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Virtual Retreat 2016

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    Beautiful quilts, ladies!


      Geneva, your quilt is beautiful!


        Nice work Annis and Geneva!


          Just sewing a sash onto a dress for Izzy and when I went to change my machine from straight stitch to zigzag, some thing went ping inside, and it won't sew zigzag any more Feeling very down.


            Oh, dear, Rosemary, that stinks!! hmy:

            I forgot to say welcome back to Eileen -- I remember you and am glad you are able to be back.

            Geneva, your quilt is lovely! You did that as a leaders & enders? Fantastic!! And while packing?!!! We've lived here for 28 yrs. I can't imagine packing my sewing room or my house, let alone piecing all the while. :woohoo: Have fun with the girls. I'm sure they will love sewing and having a project they made themselves! Good job!!

            @julesquilts on IG 
            working farm wife and quilter in the off-seasons
            Modern quilter, QOV volunteer, Improv, FPP w/o stitching on paper, freehand quilting on my long-arm.
            BERNINA 790 Pro, Elna Serger, Handi Quilter Fusion, 3 FW,  a lot of old Singers and other vintage and antique machines (25+).


              Rosemary, last year, a tiny piece sheared off the mechanism for the presser foot bar. Since my Viking's so old, it took about 6 months to finally locate the piece. My repair guy bought the same model machine from ebay and cannibalized it for my machine. Hope yours goes better.
              Geneva, your quilt is beautiful! Wish my leaders and enders looked so good.

              Glad to be back!!

              from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
              Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                wonderful quilts ladies !
                Geneva I am sure they will love pillow cases. love your quilt


                  Well, I thought I would share with you all what I've been working on. I looked and this will be the 826th post to this forum! I've really enjoyed having this forum to come to and share with you all and to look forward to all that you share. I hope we can start a 2017 Virtual Retreat and stay connected.

                  We've had a lot of snow for us. So, mostly I've stayed inside and sewed! Nice!

                  In one of my small quilt groups we decided to buy maize yellow Kona cotton solid and each make a churn dash using red. No size restrictions or red restrictions. The churn dash could be wonky or whatever. We got back about 20 churn dashes of all sizes and even one in pink and green because 1 person didn't hear the word red! So my smaller group "Gang of 5" decided to take the blocks and put them into 3-4 different quilts. The block that I made was the largest of all blocks (15") and they asked me to make mine into a quilt all it's own. And would I please put this other churn dash on the back. It was quite wonky with strange seam allowances and it didn't lay very flat. I said sure. I worked on my block by putting angled borders on it and then didn't like it. I took the borders off, reangled them, added the tiny red and yellow patterned batik and then I said "ok". I've been quilting it, using my walking foot. I've always struggled with the measurements on my walking foot and finally took a moment to check it out and my walking foot doesn't sit straight and therefore the measurements on each side are different. Ah Sybil.... In any case I figured out where to eye ball the stitching to make it the same on either side. Within the large churn dash I quilted 1/2", the middle 1/4" and the center churn dash 1/8" lines. I used a variegated King Tut yellow with just a fleck of red. I like how the middle fabric looks darker, when it is really the same maize in the rest of the quilt. I had some fun with various red threads in the border. I had so little of the red fabrics I used that the binding was chosen by the fact that it was the only one I had enough of. It is 25" x 25".

                  By the time I got to making the back I was tired. I found some gold in my solid bin and cut with abandon and pressed "persuasively" as Ricky taught us. :blink: The little orphan block is now home. And, the 2 different golds were a "design choice." Yeah, right!! :dry:

                  This little adventure was just what I needed to break up the quilting of the big quilt. I think I've shown this many times but here is what I've been quilting. I'm calling it "Color and Passion".

                  This quilt is 71" x 78" and the harp space on my Bernina 730 is 7 1/2". :S I am quilting a grid and it is turning out to be a unique plaid effect. I am using about 25 different variegated Superior Rainbow and Fantastico threads.

                  Here is a picture pushing it through the harp. Ugh.

                  I am almost done now and will bind it and block it. Then..... make another one. Yup, I have enough of my economy blocks to make another quilt the same size. I have a plan to connect the two, but I will share that later.

                  Thank you for reading all this, if you made it this far! I've missed talking with you all. While my heart goes out to Ritzy I wish everyone a blessed holiday. Life is precious and good friends like you make the journey so much nicer. Thank you!

                  Hugs, geneva


                    Geneva - I love both of your quilts! You always do such wonderful things with color! And your walking foot quilting is always the perfect touch!!

                    Don't be too mad at Sybil about the walking foot measurements. I have the same problem with my Bernina walking foot so it might be a common problem.

                    Have a wonderful holiday season and see you in 2017!


                      Geneva, I really like what you're doing with your quilting. It's bringing everything together. I hope we do have a 2017 Virtual Retreat group, 2017 is my year to finish. I have so many things in WIP right now, I've got nothing to show what I love to do. I have to get my mojo moving if I am going to accomplish anything!

                      I just finished a 5 year term as the recording secretary for my Hibernian group, so that's one load off! I'm looking forward to having at least a little more time for me.

                      Is everyone done with their holiday shopping? Hmmm???................... :lol:

                      from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                      Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                        I will try to get a 2017 virtual retreat ready to go on January 1st. The encouragement we get from each other is inspiring.

                        So, start to think what you want to 'bring along' on our 2017 retreat. I think it might be fun for each of us to list a few things we want to accomplish during the upcoming months. Pictures of the UFOS and WIPS would be great to see.

                        And of course everyone should bring chocolates!

                        from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                        Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                          Geneva, I forgot to ask-what is your group doing with the churn dash quilts? Does everyone in the group get one or are you donating them?

                          from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                          Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                            Eileen, right now we plan to show them at our quilt show in March. Hopefully it will be evidence that our small groups are accomplishing things! B)

                            Thank you Nancy for your kind words. Coming from you, the Houston award winner for quilting, that's a big pat on the back! Here's a hug for you... ((( )))

                            LuAnn, thanks for getting another retreat going for us. I'll bring champagne for everyone!

                            My Christmas shopping is done and all the presents are wrapped! Oh Yeah!!!

                            Hugs to everyone. geneva


                              Thanks Luann that would be great.

                              Geneva your quilts and quilting are wonderful as always. The back of the churn dash is fun, I love that you've kept the churn dash block wonky. I'd love to see your snow its benn wet and gloomy a lot here and no sign of snow.

                              Thanks Luann I'd love you carry on the retreat next year even though it's such a struggle to get a post up. It's worth it to be patient and hear what you are all up to.

                              Happy Christmas all and hope you have a peaceful and comforting time with your families and friends

                              Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                                Wonderful quilts, Geneva! I like your quilting and feel for you pulling that mass through your harp space. Luann, I look forward to a 2017 Virtual retreat.


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