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  • Happy Dance! I won ribbons!
    Home from the Maine Quilts show where my Color my World quilt, rename ‘Home,’ received 3 ribbons. I’m overwhelmed...
  • What I learned
    Well, here it is, the end of 2022, and I finally have finished my 2021 BOM quilt! I apologize that the photo is not centered....
  • Late at this but having difficulty
    Hi There,

    I hope you can help me. I know I'm very late in getting to this point but life is finally allowing...
  • Adding house numbers
    I'm quite behind on my BOM, but now have all the tall buildings of the outer ring done. I would like to add some house...
  • Ahhhhh.. almost done! Have a question!!
    Hi all.. I am behind in my Color My World and just starting the skyscrapers... Does anyone have the finished size (with...
  • My Colorful World With Parks by Duffy
    My quilt is finish
  • Printing for paper piecing question
    For anyone paper piecing, is your quarter inch a tiny bit larger? When I’m trimming up the finished building, I line...
  • Paper piecing color my world…anyone else?
    I decided early to do paper piecing instead of the wax…I’m more comfortable . However, I have a few questions…anyone...
  • Video Access
    Will we have access to the Color My World videos after December 31st? I can't seem to find info on this.
  • New to The Quilt Show
    I am BRAND NEW to the Quilt Show and fell in love with this pattern. I downloaded all of the instructions. My concern is......
  • How to download pattern?
    I'm a new-ish star member and would like to download the "Color My World" pattern...but I can't find where to...
  • Quilting color my world
    See how I quilted Color My World and the added surprise quilting in Wendy’s border:

  • Getting outer circle to lie flat
    Hello - I know someone has solved this problem...I seem to remember a question arising when we put the inner circle together...
  • Great new way to see all the photos!
    Cap'n John showed me a new feature--you can see all the photos posted on any particular topic--at once.

  • Color My World Pattern - Download Heads Up
    I know Barbara has reminded us to download all files prior to the end of the year. I finished my downloads today and decided...
  • Color my world — your finish here
    Please use this topic to share your FINISHED top or quilt here. This will make it easy to see all the great quilts everyone...
  • Quilt is complete. Fun!
  • One World — This is Brilliant!
    Sunday Sew and Sews met today. Pam R. came up with a brilliant way to make One World—she used striped fabric!...
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Make it your own embroidery class -- show your work

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    I think I'm pretty much finished, but I still might tweak a little here and there.

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    Almost done. I have loved this Debbie

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    I feel way behind... I guess I don't have as much time to sit and embroider like the beautiful work I see displayed here. Or, maybe I should say that I have a lot of things on my plate and don't make the time? I am having fun, and I will eventually get there. Here's where I am thus far. I did get a hoop, and life is so much easier.
    Last edited by Rebecca C.; 01-23-2022, 08:40 PM.

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    Making progress and having fun!!

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    Still working on it… having fun! Found some new stitches to try online. I’m taking screenshots of the tutorial pics I want to try and saving them to an Embroidery Album of my Photos app.

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    Made from gifted vintage table linens, this finished piece is 18” x 22”. I finally had to declare in done because I wasn’t getting any other housework or quilting done. Besides, my wrists and hands were feeling abused. Loved this project!
    Last edited by Sue R.; 01-24-2022, 07:37 AM. Reason: *Corrected to proper size 18' x 22"

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    Not sure why they're blurry. But if you click on them you can see them better. Can you see the little dragon flies and the puffer fish? Having so much fun. Chris
    Last edited by chclar; 01-22-2022, 05:34 PM.

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    I have enjoyed this journey through this embroidery project. I could not set it down I just wanted to continue to fill in the the spaces. I will continue to play with the new stitches on future projects Thank you Alex for the inspiration to learn this

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    Hard to see the metallic thread. So much fun to do in the evening. Chris
    Last edited by chclar; 01-22-2022, 05:35 PM.

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    commented on 's reply
    Penny I love th background and all the wonderful stitching you have done where in Canada are you I also am a Canadian from Alberta

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    commented on 's reply
    Marni, Your ovals look great with the squiggly vines. Wish my stitches looked as good as yours. I better keep practicing. HelenW

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    Lots of fun with this. The shiny threads are rayon - tricky to embroider with.

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    commented on 's reply
    Kyla, Wow, it looks great. Amazing what a difference filling the hearts with stitches makes. HelenW

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    Thank you Alex! What a surprise it was to see my embroidery on TV! I have filled in the heart, and it's growing on me. It definitely needs - as my daughter says - some bling!
    I am using the threads in the brights kit. On the inner heart, I used the Pekinese Stitch from Sue Spago's book (pp. 40-41). It's a foundation row of backstitches with a weave of e's through it. The filling stitches are running stitch & fly stitch (orange), cretan stitch (blue), and the grid (red) in the middle. Next, I am going to do the lazy daisy vine around the outside. I also think it needs some French knots and flowers.

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    Originally posted by MSHendel View Post
    Helen, here is the full shot of the cover. I took a class in 2010 with Rebecca Rinquist. She makes samplers to work on already labeled. I found her today on CreativeBug. This sampler has been stuck in a drawer for 12 years!!!! Peg
    Peg, So glad Alex featured your stitch guide on her You Tube Live. It is the perfect was to use the project if you don't just plan
    to frame it. Bet a lot of the quilters use your idea. Thanks for sharing. HelenW

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