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Sewing machine cabinetry

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    Originally posted by cjtinkle
    I paid $11k for cabinet and machine, $2600 trade on my 730... or if you prefer, $12k for cabinet and machine, $3600 trade on my 730 so we keep to the "rules".

    What I don't like about it... it has absolutely no storage anywhere. My Koala cabinet has trays, bins, thread holders, all sorts of neat places to keep things.

    The Horn cabinet has a single drawer, but if you opt to use the extension leaf, you lose the drawer! That's my next peeve... the extension leaf. Talk about rickety. Heaven forbid you leave it set up and someone were to lean on it or set something heavy on it, the drawer would likely just break off. So I don't use this feature. At least that gives me the drawer back. :?

    But mostly, what I dislike is that Horn chose to put the new "heavy weight" lift mechanism in the center of the lift, rather than on each end of it. This makes it very prone to vibration, you can push down on either end of the lift and there is a fair amount of give.

    I cannot use my machine at high speed on this table, it shakes my entire house. I can't even begin to embroider at high speed, it shakes the embroidery module loose from the machine.

    I love the 830. Love, love love it! But that Horn cabinet.... :?: :!:

    Have you "Tinkled" today?
    I've wondered about those drawer-based extensions. I've seen them in magazine ads, but never in real life. Thanks for your honest assessment, Tinkle.

    Anne in Vancouver, Canada

    in Vancouver, Canada


      Originally posted by mknavy90
      I am not very tall, but must be uncoordinated!!! I think I was sliding my chair back and forth between the sewing area and the work space and would hit something inbetween. There is a book shelf on the left hand side of the quilt mate under the table area and I would run into it.....
      I have the companion chest with my Koala Quiltmate III, it's set up at a right angle to the Quiltmate. The chest is on my left when I'm sewing. I don't have a lot of room but there also is no way I could bang my knee on that shelf, it's not even easy to get to most of the shelf.

      There is one problem though. I ordered an insert for the Koala when I bought a Bernina 440. That insert places the machine about 2 or 3 inches further back than the insert for my Elna does. It's not as easy to use and a little hard to reach. I can't figure out why the insert was cut that way. I paid about $60 for it. I asked DH if he could cut me a new insert and he sort of looked at me funny. That means I'm stuck with this one.

      JoAnne in southern California

      in Vancouver, Canada


        Thank you all for your input. Much appreciated


          I got a really nice cabinet called Perfexion from a Babylock dealer. It's like a Horn knock-off for half the price. It has a Horn lift in it, drawers were extra, and has the back section that folds up/down for to support quilts. Please know, when you shop, that if you don't like the price, make an offer. Some dealers would rather get some of your money, than get the full asking price. There is often 100% mark-up on products. Then, do them a favor and don't advertise "your price". Arrange for someone with a truck to help you pick up and set-up to save shipping costs. (mine had to be put together, but big brother & daughter helped)


            Ahh - ha - thanks for the tip.


              I'm baaaaaaaaack! Santa was good to me this Christmas and I have purchased the Koala Quiltmart Plus IV with 6" height adjustment, Outback leaf and storage package. I'm excited for it to get here so I can put my Beast (Bernina 820) in it's rightful place.

              . . .stand by


                Jan, I got mine from Northwest Sewing in Seattle, too, and I love it :-)


                  I've had a Sylvia since 2001 and really like it. Have two different plastic inserts - one for my OLD Bernina 830 and one for my Janome 6600. No complaints except it very, very heavy!!!


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