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BSR help

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    I, too, turn my speed down and my stitch length to 1.50. I am not proficient yet but I am getting better.


      I posted a couple of photos in my personal photos, of practice samples. I'm happy with the top. (the first two pictures) I think I'm happy with the back...no tracks or loose threads. (third picture) The LQS tells me that's what the back should look like. Anyone care to critique? I'm going to be checking the backs of quilts at the Annapolis Quilt Show tomorrow...can't wait!


        Looks spot on to me Sue, I'd be over the moon if I have results like that. Thanks for showing.

        Have fun trying to scrutinise the show quilts. :wink:


          Very impressive Sue, did you mark the feathers? or do them free hand, whichever, they look fab!


            Thanks for the compliments! I did them freehand. I've been drawing & drawing & drawing & drawing & studying. I also picked out the best part of the feathers to photograph (big grin).

            By the way, I just picked up Lee Cleland's book Feathers that Fly. She has some great ideas for quilts that get in good practice & will be a decent usable quilts when finished. Her feathers presented in this book are very traditional, lots of Amish style feathers.

            My biggest frustration right now is keeping my back in shape to quilt. It's giving me fits. I think I'll start a thread on who's got the best adjustable chairs....


              I, too, think your feathers look great.


                Sue, I kept my chiropractor going so well she ended up touring Australia on the proceeds!!

                Keep thinking BACK all the time. Put stickers on the machine. Sit up straight, do circles and counter circles with your head and roll those shoulders back!!



                  Made me laugh Amanda! Actually, one activity my physical therapist is stressing is the use of a large "noodle", you know those foam tubes that are for sale at K-mart or Walmart for swimming? You lay on that thing until your back relaxes. I'm just having to sew in short time increments for awhile.

                  I always appreciate all of your input.


                    The feathers are beautiful!!! I hope someday I'll be able to quilt feathers like that! I haven't played with my BSR for about a year now--surgery last summer really cut into my machine quilting practice. I just read through all the comments on this thread and refreshed my memory. Judy in Torrance


                      Hi, I have used BSR and it worked fine but you need to slow down , while it is great you need to keep things slow and even.


                        Originally posted by Libbi
                        I can't believe it but I cannot get a good result using my BSR1 or BSR2 ops: . I'm actually doing better, still not great, free motion without it. I reduced the stitch length to 1.5. I also tried moving more to the side to see where I'm going. BSR2 is even worse for me: lots of skipped stitches. Where can I be going wrong :?:
                        This is the first I am putting in a question, didn't want to start a new topic, it is about the BSR- I have it on BSR1, as recommended in one or several writeups on tips, I have the speed on the fastest setting- when i go to press the start, it sometimes goes at a fairly even moderate pace, other times, it will start and go very very fast, can't figure this out.


                          I "just happened" to take a BSR class this afternoon at my LQS. This gal said to use the same thread in top and bobbin. Also, she stated that the red light was NOT a laser, just an indicator that the BSR was on (So don't ask me how it senses movement of the fabric). I got bored with the class exercise, so I put some Razzle Dazzle in my bobbin and a thin gold metallic on top, and it worked great, except my fabric control, which was another matter entirely! I would love to hear others' experience with the BSR, especially those who are very successful and have a lot of experience. Please brag to us. 8)


                            I took a free-motion class from my dealer, and the teacher said the same thing, to use the same thread in top and bobbin. I don't understand that directive. I never use the same thread in both (I'm assuming she meant the exact same thread, same weight and everything. Did I misunderstand?)

                            I've been quilting my latest project with King Tut on the top and So Fine in the bobbin, and it looks very nice. I had some trouble with the BSR skipping stitches, so I did my stippling without it. It was the first time I had quilted without the BSR, and I was surprised at how well I did! I think the BSR prepared me. I switched back to the BSR for some straight line quilting in my triangles, and it worked very well. At first I was nervous that I wouldn't be able to switch back and forth between the BSR and quilting without it, but each method seems to reinforce the other.


                              I had problems with my BSR with irratict speed that i seemed not to be able to control!! I took it back to my dealer and they ran an upgrade on it and it now runs a lot smoother and with no skipped stiches, but you need to keep that speed down.


                                I never could get the BSR to work properly on my 630 no matter what I did. Since I could free motion quilt pretty well without it, I not only traded it in with the 630, I took an additional & hefty discount on the 830 for not including it in the package. I have heard that the BSR is being upgraded with a heavier spring to correct the skipped stitches problem. Has anyone else heard of this repair?

                                As far as I know, Bernina doesn't do a recall or inform their BSR customers of known defects that may affect the performance of their products (OK, so it's not life threatening). At least I have not seen such info on the Bernina USA or Switzerland site. I look at the support site regularily to check for software upgrades and other info. If it wasn't for the various user groups and personal websites, many customers would be left in the dark. Not good Bernina!

                                Looking out the window at Lake Leman in beautiful Switzerland


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