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  • Happy Dance! I won ribbons!
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  • What I learned
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    I hope you can help me. I know I'm very late in getting to this point but life is finally allowing...
  • Adding house numbers
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  • How to download pattern?
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  • Getting outer circle to lie flat
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  • Great new way to see all the photos!
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  • Color My World Pattern - Download Heads Up
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  • Color my world — your finish here
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  • Quilt is complete. Fun!
  • One World — This is Brilliant!
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Hope I'm not doing anything wrong

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    Hope I'm not doing anything wrong

    It just hit me, and I've had a "DUH" moment.
    I hope I'm not doing anything wrong when I mention finding things on other websites or by people who may not be sponsors of this site. If I have broken any rules, let me know and I'll stop.

    from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
    Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ

    I've thought about that, too Eileen. From what Ricky said in the note I shared on the forum, I think that they want us to stay with TQS and share with others about what a wonderful site this is. I also think, however, that it is unrealistic for them to expect that we visit TQS EXCLUSIVELY. It is my feeling that this site was set up to be a quilting community. An on-line guild. The one thing that guild members do is SHARE. Personally, I am thrilled to have found some really good web sites through recommendations here. But this is the site that I come to every day (THAT'S an understatement!) and the place that I feel welcome and truly a part of. The others are places I visit and just look around. This is home.
    If I'm wrong, I hope the powers that be will let me know.

    It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
    That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


      Nothing wrong with sharing. Even Ricky and Alex share links with us to other sites. I agree with Margo. This site is meant to be a springboard for ideas and learning. The more information and the quality of information found on this site will keep us 'home.' I' love visiting TQS everyday. So many of us share the same thoughts! I love the fact that I'm not alone in my journey.

      We don't visit only one LQS, or go to only one quilt show, sign up for one quilt class with only one specific teacher. Why, some of us probably even belong to more than one quilt guild in our community! Much easier to share a link than to re-create. Besides, it gives credit to where/from whom we learned the technique from.



        This is my quilting quild! I am here more times a day than I care to count (cause then I would feel guilty for not doing other things that need to be done). Having said all that--I appreciate the guidance to other sites from which I can continue to learn and help others.


          Ditto to what's been said already.

          Freedom is a wonderful thing. It allows us to make all kinds of discoveries. I find that when I go to other sites, it just makes me appreciate this one all the more. Technically, this is a very sophisticated site which makes visits a joy. All the video is topnotch, even the hand held stuff! Best of all, however, it is an evolving community that seems to attract all the best in ideas and talent...not just the professionals, but all the members, as well. That's why we come back.


            Ditto, again!!! I feel as if I know many of you in my online guild. I love this site and even though I visit a few others, they're absolutely nothing like this one! Judy in Torrance


              I travel half the year and am not in one place any of that time long enough to feel comfortable attending a guild and don't feel it is fair to join and then just show up once a year. I have visited guilds with other people and know that it takes awhile for you to find your niche and feel comfortable. And even when I am in one place for five months a guild hasn't worked in to my schedule so TQS is my guild. and when I feel the need for contact with another quilter I can e mail one of the friends I have made here, meet them in the chat room or just catch up by reading and commenting in the forum. Where else could you find a guild where you can talk to someone from Norway, England, Australia and New Zealand all in a twenty four hour period and see quilts from all over the world and talk to the experts? And I can do it in the comfort of my own home drinking coffee and sitting in my jammies. Now is that a luxury or what!!!!!!!! I visit other sites and belong to a couple of small groups on other sites but this is my QUILTING HOME AND IT IS TRULY HOME SWEET HOME. Ann in not so warm Southern Texas


                Amen Ann to your comments about how wonderful our "guild" here at TQS is. I moved last year when my office closed in Northern Virginia to the frozen north of Michigan. About the same time I had to finally come to grips that I lost my mobility and couldn't walk more than a few feet. I tried to join a guild here locally but with all that moving requires and having to deal with a mother also moved to a nursing home during that year, this was a God-send. But I replied here to really say if you like one of your local guilds, please go. My guild in Virginia had many professional quilters and teachers who couldn't come often but what a treat when they did and how they kept my juices flowing along with the regulars who are phenomenal quilters. I know since I love your sense of humor, that you probably are most welcome whenever you can come.


                  Well said Ann! Even though I do have a local guild that I enjoy, I find this site to be welcoming, supportive, so interesting and just plain fun!! Linda in Minnesota in the middle of a heat wave(+28!)


                    I belong to a local guild, but it's not the most comfortable group. I've finally gotten a few of my own friends to join. However, I love coming here and seeing all the different people and different viewpoints. This is more than a guild to me. It's a home away from home without leaving home. 8) :wink: 8)

                    from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                    Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                      This is like a guild for me too. I don't even know one single real, live, in-person quilter! :cry:
                      I am joining a guild next month, so I hope to be meeting some people on the same wavelength. They have over 200 members, so there should be all kinds of folks. I like the traditional stuff, but coming from a painting background, I'm leaning more towards art quilts. We shall see...


                      from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                      Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                        Have fun Gislea when you join the guild. It may take awhile (or not) before you feel really comfortable and find like quilters. Almost everyone in the guild I belong to likes traditional quilting--thimbleberries, civil war, retro fabrics are big. I, however, love batiks, unusual patterns and the more color the better. We have adjusted, I have made some great friends, and I am sure they think of me as the purple batik girl!! The love of quilting is the connection, even when we don't love the same kind of quilts!

                        from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                        Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                          TQS is my favorite guild. I get to check in daily and feel like I have many friends here. Everyone is friendly and agrees, or atleast disagrees in a friendly way. We have our own BOM and I love the forum. I love getting to see and hear from Ricky and Alex almost daily. We have many teachers. We have quilts, quilts, and more quilts! I just love this place!
                          Happy Quilting,

                          Shiner TX


                            Originally posted by LinJoa
                            I, however, love batiks, unusual patterns and the more color the better. We have adjusted, I have made some great friends, and I am sure they think of me as the purple batik girl!!
                            Linda -- are you my long lost sister?? LOL :wink:
                            I love batiks and purple so much, I've started making my own...

                            Happy Quilting,

                            Shiner TX


                              This is home, where your friends come and sit and talk and share. :lol: I'm here Monday through Friday at 5:00 am. Even before coffee or breakfast. I get the men out, and then join you lovely ladies. So thanks for being here daily too.
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