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Do you know where this pattern comes from?

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    Do you know where this pattern comes from?

    Before I had my own scanner I got somebody to scan these quilt photos from a magazine which I thought I owned but now it is playing hide and seek with me. I really want to find this pattern but don't know where to look, I think it is an American Patchwork & Quilting pattern but am not 100% sure and if I knew the name of it I could search on http://www.allpeoplequilt.com but the photos are all I have! Any help greatly appreciated, thanks! Sorry about the repeated photo, have uploaded them twice and can't work out what I am doing wrong!

    Margarita, sorry I can't help you, but the quilt is beautiful. If you find the pattern name, pass it on. I would love to make it too.


      Gosh, I must have the same magazine...somewhere...as I remember looking at that pattern. It was a square block with a four square block. The green border around the square block really blurs the line between the elements. I remember thinking that my sewing skills are not precise enough yet to do that pattern and have it come out right. It sure results in a fabulous quilt!


        It's beautifully intricate, and obviously contains two blocks. If you break it down that way I think you'll see it wouldn't be too hard to draft. Go for it!


          Yes I think I could, I have the Fons & Porter book and probably others that tell you how to draft blocks but meantime I have found a log cabin pattern that I like very much from the book Take Five and I have enough material to make it. If I go ahead and make that quilt then the magazine with all the instructions for the other pattern will turn up because my life is like that!!


            :lol: :lol: :lol: Too true!


              Those laughing smilies! I just put the mouse over the photos and it says "viewed 187 times" ! so I don't think there is much hope, I remember I sent some magazines to a friend in Puerto La Cruz and she is checking. However she has them all except one which she gave away so am waiting to hear from her .... and the :twisted: pattern is in the give away no doubt so more :lol: :lol: :lol:


                Margarita, I spent some time yesterday drafting a pattern. May not be exact, but I think I will use it some day. I have material downstairs that would be beautiful for this quilt.
                The quilt is 2 different blocks. Block A is a 4 patch in a 4 patch in a 9 patch. The other is just a square with a border around it.

                For a queen size (95" x 109.5") I figured 13.5" blocks (finished size).
                For block A: smallest sqs. are 1.5" for first 4 patch. Squares for next 4 patch are 3". Lg squares for 9 patch are 6", with 1.5" x 6" for top and bottom of block. Center strip for 9 patch is 1.5" x 6", with center square 1.5".
                For block B: I am using a 10.5" square with a 1.5" border around it.
                I am putting 6 blocks across per row, and 7 rows down, alternating blocks A and B. (I need 21 of each block)
                For my outer borders I am using strips of .75", 1.5" .75" and 4.5". I may change that later on mine.
                If anyone copies this, just remember to add seam allowances to everything!!


                  I just looked at the photo again. I noticed they have 8 rows down. That looks more even with the diagonal strips. Guess I will go refigure sizes of blocks. There quilt must not be as wide as I want. I guess I will leave my alone for now. I want it to fit my sons queen bed. Good luck all.


                    I wrote to American Patchwork & Quilting and the lady who replied says she is familiar with all the patterns since 2003 and that it is not an APQ pattern. Just waiting to hear from my friend in Puerto La Cruz and then I give up! Good Luck with your quilt, Lorra.


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