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Do YOU design your projects What is your process?

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    Do YOU design your projects What is your process?

    Just wondering if people follow patterns more or do they
    design their own quilts.

    I do not think I have ever made a quilt exactly as shown in
    a purchased pattern. I start our with the pattern but then
    end up changing things so that it is totally different. I
    think it is because I can not stand to think of other quilts
    out in the world exactly like mine.

    What do you do? with your quilts and projects? How do you design / develop your quilts?

    Do you follow the pattern?
    go off on your own?
    Do you follow your own path or stick to convention/ tradition?

    What is your inspiration?

    WHY IS THE FIDDLER ON THE ROOF SONG... TRADITION running thourgh my head?


    It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
    That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !

    Anna, like you, I often start with a pattern, but just can't seem to make myself follow all the directions! :lol:

    It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
    That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


      The statement most heard about my quilts is "That's different!" I push the envelope. I buy books with patterns in them, but I read about the technique and look at the gallery quilts then fly on my own. I often combine what I've learned from two or three inspirations and come up with something completely unique. Lately one of my small sewing groups, BOA (Beyond Ordinary Artists) has been studing art concepts and design techniques. After each education session we discuss how the concepts we just learned can be translated into fabric. Never stop learning. Add a new technique to your quiltin' tool box every chance you get.
      I recently did a group project with four other fiber artists. The phrase, "Make visual decisions visually." was often said. I think some decisions on every quilt must be made on that quilts own merits and not on the quilt that the pattern maker was making. Unless you are using the exact same fabrics as the pattern, thing could read quilt differently. I am all for originality. Originality is what keeps this wonderful world of quilting that we all enjoy growing and growing and growing.
      Think a new thought and expand yourself Betty Ann

      It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
      That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


        I still purchase books, and I will always have an open mind about doing a quilt from a pattern, but for now, I seem to be doing only my own designs. I love reading about techniques, and stitching ideas, etc.....but I absolutely love the feeling of drawing my own pattern, and watching it come to life, even though I make many changes along the way. And many times, the end result is very different from the initial vision, but I like that part of the process too.....makes it even more unique in the end, and that's my goal!

        It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
        That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


          My first quilts were patterns but now I fly by the seat of my pants. I will look through books to get ideas, but I always end up with my graph paper and a pencil. OF course, now that I said that, I just realized I am doing a Storm at Sea quilt(variation) and following the pattern exactly ops: .

          It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
          That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


            I've always been one who hates hearing that something has to be done a certain way, so patterns are just not for me. Like a few of the others who've commented, I buy books and take classes not to have a finished project just like the author's or teacher's but to learn techniques that I can apply to my own quilts. For instance, I have a workshop with Anne Lullie tomorrow through my guild. While we'll be working with one of her patterns, I will be concentrating on learning all I can about working with color, fusing fabric, how to make sure my quilting enhances the quilt. I have made a couple of simple bed quilts with patterns from books but not without making definite revisions.


              I used to buy patterns, but as of a couple years ago, I am totally into designing my own now. Find some subject matter that you love or some color combination to draw inspiration from. I would also suggest looking at art books also.... and Dover publications has a bunch of books of copyright free designs that you can use to design a quilt. I have so many designs in my head right now, that I'll have to live to be 150 before I can turn them into quilts! And I always start out with a pencil and graph paper. Funny thing is, my finished quilts always vary from my original design. I can't even follow my OWN patterns!
              Back to Quilting!


                I guess that I am just like most of the rest of you; I like the freedom of designing my own patterns. in fact I would not really call them patterns, I sketch what I what to do & then make it happen. It may take longer but I really like the satisfaction of solving puzzles that I set for myself.


                  I love designing my own. I start with an idea or a photograph. I use lots of graph paper and erasers. Once in a while I follow a pattern, especially if I'm in the mood to do something traditional. These days I'm liking making published applique patterns and using my stash.


                    I'm relatively new to quilting, and so far I've followed patterns pretty closely. I have a few books with such beautiful quilts that I love to reproduce what I see! My own touches come with the fabrics I choose & the quilting. But I'm finally to the point where I've got my own ideas that I'm ready to tackle. I have a feeling I too will be using lots of graph paper and erasers!!


                      I'm so impressed by everyone's work here in TQS. When I see someone used a pattern nicely executed, I am impressed, and when it's totally or partially original I love that too. I have never used a pattern to make a quilt, but I started quilting with a background of having been a fashion designer/custom seamstress from years back. I often base my quilts on photographs or Dover coloring books. I sometimes work out a background and borders in EQ6 (I just got EQ7, so haven't done one in that yet). But who knows what I'll do next...I've learned so much from you all, TQS, Sharon Schamber, and classes at shows that I have a lot of things I'd like to try. Cheers, BJ

                      "Neglect not the gift that is within you..." -1 Timothy 4:14
                      Betty Jo


                        My first real quilt I followed the pattern precisely, but after that no way! I use a lot of patterns and own a lot of books as inspiration, but I always have to put a spin on it and make it my own. If it is a new technique I haven't done I follow directions closely a few times then if I think of an easier way to do something I give it a go. Sometimes this works and sometimes I see why it was done the hard way...lol!


                          Ask yourself "what if I did this instead"...change color, change color placements, put something on point, tweak the borders. I hate to follow a pattern, because it isn't MY quilt. One time I walked into a class -- I had changed the size of the blocks, the number of blocks, the number of colors, the number of fabrics -- and the teacher said "did you leave anything the same?!!"


                            I only started quilting November last year although I have been sewing for about 40 years. My 1st few quilts I followed reasonably closely to the pattern but have now started designing my own. I devour any book or on-line site I come across and then take the basic 'how-to' lessons & try to think of my own designs for it or how to combine it with something else. Because I want to try every new style I see, I always have more projects in my head than I will ever have time to sew. At the moment I'm planning a spiral quilt & next I would like to do a Kaleidoscope one. I would like to try some trapunto in the border of one of them.


                              Pattern or not, the important thing is to enjoy.


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