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Quilting from the soul?

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    Brava, Dawn!! Brava!! and ditto what Teri said :mrgreen:

    from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
    Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


      I get a twice weekly letter from the artist Robert Genn. At the end of today's letter he wrote:

      "Excessive influence, even from the work of others in art magazines or books, can lead to malfunctions of the creative spirit. Fen Lansdowne, the brilliant and widely-published bird painter who recently passed away, suffered from a lifelong malady called "The Imposter Syndrome." Comparing himself to others sent Fen into a dark and angry funk that sometimes lasted weeks. When he figured out the cure, it was pretty straightforward: Watch birds. Do drawings. Paint birds."

      from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
      Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


        Boy ain't it the truth! There's a fine line sometimes between creative inspiration that energizes you and substituting it for your own creativity.


          Sometimes you can be so intimidated or unindated by 'inspiration' it can shut down your creative spirit. When I finally realize this, I know it is time to just sit down and start playing with my sewing machine.


            Eileen, I joined into this discussion late because I have not had time to keep up with the forum lately. Just remember that what you do with your long arm quilting is also truly an art. You made my Rhapsody so much better than what is was before the quilting. I will be forever grateful for your artistry to make my dream come true. Each of us have some skills, some of us have an art and some have a vision. We each need to stretch our skills to become an art and then maybe move on to a vision. Or sometimes the vision comes first and then the skills and the art. But in whatever order, we each need to express our own talents and vision and as I am learning, Not Worry to Much About the Nay Sayers in our environment. Keep on keeping on to your vision and know you have a friend and supporter here in Texas right now (who knows where I will be next LOL) Hugs and Love, Ann


              Thank you, Ann. You'll always have a friend in New York. I loved working on your quilts.

              Every quilt I work on inspires me in some way; the imagination that so many people show through their work lets their soul shine through.

              from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
              Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                Thanks to everyone who gave support for my quandary. I've found 3 things to feed my soul in 2011.
                Sue's Ruffled Roses BOM project, Kim McLean's Roseville Album quilt and my Dear Jane. I'm really looking forward to working on them.

                I'm also going to participate in Judy Laquidera's UFO project. It's basically a UFO of the month. We had to list 12 UFOs that we want to get done. She picks a number between 1 & 12 and that's the UFO we work on for the month. :shock:

                I think my soul is doing better and a big reason is being able to come here and talk to everybody here. 8)

                from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                  I hadn't heard of Judy's UFO project (I've now gone to her website to look), but it sounds like a really good idea! I do have a particular order I want to get the first half-dozen or so of my UFOs done, though, so maybe I'll join once I've completed those.


                    What a great insight! And so true, eventually we all have to get on with the project and "just do it." : )


                    Originally posted by eileenkny
                    I get a twice weekly letter from the artist Robert Genn. At the end of today's letter he wrote:

                    "Excessive influence, even from the work of others in art magazines or books, can lead to malfunctions of the creative spirit. Fen Lansdowne, the brilliant and widely-published bird painter who recently passed away, suffered from a lifelong malady called "The Imposter Syndrome." Comparing himself to others sent Fen into a dark and angry funk that sometimes lasted weeks. When he figured out the cure, it was pretty straightforward: Watch birds. Do drawings. Paint birds."


                      Originally posted by eileenkny
                      Thanks to everyone who gave support for my quandary. I've found 3 things to feed my soul in 2011.
                      Sue's Ruffled Roses BOM project, Kim McLean's Roseville Album quilt and my Dear Jane. I'm really looking forward to working on them.

                      I'm also going to participate in Judy Laquidera's UFO project. It's basically a UFO of the month. We had to list 12 UFOs that we want to get done. She picks a number between 1 & 12 and that's the UFO we work on for the month. :shock:

                      I think my soul is doing better and a big reason is being able to come here and talk to everybody here. 8)
                      I really like, and agree, with the notion that finishing UFO's feed the soul.


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