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Email from a TQS member- question

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    Email from a TQS member- question

    Barbara Black
    I got an email (attached screenshot) and when I clicked on it, it went to the quilt show website, but I was wondering
    how this person got my email. What is a wall message? What do I do to prevent getting private messages from individuals in my emails inbox?
    I prefer to just keep any responses on the main forum page. Can I just type a response on the main forum and assume she will
    get it. HelenW
    PS Congrats on getting a private showing of your life time of quilts in Oct.

    Helen, a wall message is how a TQS member can contact another member without having access to their email address. If you click on my name on this post, it will take you to my profile where you can "send a message". I would get the same kind of email you show here, and if I want to respond, I would click on the blue link to answer you. Neither of us would have the other's email address.

    At the bottom it says "If you do not wish to receive these emails from TQS Community, you can unsubscribe here.

    I recommend you unsubscribe since you don't want to be contacted this way. I can certainly understand your confusion about this particular question. My guess is this person is a fairly new quilter. There are lots of places to find basic quilting instruction/advice.

    The Forum is a great way to ask questions of everyone and get lots of helpful advice. There is little reason to contact members privately, although there are occasional times when that is very helpful.

    Thanks for asking about this--maybe others will understand how the wall messages work.

    North Alabama, USA
    "I am a part of all that I have met" A. Lord Tennyson


      Helen, yesterday I sent you one of these messages. If you unsubscribed you won't get it so just let me know.

      North Alabama, USA
      "I am a part of all that I have met" A. Lord Tennyson


        I got a PM in my email today about PQF thimbles, I haven't been here for years, although I did have a post on that 2008 thread.
        the email was a invitation to buy them and where to send $25.00, a private address not a business.

        North Alabama, USA
        "I am a part of all that I have met" A. Lord Tennyson


          Barbara, I did get your message. I did not know if I unsubscribed would I still get the TQS newsletter. So I did not unsubscribe at the bottom.


            KalamaQuilts Those are spam messages that hopefully TQS will delete. I also hope that the new Web site will include the ability for us to report span since these messages are dangerous and could cause harm to TQS members. Hopefully the new Web site will also have more guards against these messages. This is really the only public forum where I'm a member where this is such a problem.


              Nancy, we are hoping that this will be less of an issue on the new site. I report any I see as soon as I see them and I look every day. The one KalamaQuilts mentioned may not be spam--hard to tell--and she didn't say it had a link.

              Never click on a link you don't trust 100%.

              North Alabama, USA
              "I am a part of all that I have met" A. Lord Tennyson


                When does the new site go in to effect?


                  As soon as everything is ready to go. Lots of work is going into this, for sure.

                  North Alabama, USA
                  "I am a part of all that I have met" A. Lord Tennyson


                    The new site is probably 3 months away. We are trying to finish each section of the site now because working on all of them at once has been confusing. We have just finished a new area called "Quiltipedia" which is like it sounds a glossary of quilting terms. We have a little over 100 words and we have 300 artist biographies. Once you are in Quiltipedia, it leads back to other parts of the website that address those words (techniques) and artists. We hope to finish the Quilt Gallery this week and then the entire Show section next week. Next we want to tweak the new search function - Then it will be the classes, then the store, and then the forum. I will make sure that you can easily report spam in the new forum. I will start updating everyone on the new site progress in the Newsletter next week.
                    Livermore, California, USA near San Francisco


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