Quilting Forum


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    started a topic Borders ( help )

    Borders ( help )

    Hello I’m working on this quilt for my dad it’s a story quilt the Alex Anderson lantern’s represent or lunch in Seattle...
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  • I need the name of this block

    I'm putting these and more of the same pattern quilt blocks together for a friend and I need the name of the quilt block....
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    Last edited by Stephanie F.; 03-05-2024, 12:04 PM. Reason: Adding another photo

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    started a topic Hi quick question

    Hi quick question

    I wonder if anyone would mind
    If I ask a novice question about my quilts. No matter how hard I try when I quit my...
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    started a topic Marking fabric

    Marking fabric

    I have searched and tried many fabric marking tools and liked the Friction pens a little more than anything else. BUT stumbled...
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  • Should I add yellow to a black and white drunkard's path quilt

    I have a 1956 Airstream which is being renovated. The floor will be black and white checks, and I plan to use lemon yellow...
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Search Results


  • Borders ( help )
    Hello I’m working on this quilt for my dad it’s a story quilt the Alex Anderson lantern’s represent or lunch in Seattle...
  • I need the name of this block
    I'm putting these and more of the same pattern quilt blocks together for a friend and I need the name of the quilt block....
  • Hi quick question
    I wonder if anyone would mind
    If I ask a novice question about my quilts. No matter how hard I try when I quit my...
  • Marking fabric
    I have searched and tried many fabric marking tools and liked the Friction pens a little more than anything else. BUT stumbled...
  • Should I add yellow to a black and white drunkard's path quilt
    I have a 1956 Airstream which is being renovated. The floor will be black and white checks, and I plan to use lemon yellow...
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