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    Originally posted by "idaho" post=137346
    I don't know, Rosemary...looks like a lot of good useful stuff !! :whistle: :lol:
    but a tad disorganised.....


      Dorothy, where are you in Montana. I live in Heron (my closest town is Sandpoint, ID).


        Well Rosemary, you do have a bit of organizing to do. But it should be well worth the effort. I hate cleaning/reorganizing, no matter what you call it! Good luck.

        And I can't wait to tell my husband and 2 of our kids that they are cack handed! They think I'm a bit dotty anyway.... hmy: And Wendy, I'll be sure to remember what cack is. Surely when the grandkids are here we'll see some cack left by the critters. Their parents just love it when I teach them new stuff..... haha

        On the sewing front I pulled out 2 ufos and am currently attempting to combine them. I just may succeed!

        Take care everyone and have a great week!



          Sherry...I live in Polson...between Kalispell and Missoula.



            Wow! You are super close! I never actually get to Polson but we often go to Kalispell and Missoula


              I go to Kalispell quite a bit, but seldom to Missoula any more :side:



                Managed to do some organising today :cheer:

                I also found my original computer.....

                Made it for my City and Guilds qualification back in '85/'86 - all computers said 'syntax error' in those days with irritating regularity.


                  Fun to organize and find treasures too. I'd forgotten about 'syntax error' from the old days!



                    Wow Rosemary! You really dug into the catacombs for that archeological treasure! It's really cool. Thanks for sharing.
                    Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


                      Rosemary, loved your hidden treasure. Getting organized is an unending project for me. I understand about the DH wanting you to have a slinging out session. My DH told me the other day it is finally dry enough in the back yard to pull a trailer in and clean out the basement. Most of the stuff there is my stuff, all my sewing stuff and lots of other stuff too. I do have a few things to clean, dispose of, or just get organized. Well, maybe more then a few :blush: :blush: . Of course, if he glued the legs of the 5 dining room chairs that are down there waiting, it would give me more room to work on the other stuff. :silly: One of my DGDs offered to come help me. She wouldn't understand. Her mom just throws everything away. I am not a hoarder yet, just disorganized. I will surprise them someday!! :lol: :lol:



                        The computer is awesome! You made that?! You are so talented.



                          Rosemary, my DBIL introduced us to our first Mac computer and it looked about like that! It was so much easier to use than the PC back then. Now I have to use both because of the programs that I need.

                          I'm not getting a lot of sewing time in this year, but I did finally finish my Alphabet Sampler quilt. I paid someone to quilt it the first part of the year then after a few months of looking at it I decided the green thread she used on the sashing wasn't quite what I wanted so spent the month of May taking it out and redid it on my Janome with a lighter thread in June. The first try still didn't show up that well on the front but looked good on the back, so I did double work on the sewing and added another lighter thread. The design is not as pretty as the original but I am happy with it.

                          I found out today that my miniature quilt made from the Ruffled Roses pattern will be going to the Houston Quilt Festival. So that means I'm going to try to go too. This will be my first time to have a quilt in the show.


                            This certainly turned out nice.


                              Congratulations Annis on your miniature quilt going to Houston!

                              And what a lot of work on the alphabet quilt.... it looks very nice.



                                Annis - Love everything about your alphabetic sampler quilt. Congratulations on your miniature quilt from the Ruffled Roses pattern going to Houston! I'd love to see it someday in person.

                                Barb :-)


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