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  • Happy Dance! I won ribbons!
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  • What I learned
    Well, here it is, the end of 2022, and I finally have finished my 2021 BOM quilt! I apologize that the photo is not centered....
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    I hope you can help me. I know I'm very late in getting to this point but life is finally allowing...
  • Adding house numbers
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  • Ahhhhh.. almost done! Have a question!!
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  • Getting outer circle to lie flat
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  • Color My World Pattern - Download Heads Up
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    My Face is finished. Thank you Alex for sharing this project with us. Thanks to all quilters for sharing your beautiful faces. They made me smile and laugh every time I looked at them. Wishing you all the best and happy Thanksgiving. Greetings from good old Germany.


      I am done adding to my face. I still need to quilt it, but I am happy with how she's turned out. Thanks again for this series. So much fun!
      [attachment:1]1123200953.jpg /attachment


        All done! Here is “Paola’s Loves” (representing &

        celebrating people and a dog that I love).


          When I post my picture, should I see the picture or just the file reference when i submit the post?


            More students in the graduating class!!!
            PS You probably all know that when you struggle to do something new, you create new brain connections that improve brain health as you age.
            That is an added bonus for many of us. HelenW


              Originally posted by "Jaygrist" post=151576
              When I post my picture, should I see the picture or just the file reference when i submit the post?
              Jaygrist, You should see the picture if you clicked on the word insert. And you should see an attachment to click on with the picture if you just clicked on file. I would say try again.
              Click add file, and insert. then submit. Wait until you see your post before leaving the screen. HelenW


                Originally posted by "Genier54" post=151574
                I am done adding to my face. I still need to quilt it, but I am happy with how she's turned out. Thanks again for this series. So much fun!
                [attachment:1]1123200953.jpg /attachment
                Genier54, Your picture did not show up. Make sure you add your picture using the forum procedure. Write your message, click add file. Choose you picture from your computer or phone and click on insert if you want to see it in the message.Click the little blue box to uncheck it if you don't want everyones emails coming to your inbox. HelenW


                  It's mad - says my husband!


                    Really fun to revisit the little girl in me.


                      I finished my face. Is it me? Kind of ... kind of not. I am not a red head but liked the look. I used the frayed threads from washing my red fabrics for the Holiday Quilt. It was glued on after I finished the piece to keep the 3-D. The symbolism in the piece - Numbers, I was an accountant; Orca, I love all things Alaska; Christmas ornament earrings, I love Christmas; Florida State Seminole items, I love FSU sports; the house is for COVID, feather, just because they were fun; and the sewing machine, thread, fabric, buttons, tape measure and words ... I LOVE sewing and quilting. This reminds me a lot of my life - a little crazy and always busy. More is More! Thanks Alex. This was SO far out of my comfort zone but SO MUCH fun. You have pushed me to do interesting fun things I normally would not do. Happy Thanksgiving to all in the USA.


                        Tried 5 times to upload my avatar from my FACE, but it kept changing orientation to sideways. I give up.


                          All done! Calling it Paola's (Pow-la) Loves (as each item represents people that I love and a dog, too!) Lots of fun doing this Alex. Thanks! It made me think lovingly about many that are no longer with me but hold an important place in my heart and memories. The backing of the avatar is made with the last house dress my Mom wore when she was very ill. I love that it is a part of this quilt.


                            She getting closer. Can you see her long arm? I've done one pass with horizonal stitching. Now to do the black outline and bind/face.
                            I think I'm going to try to catch up instead of doing a christmas quilt. Thanks, Alex for your positive attitude and great tips.


                              Some progress. Can you see her long arm? I posted the wrong pic earlier so I deleted it, oops. Starting to quilt her.
                              I'm from Oregon and live in California now so I used a Northwest area map for her face. I love bird and quilting.
                              Fantasy is to be a quilty queen.


                                Notice my Covid pigtails. Haven’t had my hair cut in months. In the side panel are hollyhocks. Also see pictures of my three cats. And I do love horses! The atomic orbitals with music notation are for my husband, a chemical engineer who plays the piano. This was a fun project, provided some relief from the worries of the world, so different from what I usually do. Thanks, Alex.


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