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Ricky's scraps

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    Ricky's scraps

    Yesterday I received the scraps I won from the (secret) caption contest! As expected, BEAUTIFUL stuff. Unexpected tho was the size of the pieces... while some are narrower than 18", they're all larger than a FQ altogether. 8 pieces, together it must total 3 yards easily. NICE I expected, and would have been happy with charm-size pieces, stuff leftover from applique kinds of pieces... really 'the leavings' :roll:

    The word "scraps" evokes in me the idea of much smaller pieces. I have to force myself to throw away pieces smaller than an inch wide! I have some little craft drawers sorted by color, and a big plastic jar for the really tiny stuff, I envision a string quilt in my future. I know we've had a thread before about "how small is too small to keep" but I thought I'd ask what do you think of when you think 'scraps'??
    If you're NOT a scrap keeper, do you toss those pieces? (you can admit it, although others here might end up negotiating for them!)
    (I BUY scrap bags from my LQS)
    I've only made 2 scrap quilts so far, but I'm ready for the next one!

    Shreveport, Louisiana
    Bernina 440QE

    If it makes YOU happy, don't care what anyone else thinks! On the other extreme, it makes me "itchy" to buy less than two yards of any fabric. I'll never understand the fat quarters, or all those pastry cuts that are so popular now. The quilt world - something for everyone!


      Congrats Florence! I would have expected smaller pieces for scraps as well.

      Oh well! Enjoy!!


      @julesquilts on IG 
      working farm wife and quilter in the off-seasons
      Modern quilter, QOV volunteer, Improv, FPP w/o stitching on paper, freehand quilting on my long-arm.
      BERNINA 790 Pro, Elna Serger, Handi Quilter Fusion, 3 FW,  a lot of old Singers and other vintage and antique machines (25+).


        I think of scraps has the little pice cut off to even things out then I save them in a bin and make pet bed I use the scraps as stuffing Happy

        @julesquilts on IG 
        working farm wife and quilter in the off-seasons
        Modern quilter, QOV volunteer, Improv, FPP w/o stitching on paper, freehand quilting on my long-arm.
        BERNINA 790 Pro, Elna Serger, Handi Quilter Fusion, 3 FW,  a lot of old Singers and other vintage and antique machines (25+).


          I'm a SCRAP-A-HOLIC!!! I have trouble even throwing away the smallest scrap--I might need it for a circle for an applique project!!! :lol: Sometimes I shake myself and throw pieces away, but not often. I've found myself saving the tiny triangles from my BOM in a jar--they would look SO pretty in a landscape piece as leaves for a tree--and the sick part of it is.....I don't DO landscape quilts!!! :lol: (they DO look pretty in the jar, though!) Judy in Torrance


            I don't have a large stash. So I do save every scrap unless it looks like it would disappear with a quarter inch seam lol! But even then if it's a wonderful color, I keep it for fusing. Especially now that I have an interest to do more postcards and landscapes, there's room for everything.


              Judy I think you & I are exactly the same on scraps!


                I keep every bit of fused scraps that I have used and hope to some day play with them and see what comes out of it...adventure time! As for non-fused fabrics, they are put into a "bits & Pieces" bin to be available when I need just a bit of something for a project.

                Living in the beautiful Carson Valley of Western Nevada


                  Years ago I taught a mini block flip and sew class. I brought one of those huge plastic bins of small fabric scraps to be used by whom ever wanted. Student from other classes began dropping their small left overs in the bin. Some out some in. I swear I went home with more than I brought. People dug thru that bin like there were gold coins at the bottom. Never a piece too small. Betty Ann

                  Living in the beautiful Carson Valley of Western Nevada


                    I have 4-5 large bins of scraps saved of all sizes any thing from 3 inches. I wish I had the bins seperated by colors.

                    Living in the beautiful Carson Valley of Western Nevada


                      Now you have me staring into my sewing room wastebasket,hmmm.....Julie


                        After I have finished cutting a fabric for its intended purpose, I cut all leftover pieces into squares or rectangles and then sorting them that way. 2" by 5" or 2 1/2 by 6 rectangles then 5" or 4" or 3" or 2" squares. What's left is tossed. I got tired of having scrap boxes & baskets that were just a mess. (But my sewing room is a total mess!) Now I have a shelf with different labeled boxes filled with stacks of already cut pieces. Can you tell I love scrap quilts?



                          For scraps, I have Ziploc bags marked, smaller than 2", 2" strips, 2 1/2" strips, and larger than 2 1/2". I will usually throw away anything smaller than 1" x 1", but not always.

                          If you applique, consider saving small bits of greens for stems & leaves, yellows for bird beaks & candle flames, and blacks for almost anything. These are the three colors that I think I used the most in smaller bits & pieces of fabrics, especially if the fabrics read as solids. I throw out the scraps, or use in starting/stopping chain piecing, if the scraps are so small that the fabric pattern or design would be lost when sewn into a seam.

                          Surprisingly, I found and used lots of these small bits & pieces in my 2009 TQS BOM. I wasn't really going for a scrappy look, but needed a few pops of extra dark greens to keep my quilt from looking too flat. Some of these fabrics will only appear once in my quilt in either a four patch or sawtooth star center.


                            I'm taking a well deserved break from working 2 weeks solid to cut-up and organize my Mom's fabric stash that I inherited 3 years ago after her death. Initially I tucked away bins and bins of her fabric (which was a small dent in her entire collection, but with 7 siblings we all have a great stash now). I figured it was time to do something besides just think about those large pieces of fabric. Mind you I have been working on my own projects in the interim and have used lots of Mom's fabrics. But 2 weeks ago I thought if I don't get that fabric into a more user friendly system I'd scream.
                            So with my handy ruler and rotary cutter I got to work cutting 5 inch squares for Nickel Quilts (I have 2 books, one of which was Mom's). I'm happy to say my project is complete .
                            While reading this Forum entry I just had to laugh, because the joke around Mom's house was- "don't throw that scrap away, Mom can make a quilt out of it". She was the ultimate saver of scraps, of which she made some gorgeous quilts.
                            Thanks ladies for giving me a laugh. While cutting I've had time to reflect on what a great quilter my Mom was and think of all those scraps she used. And like Mom, I'm saving scraps (but I refuse anything smaller than 1 inch), but they are organized as many have spoken about.
                            BTW- I must have enough 5 inch squares to make every quilt in those 2 books and then some.


                              Our local quilt guild has Pat Speth (Nickel quilts author) this week for lecture and 2 workshops. I went to yesterday's workshop, and am going again today! Her quilts are great scrappy!

                              Maggie in E. Central Illinois


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