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  • What I learned
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    I hope you can help me. I know I'm very late in getting to this point but life is finally allowing...
  • Adding house numbers
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  • Quilt is complete. Fun!
  • One World — This is Brilliant!
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    You're brilliant!! Thanks.

    Mug rugger and lounge lizard


      My auto correct wants me to be "Charge". I may give in.

      in 'Yes, I Know the Way to San Jose...', California, USA


        Lol Charae

        in 'Yes, I Know the Way to San Jose...', California, USA


          Luann - nice fabric selection!
          Rosemary - thanks for the cutting tips!

          in 'Yes, I Know the Way to San Jose...', California, USA


            Getting a bit worried over here hmy: , I found myself pressing large lengths of the fabric and then folding it neatly and putting it in clip skirt hangers. All my fabrics for this quilt are now beautifully organised, hanging up all together, where I can't lose them :blink: , and they are all ready and waiting for the next clue. :P

            in 'Yes, I Know the Way to San Jose...', California, USA


              I finished my pieces yesterday. I will post pictures tomorrow. I think they look great. Now I am anxiously waiting for the next set of instructions! While I am waiting I am making more blocks for my Disappearing Hourglass quilt. That is the only way to make it larger without having too many borders. I will finish that tomorrow, then I need to dig my way to the longarm. I piled stuff on it last month when I was rearranging my sewing room and have not taken time to clear it off. I like sewing a lot more than cleaning! :blush:


                But doesn't it feel good with a clean field. Look forward to seeing both :cheer:

                Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                  I didn't get much cleaning done, but I made 15 more of the Disappearing Hourglass blocks. Here are my pictures. First the fabrics I chose.

                  These are my blocks.

                  One of my DD is joining in. She is not a TQS member (yet). Terrie gave approval, so I want to show her blocks too. Keep in mind, she has sewn very little, and has not ever made a quilt.

                  I think her seams are larger than a quarter inch. I think I forgot to tell her that part. I will tell her and it will give her something to do while she waits for the next month's clue.


                    I like both your blocks and hers Cathy. Looks like she is a natural!
                    Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


                      I love both your colour ways. I'm so glad you daughter joined in. I think you really need to tell your daughter that the seams should be 1/4" inch. Otherwise it's like telling someone how to make bread without telling them you have to knead it. :lol:

                      I'm having a difficult time here restraining myself until October 1st :unsure:
                      Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


                        Beautiful fabric choices, Cathy; both you and your daughter! What fun, having her join you in this! She definitely has the eye for colors, and after a little practice I'm sure she'll have the seam allowance down, too. They are going to be 2 gorgeous quilts!


                          Great looking colours Cathy. It is going to be fun seeing all the variations that colour can bring to one design. It would be funny if at the end of it we all decide that we prefer someone else's colour scheme over our own :whistle:


                            Will we see any more Clue #1 pics before next week?
                            At our guild they used to give a gal a big 'X" if she didn't finish on time. Since I'm relieving the gal who's done the MQ for years, they wanted me to do that too, saying it was fun. I choose to give each person a check mark if they've finished each clue within the month. More positive, I think. I think it will be much more motivating than a big 'X". Perhaps I could let them put their name in a hat each time they are 'on time' and then they'll have more chances to win a prize in the end?

                            On that other hand, I think just to chuck the whole "X" or check idea completely. Just enjoy the process.

                            Okay -pics anyone??


                              Terrie, I think I will have to be a lurker for now, still interested, but just to many health issues. That I have not been able to do what I had hoped to get done this month Never know what the next day will bring. The pictures I have seen look like there is quite a selection of fabrics, which will make for some really great looking quilts.



                                Margarita, I truly hope you will be feeling well soon. We would love to have you lurking, so come as often as you can. Take care.


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