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820 and skipped stitches

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    I'd certainly be curious to hear your outcome, as I have had similar problems with my 820 BSR. It was skipping stitches horribly on a quilt spray basted with 505, and even samples with no spray basting, but not as bad. I took the BSR into my dealer with all of my different samples, and they saw that it wasn't something I was doing wrong. It just wasn't working. The repair guy said that my machine and BSR needed to be calibrated, and we are going to try a new spring in the BSR. I will try the foot pressure increase and see if that makes a difference. I was told that titanium needles help with adhesives. I thought they were just for strength, but another dealer told me the glue doesn't stick to them, and that's the real advantage. Who knew?



      I took my machine in and of course it would not skip for the repair man. I was attending a class at my dealers yest and it started skipping again with the bsr. It also skips if I try to sew with any type of batting. The machine is being shipped back to bernina. Was told it would take 2-3 weeks. I'll post again when I get it back.


        Yes, my repair guy at the dealer was able to fix it and it works now, also on the quilts sprayed with the 505 as well. There were some tension issues and he calibrated the BSR. He actually did it pretty quick, and I had it back later that day. You should be in good shape if it's going back to Bernina. I'm lucky to have a great repair guy at my dealer.


          Thanks for the info. I hope mine is that easy to fix


            I sometimes encounter skipped stitches when I am quilting with some types of cotton batting. Try a larger needle (Topstitching 90 or 100 for instance) and increase the foot pressure for the BSR (so it rides closer to the quilt). Also try moving your needle one or two clicks off center so it enters into the quilt closer to the edge of the foot's ring (when using regular plate of course.) All three may help with flagging...when the needle pulls the quilt sandwich back up with it. (I also have the new spring which really helped.) I don't think the 505 is the problem. I use it all the time with wool, bamboo and other types of batting with no problem and with cotton with the above tweaks.


              I had a similar problem when trying to buttonhole stitch around my applique that had a bonding material on the backside. The ONLY thing that worked for me was to keep the needle clean with alcohol or "Goo Gone." That was a pain in neck, but I didn't have any more missed stitches. Dawn


                I was told that needles coated with Titanium help with that issue. One of my dealers told me that is the main reason to use one of those needles. I use the Superior brand, but you can also find them at Joann.


                  Got my machine back. It required some readjustment of the needle and a new spring in the bsr. Seems to be working well now. Thanks for everyone's help


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