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  • MONTH 3 -- Ask Questions Here
    Is it possible to know the width of the flower border fabric? I would like to cut it before cutting the 12” blocks for...
  • MONTH 3 -- Share Your Progress Here
    I would like to cut my border before I cut the 12” squares. Is it possible to know the border dimension of the flower...
  • MONTH 3 -- Share Your Progress Here
    Do you think if I use the color, as in a single solid color for each one, indicated in the column marked color on the fabric...
  • Justin's Test Account
    This is a test...
  • MONTH 3 -- Share Your Progress Here
    Month 3 completed! I have put 1/4 on the design board
  • MONTH 3 -- Ask Questions Here
    That would work great too. I don't have one and the smaller size half square triangle Bloc Loc I do have has gone missing,...
  • MONTH 3 -- Ask Questions Here
    Barbara I am using the Bloc Loc 5 1/2" half square triangle to square up my squares. It takes a lot less time. Thanks...
  • MONTH 1 Share Your Progress
    I had to finish another BOM before beginning Laurel Ridge. I am now on my way. I chose to use Jane Austen fabrics since...
  • MONTH 2 — Share Your Progress HERE
    Gloria, I’m glad I’m not the only crazy one. I am doing both color ways too. I needed a spring quilt for our bed and...
  • Color Question
    I see there is a column indicating the overall color of the fabric. If I do mine in solids, can I use that column as an...
  • MONTH 2 — Share Your Progress HERE
    I used a combination of fused raw edge applique with blanket stitch (regular sewing machine) and embroidery (embroidery...
  • MONTH 2 — Share Your Progress HERE
    Gorgeous - you did an amazing job!
  • Month 2 Applique blocks
    I made the mistake of starching ALL the fabrics. I could not tease, cajole or otherwise force the shapes into submission...
  • MONTH 2 — Share Your Progress HERE
    Thank you so much for sharing. I'm using your idea!!!
  • MONTH 2 — Share Your Progress HERE
    I love this block as an alternative to the appliqué. Great job.
  • Deleting Wish List Items
    Is there a way to delete items in my wish list. I've got items there that I have purchased and don't want to purchase again,...
  • MONTH 3 -- Share Your Progress Here
    These were fast to make. I made 16 of the ones with the stripes and gingham and 8 of the other 2. Since I could only get...
  • MONTH 2 — Share Your Progress HERE
    Since I'm working with fat quarters, I didn't have enough of one of the fabrics to make them all the same so I made them...
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    I hope you can help me. I know I'm very late in getting to this point but life is finally allowing...
  • Adding house numbers
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  • Getting outer circle to lie flat
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  • Great new way to see all the photos!
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  • Color My World Pattern - Download Heads Up
    I know Barbara has reminded us to download all files prior to the end of the year. I finished my downloads today and decided...
  • Color my world — your finish here
    Please use this topic to share your FINISHED top or quilt here. This will make it easy to see all the great quilts everyone...
  • Quilt is complete. Fun!
  • One World — This is Brilliant!
    Sunday Sew and Sews met today. Pam R. came up with a brilliant way to make One World—she used striped fabric!...
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new and confussed and overwelmed

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    Welcome!! I am always confused and overwhelmed. LOL I try to go to the member blogs first and then see what new quilts are in the gallery. I just posted my latest quilt for my Airman. Then on to the forum and that is it. I am kinda crazy and check in with TQS at least 2 times a day sometimes more.

    I was supposed to go a taping this weekend but caught the crud from my DH -- wasn't that nice of him. Oh well, there will be more in September.

    Hope you will enjoy the site. I really do.

    Sharon - with a darn head cold -- Colorado


      I don't think Im confused and overwhelmed anymore. Im finding my way around now...thanks for everyone for their words of advise.

      I have just replied to someone who is really confused and overwhelmed. Please be sure to help another Aussie out - bigmumma. She really needs help.

      I've added my bit of advise...a bit abrupt, but I have a son who is like this...not about quilting but goes from job to job and can always think he can do better somewhere else, but ends up going down the ladder instead of up, so to speak. He is ADD too.
      Hugs, Heather


        Hi, Heather--always good to have new friends in the Forum! Judy in Torrance, California


          Heather kids are great at things with the computer. my youngest has adhd and my oldest son Brian and Stacy 2nd oldest has add and there is a difference in it thing are so much hard for Philip
          but he keeps trying and dose not give up Happy


            Originally posted by Lorchen
            Welcome, Heather!
            Once you are familiar with all the cool stuff that's in the purple bar across the top of the screen, you can then decide which sections float your boat. For example, I work full-time and have very little spare time. I like to check any new messages in the Forum once a day, and read the home page. If there is time left after that, I often treat myself to a little browsing in the Quilt Gallery. If your time is your own, you could join the BOM. That'll keep you busy for the rest of the year. I can only cope with smaller projects, so I have taken part in a couple of the 'Challenges' and really enjoyed that.

            Whatever you decide to do, Heather, have fun!!


            Hi everyone, and to you Lorchen, just realised that you are here in UK with me, well same island anyway! lol. wHAT do you do for a living as you said that you work full time? I am a teacher, but recently made redundant, so working supply while looking for another job, BUT, still not enough time to quilt and check out all of TQS!!!!
            Even though been a member since the beginning, I have not done any blogging yet, so still a newby at that, might get around to it soon when have something interesting to say!!! :?


