90. And then there is the yardage - just lots okay! I buy 1 1/2yards of fabric if I think it would be nice as a border. 8) But then there are the threads :roll: And now the buttons and sequins. :roll: It will end in tears (as my mother used to say!) :lol:


                          Originally posted by sanann
                          I refuse to feel guilty about my stash. I take very good care of it. Wash it, fold it, separate it into colors, types and specialties, place it in drawers where it is safe from my rotary cutter. :lol:
                          That's a good one! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


                            Originally posted by crocus999
                            Word or number type fabric makes good covers for iPod, IPad, tablets, Kobo etc. I've made on and it's so cute!
                            Great idea.
                            Deborah W


                              I used to buy a lot of FQ's of novelty fabrics and found them lanquishing in my stash with no where to go. I also had a lot of one to two yd lengths of "focus fabrics" (usually florals or large prints) that I thought I would use some where. Every year I would sort out my stash and donate fabrics that I knew I would not use to a friend who makes charity quilts.

                              Then because my quilting style had changed, I began to buy only hand dyes or batiks for the basics in my stash. I will occasionally buy a FQ of a fabric that will make a good applique or will fit into something I really need but I am really careful about my "impulse fabric " purchases.

                              I have limited space for my stash. Two cabinets that are closet organizer cupboards that we have laid on their side and one shoe container (all from a standard closet organizer source) so when I cannot fit fabric in there, I know my stash is too large. (I have to admit I have a few small back up spaces for things I cannot really part with yet but that space is still really limited to I have to keep my stash building tendencies in check) I love fabric and given the dollars and space, I would have the stash to DREAM OF but I have neither and I really have no desire to win the prize of the biggest stash when I die. I would love to use up every scrap. Maybe won't happen since I am in my seventh decade but I can DREAM!!!!!! Hugs to all, Ann


                                Loved your post! And regarding your decade...don't even think about it. I was at a seminar & they did the
                                door prize thingy of youngest attendee, etc. When they got to oldest attendee, it was a woman in her 90's!
                                At a break, we spoke to her & she had just gotten a new sewing machine! So, we've got years ahead.

                                So sorry to hear about your DH & his friend and their struggles with Alzheimer's.
                                You are in my thoughts & prayers.
                                love & hugs,


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