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Needles for Berninas

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    Needles for Berninas

    I have a friend who recently purchased a Bernina 630. I know nothing about Berninas, other than they are very proprietary.

    She doesn't know how to embroider, and I am going to help her with that, but she mentioned to me that she has to get Bernina NEEDLES for her machine, as "regular" machine needles won't fit. Is this true???
    I have never heard of proprietary needles for sewing machines. I would like to be able to tell her that she can purcahse ANY brand of sewing machine needle and doesn't have to go to the Bernina dealer just to purchase needles. I know that other accessories need to be special for Bernina, but I didn't think the needles needed to be.

    I would apprecaite any insight so I can help out my friend.

    Also, do they (Bernina) have downloadable manuals, so I can get a look at one, and see how to use the machine when we are ready to teach her how to embroider?

    Diane in Colorado Springs

    I sew on a Bernina and have for years, we have 10 or so Berninas at the shop I work in from 12 years old to new and we use Schmetz needles in all of them. Of course Bernina would love it if you bought their needles but... Just get good quality needles. Not Singer, or their replacements, they are a different size. Don't know about the manuals. Sorry.
    Tell her to enjoy her wonderful new machine.


      I have Schmetz in my Bernina and no problems.


        I don't have a 630 but use other brands interchangably with Bernina brand. The Bernina dealer near me sells non-Bernina brand needles and sells the 620 through 830 so she is fine. I have not been able to find Bernina manuals online.


          Diane - My Bernina is almost three years old and I have only used Schmetz needles. They are readily available. High Country Quilts in Colorado Springs is a Bernina Dealer. The ladies are super nice and would be more than happy to help your friend. Good luck. Carolyn in Kerrville, TX


            It's a Stitch Online has the manuals that you can download. I'm not sure how you add a link but cut/paste or just search online for the site.



              I've been using the Schmetz needles since I bought my Bernina a year ago without problems. I recently bought the Superior needles and love them! Sandi in FL


                The only Bernina needles I use are the ones that came with the machines. Other than that I always use Schmetz. Singer needles are definitely too long. Maggi


                  I also use the Organ titanium needles as wells as the Bernina and the Schmetz meedles in my 630. I really like the titanium for longer wear and smoother operation. I believe that the Superior company is associated with Organ, a Japanese company, to produce the needles Superior sells. What is important is the shank length, that it is a flat shank on one side, and the needles scarf. There are other designations for optional characteristics such as shank diameter and type of point, and size of eye, number of eyes, number of needles on one shank, etc. More stuff to collect!
                  PS. The document on It's A Stitch Online referenced in a previous post provides a great diagram.

                  Looking out the window at Lake Leman in beautiful Switzerland


                    I use Schmetz needles in my Berninas. A 75/11 embroidery needle is my most used size for embroidery.

                    Looking out the window at Lake Leman in beautiful Switzerland


                      Thank you all for your replies.

                      I will let my friend know and I'm sure she will be happy about it. She wasn't too thrilled with the place she bought the machine from, and I did remind her that High Country Quilts sells Berninas as well, so she may talk to them about lessons to learn the machine.

                      I found the manual for her machine, and will find out if she has a copy of it herself. If not, I will give her the link, and she may find other useful information on that site.

                      Diane in Colorado Springs


                        I use the Organ titanium needles for all embroidery - they were recommended by my Bernina dealer and that's where I bought them. They last longer than regular needles. I have used Schmetz, but now buy only topstitch needles from Superior Threads for piecing quilts. I think they have titanium needles for quilting now and will look into that next time I need needles.


                          I too have switched to the new Superior needles. They are really great & do last longer. Go on the Superior website for recommended needles for the thread that you are using. I keep their guide posted above my machine and have saved myself hours of grief & frustration. If I don't use Superior I will only use Schmetz.


                            I just received my 830 and am dealing with all its "alert" features. I was using Superior metallic thread with a Bernina metafil needle but kept getting a screen indicating that the top thread was broken when it wasn't. I changed my needle to a titanium embroidery 90/14 and it works like a dream. Why? I do not know. I did not rethread the upper thread when I changed the needle so it wasn't the threading.

                            Looking out the window at Lake Leman in beautiful Switzerland


                              Did you remember to swing the thread caddy out. Sometimes I forget & that message comes up too. I tend to use the outside vertical holder & the top wider thread guide. It seems to like this best. I do agree that when you have a good fit of needle stick with it. This is why I am using up my other needles & going with the Superior ones. The 830 loves them.


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