              Okay, I'll admit it. Like most people, I have a "soft addiction"--TQS. I hadn't heard the term until today, while watching a TV interview with the author of a book with that title. Soft addictions are usually harmless, like TQS, but can affect your productivity by eating up lots of your time.

              I'll confess, that I try to get a TQS "fix" at least once a day. It sure was tough over the last month while my PC was being repaired, but I did get a lot more quilting done on my 2009 TQS BOM. So, I didn't have to go through "cold turkey" TQS withdrawal.


                This is a pretty innocuous "addiction"! We could be out gambling, running around with someone not our spouse, gambling, drinking, etc. Instead, we are holed up sewing baby quilts or art projects. In the grand scheme of things, NOT SO BAD!!!



                  I think of TQS as one tool for my quilting. I have learned so much from this site, and other on-line sites. I can't imagine that I would have progressed as much as I have with out the computer!

                  Maggie in E. central Illinois


                    I have to agree with both Nancy& Maggie.Its almost 9:30 on a Sat. morning and I've been sitting on my butt in front of this computer since 7:30!! Don't tell anyone!!! I should be outside clearing the winter leaves off the last of the garden beds,but.... I recently discovered the member blogs and Pam Holland has the new video and there is a new smile box(all of these have to be watched more than once).But,I wouldn't have bought some of the fabric,made some of the quilts,tried some of the techniques if not for TQS.Also,none of my friends(much as I love them)quilt or even sew.All of you are my quilting friends(wow,I hope that isn't too pathetic).So,I'm going outside now to rake,but..... I'll be back! Julie


                      Another agreement with the other ladies here....I sit and do my TQS morning catch up every day in my robe and hope no one comes to visit, Not that I care much at being caught in my "jammies", but I'd rather be catching up with my quilt friends than gossiping about the neighbors! So here I sit-happy and content-becoming more inspired every day to be a better quilter and making wonderful friends. What more could a gal want?

                      Living in the beautiful Carson Valley of Western Nevada


                        I have been way out of touch as I have been very busy with work, moving my mom, and general life things. I haven't started the April Stars and now it is May. Decided it was my "right" and logged on this morning. I had 65 forum topics waiting for me. I have missed my time here so much. I vow NEVER to go so long without my TQS fix :lol: Gloria looking to regain my sanity


                          Welcome back, Gloria! It does get overwhelming if you get behind!

                          Maggie in E. Central Illinois, at work, but SEW wishing I could be at home!


                            Gloria I hope things get more settled down there. It may seem overwhelming to read all 65 topics but you gotta do what you gotta do! LOL Hope you can get some time for yourself to enjoy them.

                            Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


                              I sort of know how you feel. I was away for a couple of months :cry: because I thought I was better off without it. Okay, can you say STUPID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :shock: :shock:
                              Never again, I swear. We need the support we find here. At least I know I do.
                              Heather, welcome!! I apologize for not saying it earlier. ops: eileenkny

                              from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                              Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                                Isn't it nice to know that when we lay back for a while that we will be welcomed "home" when we show up!!
                                TQS ROCKS!

                                It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                                That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


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                                Latest Topics


                                • MONTH 3 -- Ask Questions Here
                                  Is it possible to know the width of the flower border fabric? I would like to cut it before cutting the 12” blocks for...
                                • MONTH 3 -- Share Your Progress Here
                                  I would like to cut my border before I cut the 12” squares. Is it possible to know the border dimension of the flower...
                                • MONTH 3 -- Share Your Progress Here
                                  Do you think if I use the color, as in a single solid color for each one, indicated in the column marked color on the fabric...
                                • Justin's Test Account
                                  This is a test...
                                • MONTH 3 -- Share Your Progress Here
                                  Month 3 completed! I have put 1/4 on the design board
                                • MONTH 3 -- Ask Questions Here
                                  That would work great too. I don't have one and the smaller size half square triangle Bloc Loc I do have has gone missing,...
                                • MONTH 3 -- Ask Questions Here
                                  Barbara I am using the Bloc Loc 5 1/2" half square triangle to square up my squares. It takes a lot less time. Thanks...
                                • MONTH 1 Share Your Progress
                                  I had to finish another BOM before beginning Laurel Ridge. I am now on my way. I chose to use Jane Austen fabrics since...
                                • MONTH 2 — Share Your Progress HERE
                                  Gloria, I’m glad I’m not the only crazy one. I am doing both color ways too. I needed a spring quilt for our bed and...
                                • Color Question
                                  I see there is a column indicating the overall color of the fabric. If I do mine in solids, can I use that column as an...
                                • MONTH 2 — Share Your Progress HERE
                                  I used a combination of fused raw edge applique with blanket stitch (regular sewing machine) and embroidery (embroidery...
                                • MONTH 2 — Share Your Progress HERE
                                  Gorgeous - you did an amazing job!
                                • Month 2 Applique blocks
                                  I made the mistake of starching ALL the fabrics. I could not tease, cajole or otherwise force the shapes into submission...
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