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Pros & cons of using vintage sheets

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    Pros & cons of using vintage sheets

    Please take a look at this quilt that uses a vintage bedsheet for the backing. http://www.flickr.com/photos/sanourra/3701288889/

    I like this quilt backing so much that it inspires me to want to use a vintage sheet for a quilt back. Since I don't own any vintage sheets, I've been perusing thrift stores in hopes that I will find one as beautiful as this one. Today, I found and purchased a lovely slightly used, but not quite vintage, 100% cotton queensize top sheet. So, I'm satisfied for now.

    But, should I use it as a quilt back? I've read that sheets can feel so much softer than quilt fabric, which is a pro. However, I've also read that due to the higher thread count in bedsheets, the quilting needles will pierce and break the threads which will leave holes in the sheet fabric compromising the stability of the fabric. That would be a serious con, but could that problem be resolved by using a thinner quilting needle?

    If you have used a vintage sheet for a quilt back, did you experience any problems? Do you have any other advice, pro or con, regarding the use of sheets for quilt backs.

    By the way, the sheet that I bought doesn't appear to have a 200+ thread count. I'll have to check it under a magnifying glass.

    Thanks in advance for your feedback.

    Can you compromise and use batik fabric?

    Batiks feel "stiffer" on the bolt, but wash up wonderfully soft, and the process of making them ends up with them being essentially boiled, so the fabric is "pre-shrunk" and the thread count is very close - much like those sheets you like.



      I've been collecting vintage sheets and pillowcases for a while now with plans to make a vintage sheet quilt someday. (Mine tend to be from the 70' or 80's.) I did use one for a backing on my obnoxious tribute-to-my-childhood-kitchen quilt and had no problems at all.


      I machine quilted it using a quilting needle (I don't remember the needle size) and King Tut thread on top and Bottom Line in the bobbin and just did some large meandering with my BSR. I didn't have any issues with skipping stitches or anything like that. It did feel a little more slippery when I was quilting but I wouldn't say it was difficult.

      Do you have enough of the sheet to do a little test stitching? Maybe a mini-quilt-sandwich would help you to decide if your particular sheet is worth trying to work with.

      Good luck! I'd love to see photos when you're done!


        Hi Nancy,
        I know you're a handquilter,,,,but, if you've been practicing your machine quilting, that would be the way to go. But I know from experience, that handquilting with a sheet on the bottom is a killer! (I finally got the ladies at the Church QuiltRoom to put a ban on sheet backings. ) I've only had experience with it in a large frame, and it was very stressful on the hand and fingers. Maybe if you lapquilt, it might be easier with less stress on the fabric-haven't tried that. Good Luck, and I can't wait to see it!
        Jeannette in St. Louis


          I bought the sheet because I liked it without any particular quilt in mind for using it. Jeannette, when I use it, the quilt will be machine quilted.

          Bridget, thanks for your suggestion of testing the fabric first.

          To answer BethMI's question, yes, I have used batiks for quilt backs. Actually, I'm about 90% finished handquilting my first queensized quilt using a batik backing. You're right, it is incredibly soft. However, that's not the point. I like the idea of recycling vintage sheets, enjoy the thrill of the hunt to find one in a thrift shop, and love the look of quilts with vintage sheet backings. I'm sure that Bridget can relate.

          My absolute favorite quilt blogger, Elizabeth Hartman, designs quilts that use vintage sheets/pillowcases and reccommends using Sharp/Microtex needles for machine quilting them. Check out her Clothesline quilt on her blog at http://www.ohfransson.com/oh_fransso...ne-quilts.html I'm currently making a Clothesline quilt using thrifted men's plaid shirts.


            My absolute favorite quilt blogger, Elizabeth Hartman, designs quilts that use vintage sheets/pillowcases and reccommends using Sharp/Microtex needles for machine quilting them. Check out her Clothesline quilt on her blog at http://www.ohfransson.com/oh_fransso...ne-quilts.html I'm currently making a Clothesline quilt using thrifted men's plaid shirts.
            I love her blog! And I like to browse through this Flickr group every now and then....


            Have fun!


              I love vintage linens, too, though I concentrate more on the linen/lace kinds of things that Cindy Needham works with.

              Nancy, is your plaid quilt going to be similar to the one on the blog ? Just love that one ! And in darker plaids, that could be a good one for DH---not to tells stories, but for a comfy, cozy quilt, using well-washed, casual fabrics would be a very good idea :wink:

              I'll have to keep my eye out for the plaid shirts next time I'm at the thrift store.

              Oh, no, I've just figured out a new way to bring fabric into the house !


                How timely! Today, Elizabeth Hartman posted the results (pros and cons) of an experiment she recently completed using IKEA sheets. She is sharing the quilt pattern that she designed especially for use with two sheets and fat quarters. If you comment on her post, you could win a bunch of fat quarters. Here's her post: http://www.ohfransson.com/oh_fransson/reuse-recycle/

                To SueinNH - My Clothesline quilt will look more like the one posted at this link http://www.flickr.com/photos/48962350@N03/ that uses thrifted men's plaid shirts. I just finished my quilt top today and will post a photo of it on my profile a little later today. The one you referred to was made of more colorful madras plaids. Madras plaids has always been my favorite--nothing's softer next to your skin. So, I'm now keeping my eyes peeled for madras plaid shirts.

                One more thing. The IKEA sheets have a 144 thread count, where the average thread count for quality quilt fabrics is generally about 68- 78.


                  Ten years ago, I used a vintage sheet for my DD Lone Star quilt. Because the sheet had been used a lot when I was a child, it weakened quickly with her everyday use. I've since had to take the whole quilt apart.
                  Think very hard before using any kind of sheet.

                  from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                  Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


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