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  • Happy Dance! I won ribbons!
    Home from the Maine Quilts show where my Color my World quilt, rename ‘Home,’ received 3 ribbons. I’m overwhelmed...
  • What I learned
    Well, here it is, the end of 2022, and I finally have finished my 2021 BOM quilt! I apologize that the photo is not centered....
  • Late at this but having difficulty
    Hi There,

    I hope you can help me. I know I'm very late in getting to this point but life is finally allowing...
  • Adding house numbers
    I'm quite behind on my BOM, but now have all the tall buildings of the outer ring done. I would like to add some house...
  • Ahhhhh.. almost done! Have a question!!
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  • My Colorful World With Parks by Duffy
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  • Printing for paper piecing question
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  • Paper piecing color my world…anyone else?
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  • Video Access
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  • New to The Quilt Show
    I am BRAND NEW to the Quilt Show and fell in love with this pattern. I downloaded all of the instructions. My concern is......
  • How to download pattern?
    I'm a new-ish star member and would like to download the "Color My World" pattern...but I can't find where to...
  • Quilting color my world
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  • Getting outer circle to lie flat
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  • Great new way to see all the photos!
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  • Color My World Pattern - Download Heads Up
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  • Color my world — your finish here
    Please use this topic to share your FINISHED top or quilt here. This will make it easy to see all the great quilts everyone...
  • Quilt is complete. Fun!
  • One World — This is Brilliant!
    Sunday Sew and Sews met today. Pam R. came up with a brilliant way to make One World—she used striped fabric!...
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    TQS member community/my-profile/littleflower has a good blog entry today:


    It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
    That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


      I really envy all of you that perservere to the end with one quilt--I just get distracted by all the new stuff out there and want to make all of it! I've been quilting for 27 yrs. and have alot of UFOs--I'm past the guilt and just having fun! :lol: My favorite part of quilting is making the blocks, so I am tending to make quilts that incorporate many different blocks (like the 2009 BOM). I also like very scrappy quilts. I think these two things keep me on track a little better.


        Okay wellllll......as well as having about 20 UFO's, I have just finished watching disc one of series five TQS with Paula Nadelstern....aaaahhhhh now I want to make a Kaleidoscope quilt........

        Taree NSW - Australia
        My motto in life: live by the three GGG’s - be Grateful, be Gracious, be Gorgeous to yourself


          I get bored really easily making block after block. I have been making a pieced butterfly quilt with 20 blocks. I do about 2 a day. Then off to something else. Yet I can sit all day and hand applique. I am currently working on one of Suzanne Marshall's patterns, Midsummer's Dream. Then I bought a couple of hand applique patterns, Baltimore Halloween and Baltimore Bunnies that will take me through to the end of my life. Maybe I will be able to finish all of those UFO's that are stacked up in my quilting room, in between hand applique. I am like some of you who have to have the latest fabric and the latest pattern and want to make more and more instead of finishing what I have. Oh, well. It is what I would rather do than anything especially here in the HOT summer of AZ. Judy in AZ


            I have several projects going, but not because I'm bored with the current one. I can only do design work when my mind is fresh. When I am "brain dead" I go straight for the hand quilting or hand applique--everything's already planned--and it's done by muscle memory, I think! Machine work sort of falls in between.



              All the answers are useful and should help with the little bit of guilt I feel when a put one aside to work on something different. My question follows the idea of putting some projects away for future work. What thoughts are there out there for storage? I have different size projects, quite a bit of space to put things away "for the moment" and wonder what everyone likes for still being able to see the project easily, but keeping it clean and all together.


                Mine are in labeled clear plastic boxes on top of my stash cabinet. When I run out of boxes, I make myself finish one before I start another project!

                It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                  Margo, you'll have Alex visiting after showing that picture...... all those lovely neutrals in the middle on the left....
                  From the edge of Sherwood Forest, home of Robin Hood


                    So happy to read all these ways to approach quilting. I am a fairly new quilter and felt guilty about putting off certain tasks. Now I can quilt with happiness and joy knowing that I am just like all my sister quilters. Thanks for that.


                      Originally posted by Lorchen
                      Margo, you'll have Alex visiting after showing that picture...... all those lovely neutrals in the middle on the left....
                      Lorchen, it is so funny that you said that today! I spent the morning getting my neutrals BOM on the frame so I can get it quilted! This is one I made while helping Sue to test the patterns for this year's BOM!

                      It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                      That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                        Margo, There you go again...one beautiful quilt after another. 8) It's fa-bu-lous! So what are you working on now besides that gorgeous neutral BOM test, hmmm? (Get it, BOM test... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: )

                        "Neglect not the gift that is within you..." -1 Timothy 4:14
                        Betty Jo


                          Cute, BJ!!

                          I've started a hand needle-turned project call the Civil War Bride quilt. This ought to keep me bizzy for a few days!! :lol:

                          It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                          That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                            Margo, if you finish that before the end of the year, I will KNOW you're a mage. :roll: Cheers.

                            "Neglect not the gift that is within you..." -1 Timothy 4:14
                            Betty Jo


                              Originally posted by Sewdreamy
                              Margo, if you finish that before the end of the year, I will KNOW your a mage. :roll: Cheers.
                              That's a new one on me, BJ!! Had to look it up! :roll: Trust me...there is nothing magic about it!

                              I just need to get out more!

                              It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                              That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                                WOW....... By now you should have finished quilting it, Margo! :wink:
                                From the edge of Sherwood Forest, home of Robin Hood


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