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Windows 10 video streaming

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    Windows 10 video streaming

    I have new computer running Windows 10 and am having trouble getting the shows to stream. They start and stop every couple of minutes and sometimes I have to click pause and play several times to get it to do even that and have to wait 5-10 minutes to watch the 1-2 minutes that have downloaded. I have tried using FireFox, Windows Edge and Google Chrome browsers. I have changed the speed to 360 p. Does anyone have any ideas as this is very frustrating.!

    Don't know the answer, but glad I haven't upgraded to Windows 10. Have heard of other problems with it.



      I also just got a new laptop with Windows 10 and am having trouble getting the videos to run. Last week I watched one with no problem, but yesterday I got nothing. Very frustrating and I don't know if there is anything I can do about it. You Tube videos are running ok and the little videos on Facebook.


        While I was away from home for 2 days, my computer decided to upgrade to Windows 10. I was not happy, but I could not seem to get it back to what I had. Anyway, I just tried watching one of the shows to see if there was any problems. No trouble at all. I do use Chrome as my web browser, so maybe that has something to do with it. I hope you get it to work for you.


          Cathy - my computer has been trying to switch to Win10 as well. Get a pop up that says it's going to start and doesn't give me an opt out. I shut the computer down immediately to avoid it. I used to leave computer on, but asleep for convenience, but now I don't leave it without shutting down. Thought they needed permission to make changes. Very irritating.



            Our computer got the Win10 upgrade(?) this week. Since DH & I had sort of decided to go for it , but hadn't got around to it we weren't too upset. All the files and everything have been transferred across which is good, all the websites that have been saved onto favourites etc have also been transferred across - however any websites that you might have only saved on 'Pin to Start' have been lost.
            I really wish that it was possible to rearrange the order of the websites I have saved though, instead of it staying strictly in chronological order as they were saved, but I had that same gripe with Win8 too.
            I haven't had any problems with watching the current show (except for getting interrupted by the family) though....


              Danged Mircosoft !! Did it to me, too! Didn't transfer itself well and it took me half the
              morning to get back to normal !! :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:


                If you are still unhappy with the upgrade they are supposed to give you an option to return to your previous Windows system in 30 days. At least that's what our pop- ups have stated. Windows is trying to get everyone to upgrade before the "free option" ends in the next month or two.my husband upgraded but I haven't yet. He doesn't mind the change, I just don't know if I want to deal with it or not. When we get a new PC though we won't have a choice

                - Jen


                  I keep getting messages for free upgrade to windows 10 too. I'm still undecided, glad I found this topic re problems on upgrading.
                  Best Wishes to all


                    I haven't found any problems with the windows 10, but it is a little different to find the files. I haven't had any trouble with viewing videos, except if I sit still too long I have a tendency to fall asleep. :blush: :blush:


                      I, too, just got a new laptop with Windows 10. I am also having a problem with the videos stopping every couple of minutes. I have been trying to watch the current show. It went about 30 minutes before it stopped the first time. I closed out of The Quilt Show, then went back in. Now it stops about every minute. It is very frustrating.


                        I got my computer at BEST BUY and when I had problems their GEEK Squad worked on it .... but I was not trying to watch TQS so I am not sure if it is a different service / platform.....

                        BEWARE .... WINDOW 10 plans a new upgrade.... I keep getting a notice about it ... I am going to have the Geek Squad do the upgrade .... I am seriously considering getting an APPLE next time I buy a computer but I heard they are just as pushy .



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