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Does anyone know Sharon Schamber?

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    I have been a member of her network for several years and they just dumped my logon. They say they have a special deal for former members of the network, but they can't even find my logon in their records!!! I have downloaded everything I had up until that happened, but I think if you pay the $1xx.00 for a membership you should have continued access to those videos and patterns you paid for already. I got almost nothing new either for my last $100 plus dollars I paid. Anyway, I won't be renewing, but I miss the new ones. She is very talented and teaches so well. I don't blame her, exactly, but I think she and her family should get together and help the son fix the problems with the network, including putting the patterns back on, and be more responsive or they should find someone who will. Sigh, sad really.

    "Neglect not the gift that is within you..." -1 Timothy 4:14
    Betty Jo


      Update - Cristy didn't know about the patterns not being available. She gave me the email addy for Neil and I sent him an email asking about the patterns on 12/12 - nada so far. Good Grief!

      Happy Holidays,


        Betty Jo, you are very kind. It is her name that is on the line and if she can't get her family to do a job properly then she needs to get somebody else to do it. This is a business and needs to be run as one, and not rely on folks being nice to her because she makes gorgeous quilts and is a good teacher. Others manage to make award-winning quilts and run a business.
        From the edge of Sherwood Forest, home of Robin Hood


          Update - LOL - I have left a voicemail about two weeks ago and an email on their "contact us" portion of their website. The "contact us" has been down showing "error" or some such message. Nada

          So I went on another website that is representing SS and sent an email to Sharon, her husband (can't remember his name) and poor Cristy - just asking about a pattern to do the project along with video. I sent it yesterday.

          Sharon has a Facebook page but it hasn't been updated since 7/10 - good grief.

          This is my pet project. . .and again - not holding my breath.


            Hey! Great to have somebody ELSE on this as a pet project. Now the rest of us can get back to quilting, which is what Sharon has always been doing. I think this mess is all because of Son running the website part of it......daughter runs the Shopping part of it...............

            Maybe they don't talk often. ha

            I understand Sharon is a very nice person...I just wish it wasn't HER name on it, because it certainly colors my emotion when her name comes up.......I paid good, hard earned money for access to ongoing lessons......God knows she is a quilter of extraordinary skill - perhaps a savant, but this......................



              I agree Lynn. I'm not obsessed with this PP (pet project) because I too am quilting. All my communications are factual without emotion but God knows I want to grab someone there and shake the sheet out of them! :roll:

              But I wish someone knew her personally so they could tell her how much of a mess her Network is and how frustrating it is to be a member.

              Happy Quilting,




                  Why don't you call Christy at her shop? At least you'd be talking to a live person! It's all well and good to say SS is a nice person but when people have handed over quite a bit of money, they deserve an answer.

                  from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                  Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                    Seriously folks, do you really think she doesn't know what's going on? Particularly as her whole family seems to be involved in running her business - or not running her business. Is there any kind of redress board in the States for rogue traders?


                      i called sharon number few months ago, her husband answered the phone.
                      he asked me to send him an e mail to his son (niel doesnt react what so ever)
                      after a while, i can log in now and last 2 months there are few new lessons on the website.
                      the system has changed so you cant see the video directly you need to download them first.
                      BUT download the sw that support those video;s other wise you cant see them.
                      good luck!
                      and it seems there is something wrong there. dont be so harsh, after all we dont know what
                      is really happening.


                        You are right, Becky, we don't know what's going on. But Sharon Schamber has put her name to commercial products and so should control what's going on.

                        Let me tell you a little story that has nothing to do with quilting: A German designer started a business years ago. Members of his family were given various responsibilities and received and were paid for it. The business got the designers name because it was recognizeable and customer instantly knew what to expect. Unfortunately some of the people involved did not (for whatever reason) do their job. The designer struggled for a years or so, and his reputation suffered. In the end he started a new business, with a new name, advertised and employed some people who knew what they were doing. The old family-run company eventually folded, and the new company is still going strong.

                        I am going to keep my distance from anything with the name 'Schamber' on until I keep hearing good things.
                        From the edge of Sherwood Forest, home of Robin Hood


                          I did today, go to the Network site, and downloaded a couple of new videos. But that is quite different than the original propostion. Neil gave me an extra ?? months some time back when it all crashed etc. I think the worst and most exasperating thing is that the communication is NILL.

                          But, I've moved on. Life's too short. And Sharon is still a quilting goddess...her crown is just a bit askew!

                          And come to think of it, mine has been that way a time or two! (only two) (no, NOT only two) :shock:


                            you r absolutely right lorchem, i know it all.
                            i thought as well that may be niel fail to an addiction of any kind that interfere his well functioning ..
                            and you are right about the rep of sharon.
                            the fact is the damage is already done.
                            the fact as well is that we dont know what is really happening there.
                            so we need to get over it all together.
                            of course i would like to see sharon classes as regularly as it can be. but for the moment it isnt.

                            i wish to all of us only the best in the quilting world.


                              You wear a crown, Lynn??...... Curtsying..... Do we have to address you as "Your Royal Quiltyness"??? .... Giggle.....
                              From the edge of Sherwood Forest, home of Robin Hood


                                I don't know if I got a year's worth out of belonging to the Network or not, but Internet fraud is just that. Maybe if you have a receipt, or date you signed on with a credit card, the credit card company will help. Many of Sharon's videos are now on Youtube for free.


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