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Rob Appell videos

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    Rob Appell videos

    I am enjoying the series by Rob Appell, making a portrait quilt. I hope that TQS will take advantage of his talents and encourage him to record a series of lessons on sewing machine tips. During his episode on TQS, Rob mentioned that he had serviced sewing machines at his mother's quilt shop. He had good information - I would love to hear more.

    I agree!


      So do I. The more information on machine sewing the better for me. I have already learned so much from various shows on TQS but there is so much more to learn!


        Wow I've been watching the videos on creating portrait quilts. He's so good though he does rattle through things so I am having to watch each part several times and his commentary makes me laugh so it's no hardship.

        I'm making a start at doing a portrait quilt, has anyone else had a go? Can't believe how brave I am, still no one else needs to see it if I make a mess.

        Mug rugger and lounge lizard


          Originally posted by twiglet
          Wow I've been watching the videos on creating portrait quilts. He's so good though he does rattle through things so I am having to watch each part several times and his commentary makes me laugh so it's no hardship.

          I'm making a start at doing a portrait quilt, has anyone else had a go? Can't believe how brave I am, still no one else needs to see it if I make a mess.
          I thought you were doing some 'Yvonne Porcella' style?

          Mug rugger and lounge lizard


            I did one as a self portrait but got sidetracked discovering the other parts of the forum. I'm still going to do the Yvonne Porcello style one of my friend.

            This forum is giving me too many projects I want to do. I've done my plan for this one will spend weekend choosing fabrics. Rob did it in black, grey and white but I want to use colour. I'm going to have to do some research on how others tackle the colours for shaded areas like necks

            Mug rugger and lounge lizard


              Originally posted by twiglet
              I did one as a self portrait but got sidetracked discovering the other parts of the forum. I'm still going to do the Yvonne Porcello style one of my friend.

              This forum is giving me too many projects I want to do. I've done my plan for this one will spend weekend choosing fabrics. Rob did it in black, grey and white but I want to use colour. I'm going to have to do some research on how others tackle the colours for shaded areas like necks
              got side tracked by other parts of the forum....you don't say! :lol: :lol: :lol: and lots of other projects suddenly appearing too, sounds like perfectly normal behavour for this site :wink: - now finished projects, that is a different skill entirely. :P :lol:

              Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                I'm definitely with Rosemary!! I was so excited to actually finish a project a couple of weeks ago that I couldn't stop doing the happy dance!! Of course, I've started several new projects since finishing that one. And even more new projects are dancing around in my head. I get all excited about the new shows every other Monday and part of me wants new shows more often, but then I start thinking that getting more shows might put me in the crazy house as at some point the ideas will have to start fighting for room! :shock:



                  :lol: :lol: I'll see you in the crazy house. Oh the happy dance, but I do it for each stage as well. The last few quilts I've done that are on the gallery still make me grin and I'm keeping them mwhaahaha except tasmanian who's already gone but I shall grab back for our quilt show.

                  Rosemary there should be a warning on this site! If a door opens I have to go through. Shall I tie some string to my ankle

                  Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                    Originally posted by twiglet
                    :lol: :lol: I'll see you in the crazy house. Oh the happy dance, but I do it for each stage as well. The last few quilts I've done that are on the gallery still make me grin and I'm keeping them mwhaahaha except tasmanian who's already gone but I shall grab back for our quilt show.

                    Rosemary there should be a warning on this site! If a door opens I have to go through. Shall I tie some string to my ankle
                    Nah - sooner or later you will find that you have been going round in circles, and are back where you left yourself :wink: But it can be hard getting the balance between forum and sewing time sorted when you first start investigating :roll: (and if you find out the secret, can you let me know, I've been a tqs forum junkie almost from day one and am not very productive on the sewing front ) ops:

                    Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                      Well I've got a good excuse at the moment, my machine is away for repair and service (its terrible) so I can plot, plan, and fuse away .....................just mustn't start too many projects :lol:

                      Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                        Well arn't we a couple of dirty old stop-ups! I really ought to be in bed since it is tomorrow already, and I've got to be up at a 'sensible' time to go to an EG regional day - with several rather nice trade stands :wink: only trouble is, I don't do mornings :evil:

                        Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                          Get up Rosemary you're going quilting never mind laying in bed :P

                          Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                            Originally posted by PosyP
                            Originally posted by twiglet
                            I did one as a self portrait but got sidetracked discovering the other parts of the forum. I'm still going to do the Yvonne Porcello style one of my friend.

                            This forum is giving me too many projects I want to do. I've done my plan for this one will spend weekend choosing fabrics. Rob did it in black, grey and white but I want to use colour. I'm going to have to do some research on how others tackle the colours for shaded areas like necks
                            got side tracked by other parts of the forum....you don't say! :lol: :lol: :lol: and lots of other projects suddenly appearing too, sounds like perfectly normal behavour for this site :wink: - now finished projects, that is a different skill entirely. :P :lol:
                            DH Mike is very supportive of my addiction, but says he'd like to see more than just blocks. :roll: Can't say I blame him but there are just too many quilting neurons firing and shooting through my brain!! :shock:

                            from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                            Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                              Originally posted by twiglet
                              Get up Rosemary you're going quilting never mind laying in bed :P
                              It was embroidery rather than quilting, we had a couple of lectures, one by Helen McCook called 'Essential Goldwork', she is also ex-RSN and got to work on 'that dress' last year. The other was by Mike Millward about the Rachel Kay-Shuttleworth Collection, at Gawthorpe Hall. That is one place that I would love to go and visit!

                              Traders stalls a bit of a disappointment, the EG bookshop that has ususally been there wasn't this year (boo-hiss), and I only spent money at Empress Mills on 3 reels of thread (1 hand quilting) and a 1/2 kilo roll of white egyptian cotton - this fabric is a load of off cuts, but it is very fine weave and lovely & smooth & takes printing & dyeing beautifully; I would recommend it to anyone.

                              from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                              Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


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