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Borders ( help )

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    Borders ( help )

    Hello I’m working on this quilt for my dad it’s a story quilt the Alex Anderson lantern’s represent or lunch in Seattle at a dim sum rest etc I have a dark blue border should I narrow it and add a dark brown border also or is the blue on then what color binding… thank you all kindly I’m a novice and borders and color selection is my least favorite
    Dana J

    Not sure what went wrong I think I had to much in the body of message question 1 should I add a second border wider border
    2 what color binding would look good
    3 if I add the second border should I narrow the 3inch navy border
    Dana J


    • Barbara B. commented
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      Decide what size the quilt needs to be. If larger, add a second border. I would leave the navy border the current size and make the next border wider. While I prefer a contrasting binding, if you have enough of the fabric that is the outside border, use that. One less decision to make.
      I recommend you study photos of quilts to determine what border styles appeal to you most. Pinterest is a good place to start. Try “pieced quilts “ to see a bunch. Create a board with your favorites for future reference.

    Originally posted by [email protected] View Post
    Hello I’m working on this quilt for my dad it’s a story quilt the Alex Anderson lantern’s represent or lunch in Seattle at a dim sum rest etc I have a dark blue border should I narrow it and add a dark brown border also or is the blue on then what color binding… thank you all kindly I’m a novice and borders and color selection is my least favorite
    Dana, If you could take a picture that is a little more straight on, I could try out some ideas in EQ8. What size is quilt now
    without borders. Here is a couple looks of borders. If you have an idea and would like me to try it in EQ8 just say what you
    would like to see. If you google like Barbara you might get some ideas. I know it helps to see a visual image of what it
    would look like. That is why I bought the EQ8 software. HelenW


      Thank you both so much!!!! Love the advice I am going to get Look into purchasing the program you mentioned what an awesome addition to the sewing room
      Dana J


      • Helen W. commented
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        Dana, It is a little spendy. The Electric Quilt website has lots of savings on holidays. You should
        check that out before just paying full price. Also, It has quite a learning curve. I spent close to
        2 years taking classes from Kari Schell at OnPointQuilting. Her blog alone without classes
        will teach you tons. The other thing if you do get it and have questions, if you ask on the forum
        I bet I can answer most of them. If you just google Electric quilt tutorials on You Tube you can
        get a better idea of what you can do with it and a whole lot more. I have absolutely loved knowing how to use it. You have to be careful because all your friends will ask you to design quilt for them. I
        I will post a couple pictures of ones I designed below. You can't add pictures on a comment on this site and I did not hit Quote or I could add the pictures here. HelenW

      Dana, Here are a few EQ8 designs I drew up for friends asking for quilting
      help with doing something unique. The first one was for a friends grand daughter
      graduating high school this May. The applique blocks were not drawn in EQ8.
      That part was too complicated even for me. The next one a friend wanted a border
      for her log cabin top she had pieced. The same friend want to make a birthday
      present using the scraps from the log cabin quilt. The next one a friend wanted
      a panel design for our fire dept. auction to raise money. I have to say I never
      feel it a chore to do stuff for friends because I have so much fun using EQ8.



      • commented
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        Helen thank you for the advise, you are the person that answered my earlier question about quilting , how I can't stop from getting wrinkles well since you told me about the spray glue and to put my walking foot on.. I never have any trouble quilting my sandwiches. You are so kind and a wealth of knowledge. Thank you kindly again

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